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Long Game 64: Choose Your Own Sanderson Adventure!

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"Kwzgcb!" W qozzsr cih ouowb obr ouowb 'Kwzgcb!". O gsqifwhm uiofr qoas fibbwbu zccywbu jsfm qcbtigsr, "Kvm ofs mci qozzwbu cih Kwzgcb?". W zccysr oh vwa zwys vs kog o tccz. vck qcizr vs bch ybck? W'a qozzwbu cih hc o ucr ct hvwg kcfzr. Kvoh ksfs hvsm hsoqvwbu hvwg usbsfohwcb...

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Karjakin frowned. “Not something you see too often,” he muttered to himself. With a start, he realised he could be describing the situation around him just as well as the one on his screen. Either way, he figured, the best solution was to impose normalcy. He would meet the oddities of the situation with a principled response. 

He walked up to one of his fellow tourists. “What do you know about Coolidge?” he asked. “All I’ve heard about him is his strong economic record as president; why would anyone care about the man now—or, perhaps, why would the man now suddenly re-emerge?”


9 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

Hm... I have yet to find my way around here. Maybe I’ll leave this slightly incriminating letter on this desk. 

I’ll throw out my RNG vote for Elandera

A stab in the dark is often a dangerous tool, but fine for now, I suppose. RNG votes are somewhat distasteful to me on principle, but I understand why people use them. I will call you out if this vote becomes a permanent fixture for no apparent reason, though :P 

16 minutes ago, Straw said:

Straw Warts spoke in a secret code!

zZzzZZZz zZZzzzZZ zzZZzZZz

Lbh ner abg zr. Ubcrshyyl, guvf jnf boivbhf.


4 minutes ago, The_God_King said:
V nz qrsvavgryl abg lbh. Rawbl guvf pbqr

Who made the cipher? Caesar made the cipher!

Not quoting Xino’s post because it’s long and I need sleep but I’d note in addition to his mostly excellent analysis that there are a lot of roleblocks and redirects flying around, and I would encourage those who have them to use them intentionally and prudently. Messing with action systems “just because” has more potential to hurt the village, because it’s uncoordinated to begin with and profits off of reliable information, and throwing a wrench at random into things hurts both the reliability of information and the coordination of village power roles; unless you strongly suspect someone, I’d be careful with these. 

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Please note that the rules doc contains footnotes for clarification. If you're on mobile, you'll need to turn on 'Print layout' to see them.

23 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

1. An interesting wildcard to consider. Potentially useful if you think one of the elims have a power role (or maybe an inactive...) Interestingly enough, it doesn't seem like this role precludes switching your own role with someone else's.

2. A roleblock. Unclear if it works on faction actions, although I would guess it does. @Elbereth

3. Because the conversions are guaranteed to happen on certain nights, this pillar should most certainly be used on one of those nights.

4. A sort of roleblock. Does this block the action the target took on the cycle they were targeted? @Elbereth

5. What does it mean to have someone catch you wearing the glasses?

6. Blocks... I'm not exactly sure, actually. @Elbereth

7. Is it implied that you put it on immediately after you create it (i.e. does it degrade two cycles after its creation or its first use?)

1. It does - the Therapist cannot switch their own role with another's. 

2. Yes, the Curator's roleblock works on faction actions. 

3. To be clear, conversions are not restricted to odd-numbered nights - the rule is that there cannot be two conversions in a row. So if the Crystal Knights skipped N3, they'd be able to convert N4 and then not again till N6. 

4. No. The player targeted by an Airplane Spoon is sent to jail at the end of that Night, and will remain there until the end of the next Night. 

5. It will be announced in the writeup that you were caught putting on glasses.  Nevermind! I can't read. A random player will receive a PM that you were caught wearing glasses. 

6. Inhibitor's glass blocks the Smedry kill and negates the effect of any glass the target is currently using. 

7. It degrades two cycles after its first use. If the Engineer wants to use it, they must spend a night action to put it on. 

Edited by Elbereth
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56 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

A stab in the dark is often a dangerous tool, but fine for now, I suppose. RNG votes are somewhat distasteful to me on principle, but I understand why people use them. I will call you out if this vote becomes a permanent fixture for no apparent reason, though :P 

haha I agree with you. I'm trying something new to see what happens. Also lynching is such a lighter thing in this specific game so I'm not afraid to throw someone under


Epjj ij deej qokeimsgtvh. Z fzvd lzcs krlat n mqu fpvv bhe i ozcv khnyof ff gicr. T apcvvl tuta griity dfqdblp inq lv Fcid qs ccwcrbcg nbe nbi bvpiao. Gpl crv tefau de zn ybf ebet rvd gsqt nict pezdf r vrtunmtf thrvnrw wg znwwrzlbjfn. Diy gsm pudj je vy wvi frdoe! 

Edited by The_God_King
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50 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

haha I agree with you. I'm trying something new to see what happens. Also lynching is such a lighter thing in this specific game so I'm not afraid to throw someone under

It's not necessarily a lighter thing. It's actually fairly common for more than 50% of the votes cast in one turn to be on one person, which would result in the permanent removal from the game.

If we do wish to throw more people in jail than lynch them, we'd need several single votes on a wide range of people to make sure there's a solid lead without a 50% majority. 

This also means we'd want to have a lot of people show up for votes. If only three people vote, that's guaranteed to kick someone out of the game permanently. 


Rainier adjusted her horn-rimmed glasses and sniffed at the incessantly loud young girl as they continued the tour of the White House. Where were her parents and why were they not doing anything to stop the noise?

It was her first time visiting the East Coast and all of the associated historical sights. She was impressed at the organizational systems at each one, especially the libraries. Each was a perfect representation of stamping out chaos.

