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We have less than 19 hours in the cycle. We need to discuss! We shouldn't rely only on the elims not wanting to end the game early!

Xino, thoughts? 

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They was on to him, he just knew it! Time for me to get out, I need some of the strong stuff Sian thought as he realised how sober he was. I think I'll try my luck with the kitchen Sian said to those in the lounge. And off he went.

Edited by A Windrunner
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After spending some time drinking with a rather depressed man in the kitchen Thaill decided to go seek a cheerier place, he slipped out of the back door into the garden where he strolled through the paths whistling a merry tune about chulls and rockbuds.


Edited by Lahilt
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Borzen rummaged through his pack, searching through the many trinkets he'd dreamt up over the years.

"Aha!" he called triumphantly, pulling a small metal token in the image of a compass. "Now- just need to restore this..."

A few seconds of more rummaging later, he pulled out a magnifying glass. He held it strategically between his eyes and the token, then reached forth carefully- pulling out a full-size compass.

Borzen brought the compass up to his face, observing its needle spinning uncertainly back and forth.  "Study Village," he whispered. At the words, the needle ceased spinning and pointed in a single direction. Borzen turned his glance towards where it pointed- straight into a sky-scraping mountain range.

"Hmm," he muttered to himself. "I'll need something to get over that..."

He looked at the sword thoughtfully. He flipped the magnifying glass over and held it front of the sword, causing it to appear tiny in the lens.

"Not quite," he muttered, reaching out and rotating the lens a few degrees. "Wait... almost... aha!"

He pulled the glass away, looking triumphantly at the result- a brown carpet covered in floral patterns. He knelt down on it and placed the compass in front of him.

"Away!" he called, and the carpet lifted off.

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Okay, I'm going to temporarily break from RP just to say:

Guys, seriously, we are currently about to lose the game. There are less than 12 hours left in the cycle, and I'm guessing most of the (sane) Americans will be asleep for the last 6-9 of them. Currently, 2 elim votes on the Secretary ends the game. There are single votes on Striker, Vapor, Myself, Silberfalen, and Gears. That means less than 1/3 of the players have voted. I say we kill someone that hasn't yet voted, because that is a way the elims can hide and potentially set up a hammer. To that end I'm moving my vote from Vapor to Striker, and I'd appreciate if others could either follow or move their votes onto targets that already have a vote.

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We need to vote! Please! Please! Please!

Since I'm on Striker, I'll stay. I haven't seen anything particularly suspicious yet.

Araris, Drake, and TJ have voted.

@DrakeMarshall, would you like to move your vote? It appears to be purely RNG.

@Gears, @Orlok Tsubodai, @StrikerEZ, @Eternum, @Elbereth, @Lord_Silberfarben, @Burnt Spaghetti, @MysticLotus, @The_Truthwatcher, @xinoehp512, @Lahilt@A Windrunner, @Devotary of Spontaneity, @Vapor.

Please vote! Please! Please!

I will poke people vociferously. 

Edited by Mist
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Striker died D1 in the LG, so I don't think he should be lynched. That would be unfair to him. Out of those with votes on them [besides Striker and myself], Lord_Silberfarben is an individual that I would be amenable to lynching. [Araris has provoked analysis, so he should remain]. If anyone would like to argue against this course of action, proceed but know that I will be asleep for the next few hours. 

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Silber(3): Drake, Gears, Devotary
Striker(2): Mist, Araris
Araris(1): Vapor
Gears(1): TJ

Hmm. I don't really want Striker to die D1 again. Araris could have posted that warning as an elim if the team had already decided not to hammer, but I'm not sure if the elims are even allowed to do that in their PM, and village!Araris is much more likely to be concerned. For TJ's vote on Gears, it's again unclear how much Kas will be cracking down on the elim PM about soliciting kill opinions, but elims devising a code in the secret PM for them to use in the room PMs is not sufficiently useful for them to prioritise having multiple elims in the same room. Also, I feel like Drake is village, though that doesn't mean Gears can't be. I don't really have anything on Gears, honestly. Only the last post has something other than RP, and Silber has been exclusively RP. Hopefully Gears will be around at some point before the cycle ends to reevaluate if necessary. I'll vote here for Lord Silberfarben, and will include RP, room vote, and potentially shift my real vote at some later time.

Edit: I know you're not supposed to edit in votes, but there's enough time until rollover that I feel it's okay to actually colour my vote for Silber.

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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7 minutes ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

I understand why voting is important but how are we going to decide who to vote for?

If you've noticed anything suspicious, vote for that. If there's someone who's being helpful in your opinion, don't vote for them. 

Honestly, just please vote. We don't want the elims to hammer. 

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8 hours ago, Vapor said:

Vapor, sitting in the kitchen, looked at Araris. At closer look, he appeared to be Ookla the Curmudgeonly, otherwise known as Lord Heron. Oops, she thought. Time for some major sucking up. "Oh, you're Lord Heron! I didn't recognize you! You look so fit! I didn't mean the awful name thing, it's a perfectly good name! I was just wondering why you thought the killer was me."

I cleared him! I will vote for Striker.

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Because you already had a vote, then someone else voted on you. Striker has some votes, but he died C1 in the long game.

We're trying to overcome a possible elim hammer on the secretary. 

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Just going to toss a random vote on Vapor, Because Sophia would definitely find her suspicous. Hopefully I’ll be able to wake up and see what’s up before Rollover though.

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