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Long Game 64: Choose Your Own Sanderson Adventure!

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30 minutes ago, Elandera said:

Back a little earlier than expected.

Based on Straw's review, Ironfire likely forgot about the PM requirement rather than failing from inactivity. That makes me wonder about the possibility of a teammate, since a teammate should help remind them. This suggests either a less active Knight, or the Knights are totally gone.

I'll try to do more once I'm no longer on mobile.

... Actually, that raises a good question. @little Wilson do the Crystal Knights have a doc?

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LG64: Day 4 - Our Sincerest Apologies


Kynedath was killed! He was a Librarian Trouble Magnet!

Day 4 has begun and will end on the 10th of April at 6pm PDT.

I apologize for how late this was posted. I had a DnD session that started just before rollover and couldn't quite get to the thread to add the actual writeup until now. However, the past two rollovers have writeups now! I suggest you go back and check them out. This one will make a lot more sense.

Player List

  1. Experience - Shard
  2. Straw - Straw
  3. Kidpen - Arthur Smedry
  4. A Joe in the Bush - Porona Candemic Librarian Jail-breaker
  5. Coda - ?
  6. Striker - Striker Librarian Therapist
  7. Kynedath - Bartholomew Prescot Librarian Trouble Magnet
  8. Elandera - Rainier
  9. Zillah - ?
  10. xinoehp512 - ?
  11. Ironfire - Liability Crystal Knight Gossiper with an Airplane Spoon
  12. Sart - ?
  13. Elkanah - Karen Crystal Knight Silimatic Engineer
  14. Fifth Scholar - Sergey Karjakin, Russian ambassador and secret adviser to the Secretary of Defense Librarian Transporter
  15. The God King - The God King Librarian Curator
  16. Shqueeves - ?
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I'm going to assume that every role has been included in the game. If that's the case, we have at least one of the following roles in play:

-Anonymous Contact


-Head of the Order of the Shattered Lens

-Madness Lenses


-Paper Tosser

Currently, the Head of the Order of the Shattered Lens has not used their role, so they are most likely inactive or an elim. Criminal isn't really useful right now, and we don't want to be imprisoning anyone at the moment. Oculator doesn't seem very useful at the moment, and by the end of the game I feel like most people will have PMs with almost all of the other players. I don't see much of an advantage to the Madness Lenses. The Paper Tosser can delay conversions and kills, which is useful. Specifically, the Paper Tosser could be useful in a situation like this:

Night, knights have conversion

x1 Knight

x2 Librarians (one is paper tosser)

The paper tosser could get a win for us by hitting the knight, thus allowing the remaining librarians to lynch them the next day and win.

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Alright, we need a bit more chat happening here if we're going to find the Smedry and possible remaining Knights.

  1. Experience - If you had a night kill to use, who would you use it on and why?
  2. Straw - What do you think is the bigger threat at the moment: The Smedry, or Knights? Why?
  3. Kidpen - @Kidpen If you could roleblock anyone, who would it be and why?
  4. Coda - @Coda Who is your biggest suspicion at the moment? Why?
  5. Zillah - Same as Experience.
  6. xinoehp512 - @xinoehp512 What role do you think is most important at this stage in the game?
  7. Sart - @Sart Same as Kidpen.
  8. Shqueeves - @Shqueeves Same as Experience.

For now, I'm going to place a vote on Coda for the same gut read as I had last cycle.

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I would use it on Coda, but because he's probably going to be lynched. After that, I honestly have no idea who I would do it on. I would probably not use it at this point because I don't want to risk hitting a librarian.

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My vote is going to be on Coda, mainly because of their current voting habits. They have been hopping onto bandwagons at about the middle, they were the fourth person to vote on Sart, and then just last cycle they were the third of five people to vote on Striker. They have also been a one of my gut suspicions this entire game.

@Shqueeves has abstained from voting this entire game. If you had to vote today, who would you vote for? Why?


