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Long Game 74: You Want It Darker


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5 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

:ph34r: Illwei, Ash just claimed vanilla. You gonna do something about that?

I didn't claim vanilla, I claimed vanilla-cursed. I'm almost always vanilla :P

... seriously, I was vanilla (sans items) in the AG of all things...

Uh oh.

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1 minute ago, Ashbringer said:

I didn't claim vanilla, I claimed vanilla-cursed. I'm almost always vanilla :P

if it's not role madness, I'm either Vanilla or a Lurcher or a PM role or a mix of both fun facts

Also if there is a spoiler with more than one spoiler in it I will not be opening it

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2 minutes ago, Illwei said:

if it's not role madness, I'm either Vanilla or a Lurcher or a PM role or a mix of both fun facts

Also if there is a spoiler with more than one spoiler in it I will not be opening it

Quick, fellow elims, put all of our secret information inside spoilers within spoilers and we shall be concealed!

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I wish the voices would go away. Too much chatter.

Is it in my head? Or actually happening?

They're talking about the gods. Fickle gods. Gods who do what they want because it's fun. Mess with lives. With minds. 

My mind. Where are the voices?

There. Talking about why they skulk about in the shadows. Not proper misties. Talking such.

They come in asking for iron, tin, pewter, copper. Forget some people don't like misties.

Like the gods. But the gods don't care. Gods just hand out powers to anyone. Noble and skaa alike.

Skaa misties. What a sight. They're my best customers. Always give them the right metal. Good metal. Solid copper and zinc and tin and steel. 

Ones I taste and know. 

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Okay hi I’m still here. Sorry for disappearing for a while. I’ll work on getting caught up on the last half of D1 and all of N1, will probably be done around the start of D2. 

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3 hours ago, Ventyl said:


Are Lurchers told whether or not they are successful in protecting someone? Or is just said in the writeup, “__ was attacked but survived”

It will be mentioned in the write-up that Shshsh was attacked but survived.

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3 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

The random bystander walked down the street. She found a new spot to sit down on, and been to play. "You may say I'm a dreamer..." She whispered. She sighed, and shook her head. I will help these people. I can and will. 

Any game thoughts?

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wow these last two pages of the thread contain absolutely nothing xD

10 hours ago, Quintessential said:

Stick: didn't vote until the very end, when it was obvious Books was gonna die.

When I voted there was a 3/3 tie between Books and Reading, so I wouldn't really say that it was the very end nor that it was obvious that Books was gonna die :P This doesn't make me look great, but I don't regret voting Books because if I hadn't, I would've just continued being suspicious of them in these subsequent cycles.

10 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Ash and Devotary probably look the worst off the last-minute voting, in this elaborate world I've constructed, and I'm going to stop analysing here because I'm just rambling at this point :P

As far as I remember, Devotary just always votes last-minute don't they? So I'd say it's completely NAI.

10 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

And here Stick is taking basically the opposite view. :P I would agree with you if people only used manip when it was necessary, but oftentimes it's the exact opposite, which is why I'd maintain that the village manipulator(s) were probably more likely to be on towards the end of the turn.

But...I think we share the same view though? :P What I said was I don't believe the manips have anything to do with Reading's alignment as it could've been villagers just wanting to save them from the lynch for whatever reasons, or it could've been elims trying to frame them. Either way it doesn't make Reading lock-elim or even suspicious.

Rereading last turn's thread...I don't think I'm too suspicious of most of the people that voted Books. I think almost none of the votes on Books were elim (especially if my village read on Reading is correct), with the exceptions maybe being Striker and TJ.

I'm gonna take a closer look at all of Striker's posts tomorrow during the day turn.

TJ voted for Books exactly 4 minutes before end-of-turn, and with 8 votes on Books already. Does seem redundant from both a villager's and an elim's point of view, but they had expressed suspicion of Books prior to this, in this post, when there was a 5/4 split between Books and Reading. @TJ Shade was there a reason you waited to cast your vote?


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12 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

 If I were an elim with vote manips and I had the opportunity to mess up some votes here and there to make a villager look bad while also simultaneously lynching another villager, I would definitely do it. Also, the soothes used on Reading's votes could may as well just be villagers attempting to save Reading, so I think this is mostly just NAI as far as Reading's alignment is concerned. HOwever I still think Reading is village.

Elim soothers are more likely to use their powers freely than elim rioters, though an elim rioter who didn't vote would be able to use their abilities without detection. If the vote manipulation is the simplest three soothers and no rioters an elim soother is plausible.

