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2 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Talk about the distribution during the day turn?


Everyone do deep analysis of the people who voted and compile a 30 page report and PowerPoint to be shared tomorrow during the day cycle?

I feel like I would be more likely to go through a PowerPoint than a 30 page report. 

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Sorry, Gears. 

I think the tag is to both groups, both us and Gears.

How about both, Illwei? Graded upon completion or accuracy? Edit: oh, we're doing this. Hmmm. I'm not sure I have time for that. /edit

Maybe prepare a post with suspicions for the day turn, or the very end of the night turn if you're nervous? 

Can someone make a PM between two other people? I guess there's no reason to, since there's other beneficial actions to do.

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10 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Talk about the distribution during the day turn?


Everyone do deep analysis of the people who voted and compile a 30 page report and PowerPoint to be shared tomorrow during the day cycle?

Don't tempt me

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27 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

There was a majority vote! A Conference has been invoked. The "create PM" action can now be taken during night turns. Assembly can now be triggered.

This is permanent, right?

8 minutes ago, Mist said:

Sorry, Gears. 

I think the tag is to both groups, both us and Gears.

... you know, probably so...

Losing a Trademaster isn't the worst thing. It's not great, but that penalty is universal at least.

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Graded on a scale of S-E, on completion, not accuracy. Expected on my desk no later than Monday at 1900 MDT. This is only the first in a series, and next night I expect a Proposal outlining the top three best suspects to vote on.

what exactly falls under "Proposal" ? I failed Technical Writing three times.

@Kynedath Do PMs have to be bought from the market? I'm a bit confused.

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30 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

White text detector result: Negative.


"Edit": I tried to make a spooky : P but apparently that autocorrects to the emoji now? =P 

Yeah I noticed the extra spaces and wondered if anyone would check like I just did with yours :D

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I... er... AraRaash went a little dark with this one so I'm spoiler-ing it just in case. Refers back to the events of the writeup, ie gallows, and insane kandra things. I'd love thoughts if you think it's too much, or just in general.


A brand new gallows.

AraRaash strode purposefully towards the structure, examining it carefully. There wasn't anyone around; for a group of citizens so eager to turn to execution, they didn't seem to enjoy the results as much as he did. It was a good craftsmanship, one that he thought was underappreciated. Regardless of what Faleast thought, death was a form of art; and like art, it had various forms. Some art was meant to please the eye, some was meant to appeal to the senses, others were meant to send a message or record an event.

Some deaths were supposed to be graceful, a brilliant mystery in the dark. Others were brutal and quick to end a life.

And others, he thought as he looked at the wooden frame, were certainly meant to... send a message.

The body of Kadio was gone. He would have personally left it there, to remind any other night wanderers that their actions could have consequences. Alas, the great Domi in his mercy hath decreed through his prophets that once a possible criminal was lynched on a day's shoddy reasoning without a trial, their body would merely be thrown into a pit on the city outskirts instead of... whatever was supposed to be less merciful than that. Thrown into Elantris, he supposed as he headed towards the gate. Faleast still looked at the Elantrians as the demigods they had been a year before, but AraRaash had been the one to actually clamber their sacred walls. They were eating every scrap of food that they could find, even if it wasn't even edible. AraRaash didn't need to imagine what they'd do if a fresh source of meat suddenly appeared in those Svarkiss' city-

AraRaash stopped, puzzled. Svarkiss. That was a Fjordell word.

Where did that come from?

He wasn't even sure what it meant, but from the context his mind had decided to apply it to and from what he knew of the Elantris-hating, Jaddeth-loving people he doubted it was a compliment. But who knew when dealing with religions of worlds not even aware of their own existence? Maybe it was a sign of Connection to - no, that didn't make sense. While AraRaash was definitely the Dominion of the pair, his skills were much more towards the powers of Ruin than Rule. And Connection to Fjordell wouldn't randomly appear while in the middle of Arelon.

It was a mystery that would have to wait. He didn't have much time, so he picked up the speed, moving a little faster than any self-respecting old beggar man should be able to. He checked the sack he'd inserted where his kidneys should have been - everything was ready.

There. The cart carrying Kadio's body - just outside the gate. They hadn't even had the decency to show his family, although AraRaash wondered if that was for the better. Or if he had a family at all. Perhaps that would be for the better, too. Either way, they had left the hanged man in a cart, not yet given its feeble excuse for a burial. They had covered his face to their credit, but an arm hung out limply.