Looking back at the vote count from Cycle 3, StrikerEZ only had four votes on them, however five people voted on them. According the rules Doc the only way this is possible is us having another Silimatic Engineer who used the grapplers glass. Unless @little wilson / @Elbereth this was a typo.

Edited by Zillah
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1 hour ago, Elandera said:

2. Straw - What do you think is the bigger threat at the moment: The Smedry, or Knights? Why?

In my opinion, the Knights are the bigger threat. The Knights are coordinated, whereas the Smedry is a lone wolf. In addition, going after the Smedry at this point is probably detrimental to our chances, as they can possibly hit the Knights with their kill. The Smedry will never be able to control the lynch, whereas the Knights could possibly get a majority by converting.

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26 minutes ago, Zillah said:

Looking back at the vote count from Cycle 3, StrikerEZ only had four votes on them, however five people voted on them. According the rules Doc the only way this is possible is us having another Silimatic Engineer who used the grapplers glass. Unless @little wilson / @Elbereth this was a typo.

This was not a mistake.

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So it looks like my death is inevitable. I am an Oculator Librarian, so do not worry about getting rid of an important role. I hereby give you permission to slaughter me mercilessly. 

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7 minutes ago, Coda said:

So it looks like my death is inevitable. I am an Oculator Librarian, so do not worry about getting rid of an important role. I hereby give you permission to slaughter me mercilessly. 

Instead of unhelpfully saying this, maybe you could contribute something to the discussion and/or answer Elandera's question? The current lynch on you is mostly based on gut, so if you have a better lynch idea, I'd certainly consider it.

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Okay, I distrust Experience for knowing that I was an Oculator. Not enough for a vote, but sadly, everyone seems very trustworthy. Straw is a trust. Elandera is a trust. Zillah is a trust. Experience is a neutral. I would be willing to lynch Shqueeves for inactivity, but that seems somewhat mean. 

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58 minutes ago, Coda said:

So it looks like my death is inevitable. I am an Oculator Librarian, so do not worry about getting rid of an important role. I hereby give you permission to slaughter me mercilessly. 

Okay, if you've used your role at all, now would be the time to reveal your results to the thread. If your claim is verified, it probably takes you out of the running for Smedry. Unfortunately, Straw is right, in that the Knights are the bigger threat.

1 hour ago, Straw said:

In my opinion, the Knights are the bigger threat. The Knights are coordinated, whereas the Smedry is a lone wolf. In addition, going after the Smedry at this point is probably detrimental to our chances, as they can possibly hit the Knights with their kill. The Smedry will never be able to control the lynch, whereas the Knights could possibly get a majority by converting.

Consider the scenario where we lynch the Smedry today.

  • In the worst case scenario, there are 2 Knights and 6 Librarians left
  • No one dies the following Night
  • We have another lynch. Worst case scenario, we mislynch
  • The Knights convert, leaving us at 3 Knights and 4 Librarians
  • One more mislynch, and it's game over

Now let's consider the scenario where we lynch a Knight today.

  • Again, in worse case scenario, there is still a Knight, and still the Smedry
  • Smedry probably kills a Librarian tonight, leaving us 5 v 1 v 1
  • A mislynch puts us at 4 v 1 v 1
  • The conversion and kill leave us with 2 Librarians, 2 Knights, and 1 Smedry

Okay, the worst case scenario there is still bad. However, we get a chance of the Smedry hitting a Knight, which greatly increases our odds of winning.

So, with that in mind, we are looking for Knights yet again. If there are two Knights right now, which there might be, one of them must be a convert. I'm just spitballing here, but who among the active players would they most want to convert. I think the answer's obvious. Straw has been the most active villager by far. He's gotten several trusted vibes by several different people. He's also proven adept at cracking codes, which the Knights might want. Therefore, my vote goes on him.