Except at the White House. The child was still ranting on with her questions, someone else's phone notifications kept sounding, the doors were closing, and the employees were acting shifty. 

Then Rainier heard something about unusual incidents involving a dead president. What kind of Free-Kingdomer nonsense was happening? For it could only be the Free Kingdomers that could be behind whatever unusual things were happening.

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1 minute ago, Elandera said:

It's not necessarily a lighter thing. It's actually fairly common for more than 50% of the votes cast in one turn to be on one person, which would result in the permanent removal from the game.

If we do wish to throw more people in jail than lynch them, we'd need several single votes on a wide range of people to make sure there's a solid lead without a 50% majority. 

Yep, if the vote ends up being super light then I will definitely stop them from killing you. I would rather see someone go to jail than die

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There’s a two vote minimum for any lunch to occur. [/quote]

I vote for Lunch is anyone with me?


And why is your head so shiny? Do you polish it? I learned how to polish my mom's shoes, but I accidentally used paint remover so I'm not allowed into that cupboard anymore. Hey can we go into that room? I read online that it's the room where the president meets with leaders of other countries? Pleaseyequeezyweez? Oh wait, I think I can hear through the wall. Everyone please be quiet so I can hear where we're going to set off the nukes!"

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1 minute ago, Elkanah said:

does that mean no lunch? :P Lunch

No lunch. :P It’s ten in the morning, for goodness’ sake! 

Also, I’m about to sleep and can’t be bothered right now, but I’d like to remind everyone that there are rules about encoding messages that can be found in General Rules. Please make sure you’re not breaking them. 

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Porona Candemic smiled ruefully as he watched the guards turn away the group behind him. He was glad he wasn't out there, away from where things were happening. It would be terrible to not be in the room where things were happening. But it would probably be better to know what was happening, and he hadn't the faintest clue. He should probably strike up a conversation with one of the other important looking people here, or maybe all of them as quickly as he possibly could? That certianly couldn't lead to bad consequences.

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Kyle Norman had spent his whole life waiting for this moment. Having never experienced anything exciting or out of the ordinary, he'd begun his search for something strange at the ripe young age of 21. 5 years later, with nothing to show for it and a lot less money than he had started with, he decided to make his way to the White House. If he was gonna do one last thing before he returned to a normal life of working in a late stage capitalist society, he may as well visit the White House. And now he was here. And there was something strange going on. He'd never been more excited in his life. 


Okay, I've read all of the rules and I'm caught up on everyone's posts, I just don't have many thoughts to give right now. Like always, xino's analysis of the roles and stuff is pretty good and I don't have much to say about that that hasn't already been said. I'll probably read over everything again in a bit to see if there's anything that might be worth commenting on that I forgot about since I last read the thread at almost 2 am last night. :P

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Gotta say folks, not a huge fan of the codes personally. All it really does is add to the noise we have to sift through to get to important information.

I'm assuming that it's pretty quiet on here because everyone is scheming in their PMs and figuring out how best to use their abilities. 

I don't really have that much to say. I'm not one to vote day 1, so I'll mostly be observing this cycle, and I'll have more context for what happens next cycle after the lynch results and such. For now just checking in, letting people know I exist.

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Liability leaned against a pillar in the White House, waiting for the tour to be over. His friends had dragged him here to tour "the historic pace" and then had disappeared for "more important matters". Besides, the tour was boring, and there was really not much to do. The guards were closing the doors for some reason, and people were complaining. It seemed that they would be stuck here for even longer than normal. He sighed, and pulled out his phone, intending to start snapping pictures of the tour group with him, to be identified later. As he did, his phone suddenly (insert Smedry talent defense here). Surprised, he looked at the people again. A Smedry was in the group... He straightened. This was about to get interesting.

What are the alignment specific roles that the Therapist cannot alter? Also, can the Gossipper make PMs with people that they do not have a direct PM with?

Edit: also, I got the first two coded messages, but I can't figure out the ones after that, so could someone reveal the key or something at the end of the day.

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Do you folks think that revealing who we all started PM's with would be more beneficial for the Eliminators or for the Village? I've put some thought into it, and can't quite decide. It wouldn't allow us to track the Smedry kills, but it could help us out a bit if we managed to find a Knight Silimatic Engineer, as they would want a PM with another knight so they could use Protector's Glass on them. But I think it would also go pretty far in revealing who a Jail-breaker is, and I'm not sure non village aligments will have one of them. What do you guys think would be a benefit or hindrance to such a plan?

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4 minutes ago, Ironfire said:

What are the alignment specific roles that the Therapist cannot alter? Also, can the Gossipper make PMs with people that they do not have a direct PM with?

The only alignment specific role is the Smedry, and yes. 

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1 minute ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

What about the Anonymous contact? Can they contact people they don't have a PM with?

Ooh, that’s a fair question. Yes, I don’t think the role would make much sense otherwise. 

Also, minor revision (because we didn’t say what we meant the first time), Gossiper temporary PMs last a cycle, not a turn. 


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Are we doing any voting? If we don't vote than the elims can pretty much safely remove someone from the game. We need to have 6 or 7 people vote to avoid someone being lynched with over 50%. I'd rather have someone be in jail randomly than someone removed from the game.

Edited by The_God_King
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If we don't have a good reason to vote, I'm likely to vote on one of the people posting codes, as they're just making the game harder. I would prefer us to have some sort of discussion about the game that would lead to reasons for votes to be cast rather than just RNG voting. Hence why I brought up the PM reveal thingy as a good source of discussion. Does anyone have any thoughts on everyone revealing who they started PM's with? Or how active their PM's are?

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