AraRaash reached for the arm, then gave it a tap. Cold as ice, but still soft. Rigor mortis hadn't even set in yet.

So he reached into his sack, grabbed the knife he'd hid there, and started. He felt Faleast's conscious roll in exhaustion, knowing that he wouldn't like what he would see if he started to look. AraRaash ignored him, then pulled out a bone. An ulna, this time. The radius followed, and AraRaash swapped them to one hand while replacing the bones with an iron facsimile he'd brought. No sense in getting anyone riled up about a desecrator with everything going on.

Although if whoever was in charge of dumping bodies here thought that stealing an arm bone was bad, AraRaash would love to introduce them to some of his aquaintances in the sewers. He shuddered, slightly. The Jeskri Mysteries were brutal even for his tastes; that didn't bode well for the... current administration.

He examined his prize. Two bones, a matched set. Perfectly normal. No signs of Dahkor manipulations. A shame.

He leaned down to Kadio, whispering, "I had to be sure". Then he turned and walked towards the city, humming slightly as the horizon turned a slight shade of magenta.

Some poor soul in the city had insulted Faleast's beggar, as someone so impoverished by the change in regime. You'll starve this city of its resources begging like that, they said. Starve it to its very bones, they said.

The Bone Collector, they called him.

Him. Faleast. Hmph.

AraRaash would show them a Bone Collector.


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Sorry, I'm a little over three pages into my thirty page analysis of Day 1 and I need somewhere to drop a bunch of links for easy reference... so here you go.


Venture votes Xino

Matrim votes Ashbringer

Ventyl votes Gears

Elkanah votes Devotary

Matrim retracts Ashbringer

Ventyl retracts Gears

Elkanah retracts Devotary

Elkanah votes Illwei

Gears votes Lotus

Illwei votes Gears

Elkanah retracts Illwei

Elkanah votes Xinoehp

Xinoehp votes Gears

Venture retracts Xinoehp

Venture votes Gears

Gears retracts Lotus

Illwei retracts Gears

Illwei votes Lotus

TJ Shade votes Lotus

Matrim votes Gears

Vapor votes Gears

Illwei retracts Lotus

Mist votes Gears

Ashbringer votes Gears

Devotary votes Gears

The Pokes


Venture votes Xino

Matrim votes Ashbringer

Ventyl votes Gears

Elkanah votes Devotary

Matrim retracts Ashbringer

Ventyl retracts Gears

Elkanah retracts Devotary

Elkanah votes Illwei

Elkanah retracts Illwei

Venture retracts Xinoehp

The Stabs


Elkanah votes Xinoehp

Xinoehp votes Gears

TJ Shade votes Lotus

Matrim votes Gears

Vapor votes Gears

Mist votes Gears

Ashbringer votes Gears

Devotary votes Gears

The reasons



The rest


Gears votes Lotus

Illwei votes Gears

Venture votes Gears

Gears retracts Lotus

Illwei retracts Gears

Illwei votes Lotus

Illwei retracts Lotus

Ack! I'm out of time!

Please don't kill me!

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:P Thanks!


Well, in case I die, here is what I've got so far.



Day 1

Article 1 - The Unlikely Alternatives

      We’ll start with a few edge cases to be sure all choices are accounted for. In this section we’ll discuss the idea of no eliminators, Latent eliminators and disconnected eliminators. I’m going through these first because I find these less likely than any other option; however, I feel I would be remiss not to comment on the possibility.

    Section 1 - No eliminators

      It is an old favorite that crops back up from time to time where a moderator chooses to troll a play group into believing that there is a nefarious group among them only to pick and choose targets themself. The new purpose of the game is not to find the hidden traitors among the group, but to determine that the moderator is the true enemy. I conceded it’s a fun game mode when used sparingly. Unfortunately the rules of this game wouldn’t permit such a ruse. 

     In the spirit of exhausting all possibilities let’s approach the votes from the perspective that everyone is village aligned. Illustration 2 provides a map of the events. Five poke votes are issued and immediately recalled as soon as the person shows up. Given the assumption that there is no eliminator team, all five were issued as a way of hearing from the players to determine the truth. 