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I had a PM with Ironfire, who was the gossiper, and they told me that coda was an oculator. I know this could be fake because they were a Knight, but it turns out they were truthfull in this. I also know that there is at least one other oculator, whom I had check me and they told me the correct person I set up a PM with.

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1 hour ago, Sart said:

So, with that in mind, we are looking for Knights yet again. If there are two Knights right now, which there might be, one of them must be a convert. I'm just spitballing here, but who among the active players would they most want to convert. I think the answer's obvious. Straw has been the most active villager by far. He's gotten several trusted vibes by several different people. He's also proven adept at cracking codes, which the Knights might want. Therefore, my vote goes on him.

I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to defend myself here, as the crux of your argument seems to be that I am active and trusted. :P

I'll note that the code cracking thing is essentially irrelevant, as no new codes are being posted, and I posted all the codes I've cracked in the thread.

I can offer the counterpoint that if I were the Knights, I wouldn't want to convert active players. A change in faction will probably provoke some kind of change in behavior in most players, as they are now aiming for a different win condition. Active players are also more likely to have stated suspicions or done analysis, which makes it difficult for them to change their views to benefit their current faction. Therefore, it would be preferable to convert lurkers rather than active players. Based on this, I'd take a look at Kidpen or Shqueeves. I haven't seen much from either of them, but I might have missed something.

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17 hours ago, Elandera said:

Shqueeves - [If you had a night kill to use, who would you use it on and why?]

In the case of being a SK, I would probably go for either someone who I felt threatened by or someone who provides the village with little information. I don't know who the Smedry would be threatened by, but as for the second one I would guess Kidpen or me

16 hours ago, Zillah said:

If you had to vote today, who would you vote for? Why?

Experience something they said doesn't jive well with me, I'll try to explain when I have some more time.

On 4/9/2020 at 7:45 AM, Zillah said:

I can confirm the anonymous contact is in play, as I’ve received a couple of messages from them. 

Mind sharing?

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19 hours ago, Elandera said:

Kidpen - @Kidpen If you could roleblock anyone, who would it be and why?

Tonight? Probably Coda, I suppose, if he doesn't die. I'm not convinced on his lynch but I trust the thread to come up with a pretty reasonable lynch at least.

I'd like to point out that Ironfire was a complete inactive. I think we should be looking in the more inactive members. I'll be looking through previous threads and posting my thoughts within 4 hours I think.

2 hours ago, Shqueeves said:

Mind sharing?

Keep in mind that there's no direct quoting, just paraphrasing, iirc.

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Vote Count:
Coda (3): Elandera, Experience, Zillah
Straw (1): Sart
Experience (1): Shqueeves

Well, I can't leave it like this, since Coda could still vote. For the record, I still have a good gut vibe, but the information is too critical to ignore at this point. Straw will have to wait another day.

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LG64: Night 4 - Twitter



Coda’s dead! He was a Librarian Oculator!

Vote Count
Coda (4): Elandera, Experience, Sart, Zillah
Experience (1): Shqueeves

Night 3 has begun and will end in 23 hours, you know the deal. Get your PMs and actions in. 

Player List

  1. Experience - Shard
  2. Straw - Straw
  3. Kidpen - Arthur Smedry
  4. A Joe in the Bush - Porona Candemic Librarian Jail-breaker
  5. Coda - ? Librarian Oculator
  6. Striker - Striker Librarian Therapist
  7. Kynedath - Bartholomew Prescot Librarian Trouble Magnet
  8. Elandera - Rainier
  9. Zillah - ?
  10. xinoehp512 - ?
  11. Ironfire - Liability Crystal Knight Gossiper with an Airplane Spoon
  12. Sart - ?
  13. Elkanah - Karen Crystal Knight Silimatic Engineer
  14. Fifth Scholar - Sergey Karjakin, Russian ambassador and secret adviser to the Secretary of Defense Librarian Transporter
  15. The God King - The God King Librarian Curator
  16. Shqueeves - ?
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