11 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

The Books avalanche and the vote manip should probably be considered separately - my view is that even if SoR is evil, only one of those phenomena were generated by Team Evil. Either of them would have sufficed to save an Elim!SoR, and I don't think the elims would have tipped their hand so heavily to save a member this early on. So either the last-minute swing of votes (Bard, Ash, Devotary, TJ) was half-or-more evil, or the heavy vote manipulation was done by an elim or two, but not both. Sorry if that made no sense to anyone but myself. :P Right now I have almost universally null reads on the wagon of Books voters, so I'm of the view that evil!SoR would mean the elims sending in vote manip actions early in the turn to make sure he survived and then getting pleasantly surprised by the mostly-village tumble onto Books last-minute. Ash and Devotary probably look the worst off the last-minute voting, in this elaborate world I've constructed, and I'm going to stop analysing here because I'm just rambling at this point :P

It was 6-4 when Ash voted and 7-3 when I voted, neither of which are particular danger for elim!Reading. If you think an attempt to save Reading was either late push on Books or early vote manip and that the manip is more likely, I'm not sure why you then think the late voters are the most suspicious. A village Reading means that all the later voting is less alignment indicative.

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11 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Quoting this mainly to respond to your amalgamation of puns and actual points which you made last cycle, which is the only thing I'm going to bother looking at other than votes from yesterday after I left the thread because if I try to multiquote everything I will go insane. >> You seemed to come out of last cycle with more up-front suspicion of Striker than I, essentially because it seems you saw his original post as incontrovertibly bad and subsequent ones as simple efforts at damage control. Given that my stance on Striker has thus far been the equivalent of an enormous shrug, I' m not opposed to your take, but I wonder what you think of it now that Books (who you and I also suspected) has flipped village. Also, now that you've presumably got more time, I'd like to hear your points against TUO and Tani; both of them have kind of slid under my radar, which is perhaps reason enough to give them a second look, but they seem like normal new / adjusting players to me, so I'm curious why they stuck out in your read enough to give them a mention.

Basically the repeated "my aim was to create discussion, and look, it happened" reasoning, because discussion would ensue nonetheless as it was the within first five posts of the game?

Two opposing reasonings for the Seeker thing:


I forgot about Smokers.


But it shouldn't be too hard to figure out if someone is actually a vanilla villager or not. And you're more likely than not to scan someone correctly than incorrectly. There's probably...2, maybe 3 smokers in the game. Your odds of hitting anyone that's been smoked are only 3/14. Obviously the odds increase as players die, but smokers are just as likely to die as anyone else in the game.

First he says he forgot about Smokers, then goes on explain his reasoning like he didn't forget about Smokers after all.

Also, I initially thought him change his vote to Books might be village indicative, but then I remembered village!Striker didn't actually care who got voted out between Illwei and Matrim in LG73, and it's not the same here. The reason to avoid tie is NAI as elims would want to avoid a tie as well. But I think this point could go either way so I'm not sure.

Stuff from this cycle makes me feel a little better about him. But I'm... still suspicious of him. The only reason I'm even hesitating a bit is I went back and read through Gears' EoD posts because I felt something off about them, and the more I read them the more I feel like Gears was using TMI to defend Illwei, Quinn and sorta Striker. And if Gears is evil, I think Striker is not evil with him. 

With TUO it was them popping up at times and not involving themselves in the game discussion, felt like they were skating by, and Tani, as I said just feels like they are overplaying their newness. Tani's is more of a gut read so I'd like to see more. 

6 hours ago, Kasimir said:

It will be mentioned in the write-up that Shshsh was attacked but survived.

Evi was attacked but survived :P.

1 hour ago, _Stick_ said:

But...I think we share the same view though? :P What I said was I don't believe the manips have anything to do with Reading's alignment as it could've been villagers just wanting to save them from the lynch for whatever reasons, or it could've been elims trying to frame them. Either way it doesn't make Reading lock-elim or even suspicious.

I think what Fifth intended to say was that if Reading is elim, the elims would have tried to save him either by vote manipulation or by jumping on alternate vote train but not BOTH. And he seems to think it's more likely to be the former because the vote manipulation does not require the elims to expose themselves, but the jumping on alternate train does.

1 hour ago, _Stick_ said:

@TJ Shade was there a reason you waited to cast your vote

Yeah, I hadn't completed my full read of the thread remember? Had only finished 9 pages, so I didn't want to vote based on incomplete information. Came back with 30 mins left to rollover and tried to finish reading the thread and by the time I was done, 4 mins were left. I didn't know the vote count when I voted but I basically saw Mat saying it's 6-4 (looking back Mat said it was 6-4 before Ash had voted, but I didn't grasp that as I was skimming) and hence voted. I didn't see Devotary's vote because I started typing up my post before she voted and did not refresh in between. But I don't think I would have refrained from voting even if I knew it was 8 votes because I've always voted. 

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Hi everyone. 

This is your final timecheck. You have just under two hours to rollover. 

I have also been informed that I am morally obligated to clarify that I am fine, it really was a work emergency, my account has not been hacked. Also, Wyrm is good people and a friend, and I trust him enough to ask him to help cover for me in the event the emergency took longer to resolve than expected, e.g. If I had to be recalled. Thank you for both your concern and the PMs—you know who you are—as well as the second weirdest GM statement/clarification I've had to make this game.

I'm definitely Kas, your GM, Kas out. 

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