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Mid-Range Game 42: The Auction of Lord Winsting

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7 minutes ago, Experience said:

Oh ya, I forgot about that. @Megasif, are you planning on voting on someone? Actually, if you are planning on voting on me I would rather you didn't vote at all so that emi can go out as well. 

Elim vote manip is a possibility! Consider that (also I am not planning on impersonating or smuggling a vote- so whatever the elims do, whether that be nothing or something, happens.)

Edit: Ninja'd by Xino- I hope so too. :mellow:

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15 hours ago, Matrim's_Dice said:

Zillah has been suspected before.

I have no clue why though, I have been inactive for most of the game (Really Sorry) So I don't know why everyone seems to think I'm so suspicious. Specifically DeTess who said I was a "guaranteed Elim". (I was going to ask them but they dies unfortunately, so if anyone could shed some light that would be amazing.

12 hours ago, Matrim's_Dice said:

Impersonator: Zillah

I also don't know where this came from as I am not an Impersonator, I am a Renowned. 

C1 I scanned Kynedath as a Renowned,

C2 I scanned Matrims Dice as an Impersonator

The only other scan I've done has revealed TGK as an escort

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Ok, so I don't have much time, but I want to vote, so I'll go with Experience. I also may not be active for 2 days. If it will happen, then sorry!

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Hammond’s breath came in ragged gasps, each more faltering than the last. Telina’s bullets, meant for the Kandra, had instead found their home in his chest. He knew he would not survive the hour. He didn’t really care to be honest. There was nothing left in this city that meant anything to him. The Governor’s power grew daily, and the constables were given more and more authority to do as they wanted. 

They didn’t have a chance.

He watched as they argued, discussing whether Emi or Shard were more likely to be a constable. The easy answer was to kill them both, but no one took the easy answer these days. 

“What about you?” One of the arguing lords called out. “You think Emi’s a Conner?”

Hammond sucked in another breath, “Aye! I think she is.” 

Shard and Lumen nodded in agreement, but the other four shouted him down. Looked like they were about to pull guns on Shard. Hammond didn’t envy the lad. But he didn’t care much if he lived or died. None of them cared about him.

Someone walked up to him, and crouched down. Hammond watched them without moving his head. He had learned, while laying before the yawning window frame, that movement of his neck or shoulders was excruciating.

“You don’t look good friend.”

Hammond laughed, then groaned and coughed wetly. “Don’t make me laugh on my deathbed.”

“Is that your dying wish?”

“Sure. Why not?” Hammond looked away from the man, and out into the last remnants of the morning’s mist. Looked to where the Survivor watched him back. “My da named me for your general. But I think you would be disappointed in how I measured up.”

“You a survivorist then?”

“I worship one at least. Don’t think I can survive much longer. Don’t think I want to anyway.”

“That’s an easier wish to fulfill.” The man placed one boot against his side and pushed him over the edge. 

Hammond squeezed his eyes shut as he fell. He didn’t want to know when it would end. Bless the Scars, he didn’t want—


Welcome to the 10th Hour! Since more people have started posting, I’ll leave it up to the survivors. Should we stick with 24 hour turns, or 48 hour turns? Please bold your answers.


Megasif was killed! They were a Criminal Gossip/Gambling Tycoon!
Experience was lynched! They were a Constable Bodyguard!


Awake players: 6

Votes required to Disperse the Party: 4


Vote Count:

Emi (3): Experience, Megasif, Mist
Experience (4): Coda, Emi, Matrim, Xino 

Dispersal Votes (0/4):


Player List:

Xinoehp ( xinoehp512 )

Coda ( Coda )

Matrim ( Matrim's_Dice )

Lady Zephyr ( Zillah )

Archivald ( The_Archivist

Lady Lumen ( Mist )

Emi ( Emi )

TBD ( BrightnessRadiant )

