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Dustbringers Strike Force Theory


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In topic about theories, @Use the Falchion posted:



At some point a Radiant will ride a Larkin into battle. Larkins are the living equivalent of dragons on Roshar, Stormlight Archive is a reconstruction of the fantasy genre, one of the books that influenced Brandon the most is Dragonriders of Pern. Ergo, dragon riders on Roshar! Now, I have more tinfoil theories for Larkin but this isn't the time or place. 

And this make me think:

Its right! Larkins feed on Stormlight, Investiture make them bigger. It is possible, that they are baby Laceryn, but even if not, feeding them with enough of stormlight should make them big enough to ride on their backs. We know about two of them for sure, one belongs to Rysn, one to Nale. If they are different sexes (if, of course, larkins have sexes), so will be possible to regrowth Larkin population, now when we know, they need Stormlight.

In addition, domesticated larkins with their Stormlight Absorption ability, will be very usefull against Fused and Power Forms. Will make them simply powerless. Maybe - this is theory - adult Larkin, Laceryn, will be able to not only drain Stormlight, but also emit/share Stormlight.

So if they will be able to emit Stormlight, they will be natural allies to Radiants, because can serve as mobile Stormlight Bateries, and Radiant will not need have Gemstones, because his mount will be basicly giant Gemstone.

But why i think they will be related to Dustbringers?

We have 3 direct military oriented Orders. Windrunners, Dustbringers, Stonewards. We can count also Edgedancers, but they are more scouts, support and duelists than soldiers, and Skybreakers, but they are more like police.

From those 3 Orders:

Windrunners dont need animal mount, because they can fly (fall). They also are more focused on fighting in teams.

Stonewards dont need animal mount, because they are more focused on defense. Their powers, of course, can be used offensivly, but the whole philosophy of this Order can be doscribed with one word: STAND!

Dustbringers, on the other hand, are clearly offensive Order. Their powers are for attack, their philosophy also is also agresive. Their main goal "I will seek self-mastery" is also focused on individual skills, not on team. But as clearly offensive Order they lack mobility to do so. Flying mount-monster will be ideal for them, they will be able to keep up with Windrunners, strike fast and strong, also every one member of strike team will be able to fight alone (with mount) with destructive power. They also have Surge of Abrasion, and this will be great help for flying creature. The relation with mount will be also good indication of fulfilling the main goal of Order.

Thi Theory also have good synergy with other Theory, about Rysn becoming Dustbringer.

What do you think?

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Ah, there's no confirmation in the Arcanum WoB repository regarding Larkin and Lanceryn but there is something:


Peter Ahlstrom

The lanceryn and larkin are two names for the same creature. When it says lanceryn, it’s definitely referring only to the enormous greatshell version that is believed to be extinct. The name is not related to “lance”…I think. The small larkin can be considered the cremling/larva version of the lanceryn.


If anyone needs a refresher regarding Lanceryn:


When the lanceryn died off during the scouring of Aimia, we thought we’d seen the last gemhearts of large size. And yet here was another great-shelled beast (Chasmfiends) with them, living in a land not too distant from Kholinar itself.


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One of my very first posts on the 17th shard was about the fact that Kalak notices violet blood on the battlefield of Aharietiam during the prelude to the Way of Kings. The only creature we've met with violet blood is the Chasmfiend, so I speculated that they were somehow involved in Desolations. I haven't thought about the post in years, but your theory reminded me of it. Perhaps Laceryn also have violet blood.


"Many of the bodies around him were human; many were not. Blood mixed. Red. Orange. Violet"


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Sounds cool.  A few things:

Edgedancers are more healers than scouts. 

Dustbringers are pretty mobile with abrasion already,  but you're right - using abrasion on a flying creature would be insane. 

Who says Rysn will be a Dustbringer?

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6 hours ago, Watchcry said:

Who says Rysn will be a Dustbringer?

This apear many times, Rysn fit very well into Dustbringers due to stubborness and because their goal is to master themselves, and overcome physical restrictions is ultimate self-mastery. We also dont have main (or secondary) character from this Order.

Some view Rysn as Bondsmith, but i support Dustbringer.


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I would say Ryan is a Willshaper. Willspahers are all about exploration and freedom. Rysn loves to travel, fitting in with exploration. As for freedom, Rysn finds the safehand a “silly tradition.” Freedom to wear whatever you want is a Willshaper attribute, as well as freeing those who are captive. Rysn herself is somewhat captive in the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve.