      The first real vote cast is by Gears, who must be good based on our assumption. Lotus has just before given us our first crucial clue that everyone is village. Lotus claims adjudicator. Given the ruleset, losing an adjudicator is one of the roles that begins to lock the village out of the game. Along with the kingpin, the trademaster, King Iadon and maybe others, the rules tighten and become more difficult to navigate. Action is removed and the village realizes, perhaps too late, that the GMs are the only ones with the power to act on the game.

      Gears’ vote shows his faith in the institution and the rules as written. He believes he has the ability to change the outcome of the game. An outcome that has been compromised by Lotus’ untimely claim. Said he “I might switch off, though given the penalties, perhaps I won't. While I don't think Lotus is an elim, the claim is the best lead we have thus far. Odds are they aren't an elim, but we get PMs, don't get a penalty [which is retroactive reasoning, but no less convincing, hopefully], and might catch an elim Adjudicator.” Unfortunately, the tide quickly turns against him. Illwei, Xino and Venture all quickly move their votes to Gears, causing even him to doubt his reasoning.

     Of course, they all must also be village given my assumption. We are prisoners to our own expectations. Illwei even eventually recounts his accusation, but the damage has been done. Eager to feed the machine for our meager reward, we collectively allow an innocent to be removed and the moderators look on with hungry eyes. They wait to see who next will fall to their deception and plot who needs to be removed to continue the charade.

    Then again, none of this is possible. The moderators have lovingly built a game with complex interactions and diverse motivations that would be utterly wasted if this were a mere trick. While there is the tiniest hint that might be the point, that the amount of detail is to propagate the lie and see how far they can push it, this course of action is completely outside the character of either of our moderators.

    The first evidence that this is not a spoof game is the monk role. Adding in a fun new role like the monk shows commitment to an actual game. The requirement of the monk keeping the elims alive in order to win shows elims are necessary. Any game that preselects one player to guarantee that player’s loss is poor game design. An argument could be made that the Monk is also fictional. Just another intricacy to throw us off. Footnote 1 explores this possibility a little further, but no monk is less likely than no elims.

      More evidence that there are elims is the rule clarifications that came seemingly from nowhere. I realize some players prefer to go to their game PMs for clarification to hide their abilities, but the clarifications so far (with the possible exception of the Iadon rule change) haven’t needed much privacy to resolve. Frequently the questions were brought up in the thread anyway. The clarification where he talks about the monk not knowing the elims as well as the rule change regarding identity theft are notable examples that reaffirm my position on the existence of an eliminator faction.

     One more word on the possibility of no eliminators. King Iadon’s limit on transferring faction specific roles would be a great way of helping the village come to the realization that there are no elims. That and selling seer actions in the market for decently cheap should lead us to realize the ploy a little after halfway through the game if we are clever. This theory would hold more water if there hadn’t been a rules change on the identity theft contract. It works far less well now that it doesn’t alignment check as easily. Therefore it becomes another reason there is probably an eliminator faction in this game.


  Section 2

      This section will discuss the idea of delayed eliminators.


    Section 3

     Here we look at the idea of a disconnected eliminator faction.



Article 2

    Time to start looking into what people individually acted suspiciously during the course of the lynch. Going in I have the slight bias that the eliminator faction consists of four players and that Xinoehp is among them. I figure I should state that up front so you can read through my preset biases. I hope to come out with a more clear picture.

   Section 1

      The easiest people to discuss are those who actually voted as we have a pretty good idea of where they stand and where they stood at the time they cast and/or retracted their votes. 13 out of the 15 of us cast votes which is an excellent start to the game. We can narrow this further by separating the votes cast for suspicion from the votes cast for private messaging privelege.



Article 3

    Exploring possible connections and alliances that showed through voting patterns



Illustration 1

        Gears (8): Xino, Matrim, Vapor, Venture, Mist, Kings Way, Ashbringer, Devotary

        Lotus (3): TJ Shade, Gears, Ventyl

        Xino   (1): Elkanah

Illustration 2


































































TJ Shade





















Kings Way
















Wow, copy and paste is really bad

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Day 2

The marketplace was quiet tonight, only a few lights were on in the businesses that still had business to discuss. The figure stood in the shadowed doorway of an abandoned factory, waiting for their prey. The weighted steel dagger was unfamiliar in their hands, but they liked the weight of it. It balanced well in their hand. The dagger was meandering, like a river, twisting back and forth. It was a mean looking blade, given to them only recently. For some reason they could hardly wait to use it!