Lord Malikihal ( The_God_King

Hammond ( Megasif ) Criminal Gossip/Gambling Tycoon

Shard ( Experience ) Constable Bodyguard

Lady Telina Maladroi ( DeTess ) Criminal Gambling Tycoon

Lord Laborn ( Bugsy ) Bleeder Gambling Tycoon

a smart guy ( Sart ) Criminal Smuggler

ThatTinyStrawMan ( Straw ) Renowned Constable

Lord Silberfarben ( Lord_Silberfarben ) 5th Octant Escort

To Be Determined ( Elkanah ) Dowser, a Criminal Smuggler

Qwerty Meep ( Shard of Reading ) Constable Smuggler

Lord Reginald ( Kynedath ) Renowned Criminal

Lord Karn ( Karnage ) Flogs, a Criminal Gambling Tycoon

Variel ( StrikerEZ ) Bartender/Bodyguard Criminal

LenSaar ( Devotary of Spontaneity ) Criminal Stalker

The Young Pyromancer ( The Young Pyromancer ) Constable Stalker

Locke Tekiel ( Orlok Tsubodai ) Renowned/Gossip Criminal

Lady Arielle ( Arraenae ) Criminal Gossip

Julius ( TJ Shade ) Criminal Gossip

Lord Gavin Verduex ( Hemalurgic Headshot ) Criminal Extortionist

mad watcher ( little wilson ) criminal impersonator/gossip

Muriel Ladrian ( Furamirionind ) Gossip Constable

Lord Hadrian Penrod ( Araris Valerian ) Criminal Gossip

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*Breathes sigh of relief*

The only problem is.... now what? You would think to go for BR, but I scanned them last cycle- they are a Gossip. Not an extortionist. Now I don’t know what to do. I am open to suggestions.

Joe, there are 6 awake players, the same as yesterday, so keeping 24 hour turns seems okay.

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Ok, so I’m voting for (one more time: how I change color) Megasif. Experience wanted him to vote, so it makes sense that they are working together. Later he voted for me, and because I know that I’m not an elim he is quite suspicious.

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There are two ways to change color. On a computer, there is a menu in the formatting bar that allows you to change color. The way that works everywhere is Vote without the period. Type that into your editor.

Also, Megasif is dead, Emi.

24 hour turns are fine.

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So we probably have 2 elims left, BR and an unknown. Matrim suspected Zillah, and that seems like the best suspect we have, unless anyone has any new suspicions?

@Matrim's_Dice You can kill this cycle, correct? You should probably kill BR so we don't have to waste a lynch on a confirmed elim.

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Now that my Winsting hat is publicly on I can finally go into full analysis mode. Yay!

So here's the thing: Yes, I can kill this cycle. But I don't know if BR is the best choice- they aren't exactly a confirmed elim. No one confirmed anything about them except for me yesterday- they are a gossip which doesn't fit Bugsy's theory. But we shouldn't really assume the theory outright. Honestly now that I know BR is a Gossip I'm wondering why @A Joe in the Bush hasn't gotten pinch-hitters for her, and also Archivist and TGK, aside from there not being any, though that seems a possibility.

At this point Zillah definitely seems like the best option- their 'claim' yesterday was just all the stuff we already know, with the exception of TGK, who at this point could be 

  1. A lie
  2. Zillah's teammate
  3. A legitimate scan

Really the only reason I suspected them is that DeTess did and she is far more experienced at this then I am, so I'm inclined to trust that for now. I got lucky with my XP read, I think.

Keeping to the style of jumping topic-to-topic, here is the possible ratios at this point, ordered from most likely to least likely. (spoilered for length)







If we mislynch on Zillah then that would drop to 6-2, most likely, which I don't think would be lylo unless there is a lot of inactivity. If we mislynch and I miskill then that would be 5-2. The way I see it here are the possible elim teams at this point, again ordered most likely to least likely. (again, spoilered for length)










At this point Archivist seems slightly more likely as an elim then BR does, for these reasons.

  • We know the elims have an extortionist.
  • BR is not that extortionist
  • Zillah likely isn't either, based on TJ's analysis earlier
  • Archivist and TGK are the only options that haven't been at least soft-cleared
  • Pyro included TGK as a possible Bleeder suspect C4. I don't know when the elims discovered who Bleeder was though, so this might be misdirection.