Edited by Innovation
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9 hours ago, Lightspine said:

One of my very first posts on the 17th shard was about the fact that Kalak notices violet blood on the battlefield of Aharietiam during the prelude to the Way of Kings. The only creature we've met with violet blood is the Chasmfiend, so I speculated that they were somehow involved in Desolations. I haven't thought about the post in years, but your theory reminded me of it. Perhaps Laceryn also have violet blood.

One of the Aimian races had violet blood, and the other had orange colored blood, but I don't remember which ones.

Edit: found one of the WoBs, it's not on the Arcanum yet



What colour is Aimian blood? Is it purple or orange?


That's a really good question. It depends on the kind of Aimian. One has purple blood and one has orange blood.


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2 hours ago, Innovation said:

I would say Ryan is a Willshaper. Willspahers are all about exploration and freedom. Rysn loves to travel, fitting in with exploration. As for freedom, Rysn finds the safehand a “silly tradition.” Freedom to wear whatever you want is a Willshaper attribute, as well as freeing those who are captive. Rysn herself is somewhat captive in the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve.



I agree.  She also seeks freedom from paralysis. 

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3 hours ago, The First Post said:

One of the Aimian races had violet blood, and the other had orange colored blood, but I don't remember which ones.

Edit: found one of the WoBs, it's not on the Arcanum yet


Wow, I wish I had known about that. I seem to remember Dalinar noticing the corpses of a Dysian Aimian in his vision of Aharietiam, so that would corroborate this idea. Thanks for sharing this info! If I may ask, how do you find WoBs outside of Arcanum?

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In terms of this WoB, it has been put into Arcanum. There were two sources for this WoB: there was the questioner's report, and there was the audio transcription. Arcanum's version (which is still marked as paraphrased because by the time Arcanum became a thing, this audio was no longer available) reads slightly differently:


Havoc (paraphrased)

What color is Aimian blood?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Good question! The question is, which type of Aimian? That would be my first response. The two different varieties have two different colors of blood.

GollanczFest London (Oct. 17, 2015)

These sort of subtle distinctions are why the audio is so nice to have, because little things that the questioner assumes or misremembers can seep in. There is, very famously, a reported WoB before Oathbringer that said "Humans were on Roshar before Honor, Cultivation, and Odium arrived." But, when the actual transcription came out, we learned that Brandon had actually said "Humans were not created by Honor, Cultivation or Odium." Which is a very different thing indeed; the questioner made some assumptions that were proven quite invalid by Oathbringer. But the WoB as reported had already taken on steam, and was in fact cited to Brandon himself (who was very cautious in answering, since the followup private message in that WoB was shortly before Oathbringer came out), and I know I had to cite the WoB as transcribed quite a few times following OB's release to assuage those who were citing the reported WoB as evidence that Brandon lied.

So... all that to say, I don't know what color the Aimians' blood is. I haven't taken the time to research it. But speaking in terms of the comprehensiveness of Arcanum and the integrity of the WoBs, I would say that in this case (and in nearly ever case, if I may be so bold), Arcanum is the place to go for WoBs. But if anyone does find anything missing, please swing on by subforum and drop a note, so it can be resolved if it truly is missing.

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What color would a Sleepless/Dysian Aimian's blood even be? Wouldn't it depend on what their Hordelings are mimicking at the time?

Since Siah Aimians are blue, they might have blue (actually exists in nature) or violet blood

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On 12/07/2020 at 5:16 PM, Watchcry said:

Well,  I mean there's Ash. She's all but confirmed to be a main character.  She's going to have her own POV book...

Hi newbie question, but wouldn't Ash be a lightweaver being the herald of that order? I was looking at the list of characters Brandon said were the characters for each book and couldn't see a Dustbringer. 

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16 minutes ago, Kelak said:

Hi newbie question, but wouldn't Ash be a lightweaver being the herald of that order? I was looking at the list of characters Brandon said were the characters for each book and couldn't see a Dustbringer. 

Ash had the abilities of a Lightweaver because of her honorblade, and the character traits of the orders were loosely based on the heralds.  However, she's somewhat unstable after being tortured, and she's had thousands of years to see and learn new things, all of which can inspire change.  We know from the interlude and her scenes in OB that she has major impulse control issues, i.e. having to deface every image and iconoclast of her that she sees.  Self mastery and control are key aspects of the Dustbringers, so that order would really help her grow and overcome her OCD.

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