Serenken opened the door to a tannery and waved goodbye to those inside. They must have just closed a trade deal from the way they were smiling ear to ear. They departed and started to walk home, passing the figure in the doorway. The figure moved after a few moments, following Serenken from a while away. It wasn't long before they found themselves in a sparsely populated area of the city. As the figure ran up to Serenken, Serenken turned around and faced them. It seems they were aware of their follower. Be that as it may, Serenken wasn't swift enough to stop the blade, only enough to make it hit his organs instead of his heart.

The murderer ran away, taking the oddly shapped, bloody knife with them. Serenken slumped to the ground and screamed for help, trying to hold his intestines in his body. Shortly he was unconscious, and very soon after that, he was dead.

Devotary of Spontaneity was killed! They were a Loyal Merchant and an Actor.

The Day turn will end in ~ 48 hours, on Wednesday the 30th at 2000 MDT (0200 GMT).


Item market:

Item Price
Noble Insignia 24
Trade rights 24
Embargo 39
Personal Messenger 17

Contract Market:

Contract Price
Muder 100
Surveillance 65
Bodyguard 55
Identity theft 79


Player List:

  1. @xinoehp512 - Enjoys counting
  2. Gears - Kadio, the ultra-capitalist Loyal Merchant Trademaster
  3. @Mist - Tara Night, is their heart as dark as their last name?
  4. @Ashbringer - Faleast, . . . bone collector?
  5. @Matrim's Dice - Phialico, rhymes with calico
  6. @Elkanah - Lenkai, the anithesis of the player
  7. @Illwei - Akiia, big fan of onions and probably ogres (layers joke)
  8. @Kings_way - Oreo, double aon = double cool
  9. @Lord_Silberfarben - a man of two words
  10. @Lotus - Sunwalker, quote: "horribly unlucky"
  11. @Vapor - Taeon, hates most things (lik most 30-something year olds)
  12. @Ventyl - Lafay Etteax, keeps dying and coming back to life!
  13. @Butt Ad Venture - Lawrence Lokennake, Kleptomaniac? or Charlatan?
  14. @TJ Shade - everyday working-man
  15. Devotary of Spontaneity - Serenken, establishment clause for the win! Loyal Merchant Actor


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wow. Devotary was not at all who I thought they were going to attack. Who would have been worried about Devotary? I'm not saying there isn't good reason to be afraid of Devotary. They are very good at this game. I'm just guessing that would be the reason to target them. I'm not sure Kings Way would know Devotary's track record, so I don't think it was their idea. Time to go back and analyze anyone Devotary went after.



I'm dumb. They didn't go after Devotary. Devotary took someone's spot. That gives me less information

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@Illwei, I've got to apologize. I was soooo busy today, I didn't have time to write a 30 page report, or even make a PowerPoint! I hope you're not too disappointed :P 

But I think Elk might have made that up for me... 

Edit: @Kynedath, what's a 'Muder'? :P I spy a typo in the title...

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13 hours ago, Elkanah said:

I'm not sure Kings Way would know Devotary's track record, so I don't think it was their idea.

Is this because I'm new, or are you accusing me of murder? 

Because you should know that I always use straight knifes when I kill  merchants. Curvy ones are for Sharders. :P

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14 minutes ago, Kings_way said:

Is this because I'm new, or are you accusing me of murder? 

Because you should know hat I always use straight knifes when I kill  merchants. Curvy ones are for Sharders.

I don't like to play that card, but yeah. It's because I don't think you have played a game with Devotary and therefore don't know how good they are. It doesn't mean you don't still have the potential to be an elim, but it helped your case... until I figured out that Devotary wasn't the target after all. It was probably whomever they switched. 

Besides, I'd be accusing you of Muder not murder :P

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(Alright excuse any errors, I’m on my phone so typing is hard!)

First things first, losing an actor is very bad for us, because assuming there is probably only 1 or 2 actors in the game, there’s a 50% chance the elims no longer get actor trapped by their own kills. So I think if you’re an actor, getting protection in the form of someone else or saving up Deo is probably the right play. That and just generally lying low, and definitely don’t roleclaim outside of PMs. And even I’m PMs don’t roleclaim unless you trust the person enough to think they aren’t an Elim. 

Well that’s been my PSA for any remaining actors, if there are any that is. Remember you have a powerful late game role, because when there are less players you’ll have a higher chance of actor trapping an elim!


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