Xino has been well under the radar, which seems fishy, but they've been soft-cleared for now so I'll leave them with only a ping. @xinoehp512

Also, Emi, I haven't forgot about you. You might be an elim though I'm leaning very confused village.

More stuff to come later when I think of it.

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2 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

I'm a Gossip, so I can prove I'm at least not an Extortionist. :P

I want to believe you. Except Gossip is like the one role that is unprovable. (Unless you want to PM twice) :P I don't really suspect you all that much but a soft-clear would still be nice, and what else are you gonna do with those PM's?

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10 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:


Do I misunderstand the rules? I think if I PM four people at once, that should prove it, right? There most certainly aren't four elims left in the game. :P 

Well yes, unprovable might be too strong a word. Also I think you can PM me twice, that would prove it as well.

Edit: One

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Double posting cause this one is substantial. (sorry)

Xino (@xinoehp512) survived an attack, and claimed Gambling Tycoon. Remember that? It happened C4 and was one of the reasons he was a Bleeder suspect for awhile.

Is he both? Will he PM me again? Did XP protect him the cycle he survived? So many questions!

Edit: After going through C1 and C2 again I have determined that Xino is probably village, as previously said. BR is much more elim to me now.

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2 hours ago, Mist said:

There are two ways to change color. On a computer, there is a menu in the formatting bar that allows you to change color. The way that works everywhere is Vote without the period. Type that into your editor.

Also, Megasif is dead, Emi.

24 hour turns are fine.

Oh, whoops

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Xino messaged me twice. He's a Gossip and Gambling Tycoon unless XP protected him C4, which I doubt.

Also realized that BR could be a Gossip and Extortionist. But let's keep the vote on Zillah for now. @Zillah yoohoo! You're up for lynch!

*Eight hours later*

So, I assume again the cycle is over in 6 hours instead of 18. Anyone else want to say anything? At this rate, we'll have only 5 awake players, and I bet the elims are staying quiet to kill us one by one until they can disperse, meaning the cycle BR and Archivist come back may be lylo.

If someone responds within an hour then I will too. Otherwise see y'all for 11 AM

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Zillah read Kynedath as slightly village. She remarked on Sart's vote on Straw. She hasn't voted at all, unless I missed something. This allows her to lay low. Combined with the analysis that she is an Impersonator, she is my top suspicion. Zillah.

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I was extorted last night and forced to scan Matrims Dice and was told this time that they were a Gambling Tycoon.

2 hours ago, Mist said:

Zillah read Kynedath as slightly village. She remarked on Sart's vote on Straw. She hasn't voted at all, unless I missed something. This allows her to lay low. Combined with the analysis that she is an Impersonator, she is my top suspicion. Zillah.

I haven't voted because I have been inactive, and I didn't vote C1 because I never do.

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11 AM

Winsting could feel his makeup start to run. He was sweating hard. He wiped the condensation from his forehead and cheeks, and risked a single glance around the edge of the bar. There were only 6 other people in the room, but all were demons, here only to torment him, here only to take everything he had before they took his life. What had he done to deserve this? 

He heard footsteps getting louder, someone was approaching him. There was nothing to hide behind! Desperately he glanced about for a weapon, a place to hide, anything! There was a cabinet beside him. He yanked it open, hoping there would be a weapon there, but there were only cleaning supplies and empty bottles.

“Oh Wiiiinstiiiiing. Come out come out wherever you are!”

“Oh Survivor above, help me!” he whispered as he dragged himself into the cabinet. He pulled the door shut behind him, just as something slammed onto the counter top above. He almost gasped, but managed to slap his hands over his mouth.

“Hmmm, are you over here Winsting? I know I saw you run this way after you helped us murder poor Zephyr.” The cabinet creaked, and something thumped to the ground on the other side of the counter top. 

Winsting felt hot liquid coating his cheeks. He forced himself deeper into the cabinet’s corner. There was blood on his hands mixing with the tears.

“Don’t tell me being forced to finish off Xino broke your nerve? Come now Winsting, I promise to kill you much quicker than either of them. Just one little bullet!” Their voice was getting further away. He heard a bottle get knocked off the bar further down.

