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Statistical Analysis of the Cosmere (mid-2020)


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Nice, statistical analysis is always good!

I got curious, how are the percentages of POV-characters in the total number of characters? If you feel like working onward on this ;)
Maybe keep it to "Characters with actions" to avoid including every name ever mentioned :P

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5 hours ago, Krox said:

I got curious, how are the percentages of POV-characters in the total number of characters? If you feel like working onward on this ;)

If you count every character with a Coppermind page, it looks like this:



 % of total Characters 

 POV Characters

 POV % of characters on that Shardworld































First of the Sun










  •  The characters in the „Other“ category are: Hoid, Frost, Uli Da
  • Every character counts only once
  • Shard Vessels are assigned to the world they are Invested in
  • Roshar POV characters are two less than the Stormlight character number above because of the two POV characters in Stormlight that are not Rosharan
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Good work! 

Is the no of PoVs (in the second table) counting every PoV chapter? Because the Final Empire does not have that many PoVs. Could you tag it as such? It looks confusing otherwise. I just did a double-take.

Edited by Honorless
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8 hours ago, Honorless said:

Good work! 

Is the no of PoVs (in the second table) counting every PoV chapter? Because the Final Empire does not have that many PoVs. Could you tag it as such? It looks confusing otherwise. I just did a double-take.

Thanks! It counts the total number of POV scenes of all characters in the book combined. That's the difference between a "POV" and a "POV character", and this is the former - I should find a way to make that clearer, because now I see how it seems misleading. I took the data for the Final Empire from this page and double-checking, it should be correct. I just phrased it in a confusing way, well, I didn't phrase at all, since I just took the phrasing from the Coppermind and didn't think of the change of context. I'll change it when I get up B)

I should also add a note that every new chapter is automatically a new POV (even if the character remains the same), while it's still the same POV if it's a new scene within the same chapter with the same character - because that's how the Coppermind pages handle it.

EDIT: Done - I hope it's clearer now! Let me know if I should change other things, I will happily do it to make the tables more understandable!

Edited by Elegy
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42 minutes ago, Frustration said:

I like how Stormlight is almost half the cosmere.

Yes! With only four releases at that! As soon as Rhythm of War is out, it will be easily more than half of it. Then after book 5, Mistborn will presumably catch up a bit, but I doubt it will ever reach it again (adding ~150,000 words for Lost Metal and ~700,000 for the next trilogy would make it almost 2 million words, while Stormlight, even without novellas, will almost certainly surpass 2 million with book 5).

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2 hours ago, Elegy said:

Yes! With only four releases at that! As soon as Rhythm of War is out, it will be easily more than half of it. Then after book 5, Mistborn will presumably catch up a bit, but I doubt it will ever reach it again (adding ~150,000 words for Lost Metal and ~700,000 for the next trilogy would make it almost 2 million words, while Stormlight, even without novellas, will almost certainly surpass 2 million with book 5).

And the you add Novellas in and the back five and even when finished about half the Cosmere will be Stormlight.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Why don’t you do graphic novels? The graphic novels are told from differing POVs as well. Three primarily, though there might be others. (I’d have to reread them, which I’d rather not do. They were... not great, to say the least.)


This is pretty cool, btw. Thanks for putting it together.

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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On 14.12.2020 at 3:50 PM, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Why don’t you do graphic novels? The graphic novels are told from differing POVs as well. Three primarily, though there might be others. (I’d have to reread them, which I’d rather not do. They were... not great, to say the least.)


This is pretty cool, btw. Thanks for putting it together.

Thanks! :)

I didn't include the graphic novels since they're so different as a medium. I personally don't feel like it conveys quite as much to compare Kaladin's POV word count to, say, the word count of Kenton's dialogue. (It's also much harder to count words in the graphic novel format, since the text is imbedded into the pictures.)

I have done a Statistical Analysis of White Sand Prose though, so you can compare those numbers if you're interested. I've always considered adding that one's data to this table, but was reluctant to do so, since White Sand Prose isn't canon. Maybe one day!

For now, as soon as I feel like returning to this table, I'll probably just add Rhythm of War and Dawnshard to this one. That's definitely on my to-do list!

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2 hours ago, Honorless said:

So no Allomancer Jak or Nicki Sauvage wordcount from the broadsheets either? :P

They're not included in the Statistical Analysis pages on the Coppermind, so no, not for some time at least. I would like to have them in here though, so hopefully one day. :D

I've also considered adding the Ars Arcani and Arcanum Unbouned essays as Khriss POVs. Also the epigraphs, although I guess the latter would complicate matters. Would I add every gemstone archive entry as "Unnamed Knight Radiant no. x"? I haven't decided how I'd handle that yet.

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4 minutes ago, Hoid the Drifter said:

so frost is actually mentioned in the cosmere?

That list was compiled from the Coppermind pages. That doesn't necessarily mean that the characters are mentioned by name, just that there is a Coppermind page for them. It was the easiest way I could think of for a semi-complete list of persons in the Cosmere that we know of. Technically, a character could have a Coppermind page with only mentions in interviews/Q+As, and that character would still count.

As far as I remember, Frost was not mentioned in the books by name. He was only referenced in the letters.

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