His hands dropped from his tear stained cheeks to his lap, and he finally exhaled.

There were four booms, and four bullets shattered the backwall of the bar he was hiding in. He fell backward in a sprawl and screamed as a Constable grabbed him by the shoulders and slammed him down onto the bar. 

She grinned at him. “Or did knowing just how outmatched you were break you? Learning that everything you thought was wrong? Everyone you trusted was a traitor?”

“Harmony deliver me! Please! Let me go! I can make you rich!” He slapped his shaking hands against her, but she just laughed.

“I don’t care about riches lordie. I just hate you.” She moved her arm, pressing it into his neck. He grabbed at it with both hands, but she was far stronger. Pewterarm?

“Ironeyes! Trell! Someone help me!” It was getting harder to breath, but she wasn’t letting up.

With her other hand, she pulled out a a pistol. She pressed it to his head and pulled back the hammer. 

“One little bullet, I’ll tell the General that you killed yourself. Any last words?”

“Flogs! Please!” His tears came hot and fast and he desperately pushed against her arm. She just laughed, and pulled the trigger.


It is the Villagel’s 11th Hour! Can they overcome the odds stacked against them? Can they prevail against the evil constables? Will any of our six final contestants survive the coming bloodbath? FIND OUT IN 24 HOURS!!!!


Zillah was lynched! They were a Renowned Criminal!

Xino was killed! They were a Criminal Gossip/Tycoon!
Matrim’s Dice were killed! They were LORD WINSTING INNATE! Bleeder wins! Wait, nevermind, she’s dead already. Carry on.


Awake players: 3

Votes required to Disperse the Party: 2


Vote Count:

Zillah (3): Coda, Matrim, Mist

Dispersal Votes (0/4):


Player List:

  1. Coda ( Coda )

  2. Archivald ( The_Archivist

  3. Lady Lumen ( Mist )

  4. Emi ( Emi )

  5. TBD ( BrightnessRadiant )

  6. Lord Malikihal ( The_God_King

Matrim ( Matrim's_Dice ) LORD WINSTING INNATE

Lady Zephyr ( ZillahRenowned Criminal

Xinoehp ( xinoehp512Criminal Gossip/Tycoon

Hammond ( Megasif ) Criminal Gossip/Gambling Tycoon

Shard ( Experience ) Constable Bodyguard

Lady Telina Maladroi ( DeTess ) Criminal Gambling Tycoon

Lord Laborn ( Bugsy ) Bleeder Gambling Tycoon

a smart guy ( Sart ) Criminal Smuggler

ThatTinyStrawMan ( Straw ) Renowned Constable

Lord Silberfarben ( Lord_Silberfarben ) 5th Octant Escort

To Be Determined ( Elkanah ) Dowser, a Criminal Smuggler

Qwerty Meep ( Shard of Reading ) Constable Smuggler

Lord Reginald ( Kynedath ) Renowned Criminal

Lord Karn ( Karnage ) Flogs, a Criminal Gambling Tycoon

Variel ( StrikerEZ ) Bartender/Bodyguard Criminal

LenSaar ( Devotary of Spontaneity ) Criminal Stalker

The Young Pyromancer ( The Young Pyromancer ) Constable Stalker

Locke Tekiel ( Orlok Tsubodai ) Renowned/Gossip Criminal

Lady Arielle ( Arraenae ) Criminal Gossip

Julius ( TJ Shade ) Criminal Gossip

Lord Gavin Verduex ( Hemalurgic Headshot ) Criminal Extortionist

mad watcher ( little wilson ) criminal impersonator/gossip

Muriel Ladrian ( Furamirionind ) Gossip Constable

Lord Hadrian Penrod ( Araris Valerian ) Criminal Gossip

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So unless something miraculous happens, we are going to lose. There are two elims left, one is BR, one is unknown. I don't know who the last elim is. I don't really suspect Emi or Mist, and trying to lynch an inactive is a shot in the dark. Does anyone have any suspicions?

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What if there's only one elim left, BR?

There must be at least one elim that submitted an action. The other kill would have been Winsting's. By choice or from that elim Extortionist?

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