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Long Game 74: You Want It Darker


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20 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

Not sure about you, but to me, this looks like an elim coinshot/mistborn.

[OOC, because I can't figure out how to say this clearly enough IC:

I absolutely think Ventyl's death was a village vigilante. There was enough suspicion about him yesterday because of his claim which would be very, very easy to keep faking. Why exactly would elims use a Mistborn/coinshot kill to get rid of someone drawing attention away from them? Ventyl would have likely drawn a lot of attention for today's exe, or even a few exes if there was enough dissention.

However, a village coinshot would recognize this potential hazard and could believe that Ventyl was just suspicious enough to justify a coinshot kill, especially if it helped stop future cycles of IKYK and false accusations.]

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1 minute ago, Elandera said:

[OOC, because I can't figure out how to say this clearly enough IC:

I absolutely think Ventyl's death was a village vigilante. There was enough suspicion about him yesterday because of his claim which would be very, very easy to keep faking. Why exactly would elims use a Mistborn/coinshot kill to get rid of someone drawing attention away from them? Ventyl would have likely drawn a lot of attention for today's exe, or even a few exes if there was enough dissention.

However, a village coinshot would recognize this potential hazard and could believe that Ventyl was just suspicious enough to justify a coinshot kill, especially if it helped stop future cycles of IKYK and false accusations.]

This is basically my train of thought as well. I would imagine that a team who'd choose to kill Randby would also choose another lack-of-info kill, which I guess Ventyl is in some ways but they also could have gotten enough suspicion on Ventyl to misexe him, I think. 

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Alright, I don't have as much time today as I have had so far because I do have homework that needs to get done, so I don't know that this day turn is going to have as much as normal, but then again, I don't know that I frequently do have a ton of indepth thread comments. 

Anyways, looking back on the voting from last turn, I had said that I found Ventyl, Stick, and Striker to be the most suspicious. i just went back to look at the actual voting times and other votes on at the time of the vote, since data doesn't lie, but emotional appeals might. Ventyl is clearly village, since he's dead, RIP. Stick brought it to 3-3-4 between Illwei, Reading, and Books. I don't really see that as alignment indicative yet. Striker though takes the pressure off Illwei and switches to Books and then Illwei switches off herself to Reading later on. I think I'm beginning to see an Illwei-Striker evil pairing here. I think Reading is likely to be good as well and just an unfortunate second lynch option. I would also add Bard maybe lower down the list of potential elims since his vote really took it past a tie. 

On the Reading votes, I think aside from Illwei, it's likely to be all villagers. Araris was going for a less active player, Fifth seems way too into this game to be evil to me and joined Araris's ideas. I'd put maybe Matrim or Pyro on the elim team as well, voting for Striker for distancing. 

So right now, I'm thinking Illwei, Striker, Matrim, Pyro, Bard in that order for my suspicions. 

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Like Quinn and Elandera said: I highly doubt the elims have a coinshot. Mistborn? Maybe. But I highly doubt they have a coinshot. And even if they do, I highly doubt the Ventyl kill would be from the elims. If we're going to assume that the Rando kill is indicative of the elim profile (granted, it's one kill, so we can't make too many assumptions), then it seems they would prefer to go after more low-profile players. Killing Ventyl doesn't fit that MO for our team, following this profile of who the elims might be at least. Plus, literally speaking, Ventyl surviving would cause doubt about his alignment. Keeping Ventyl alive would leave a villager to focus discussion away from the elims. 

Also, I'm going to vote on Stick. They've been giving me some odd vibes throughout the game and I don't like how she went about trying to plant the idea that it wasn't a village coinshot that did the kill. Feels almost like she's trying to make us really suspect that the coinshot, whoever they may be, is an elim. 

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6 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

I think I'm beginning to see an Illwei-Striker evil pairing here. I think Reading is likely to be good as well and just an unfortunate second lynch option. I would also add Bard maybe lower down the list of potential elims since his vote really took it past a tie. 

I'm not really seeing Illwei-Striker, though perhaps I should relook that. I did mark down Bard though, he kinda defended Striker a bit in the beginning, that didn't escape my notice.

7 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

I'd put maybe Matrim or Pyro on the elim team as well, voting for Striker for distancing.

I could see Pyro for this, but Striker is like literally my only concrete real suspicion. It'd be one heck of a bus :P 

My order of suspicions is probably Striker - Bard/Exp - Maill - Tani

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2 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I'm not really seeing Illwei-Striker, though perhaps I should relook that. I did mark down Bard though, he kinda defended Striker a bit in the beginning, that didn't escape my notice.

I could see Pyro for this, but Striker is like literally my only concrete real suspicion. It'd be one heck of a bus :P 

My order of suspicions is probably Striker - Bard/Exp - Maill - Tani

What would be a heck of a bus? The train that started on Striker at the beginning?

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I don't get the Ventyl suspicion. There was a very good argument for them being village and I feel some people might have been trying to mislead us away from that. If the coinshot was village, that actually checks out pretty well.


@Elandera, I went over your posts, and not one of them have actually said anything about the game. This is starting to veer from 'playstyle change' to 'deliberately making yourself harder to read'. Please tone it down.

EDIT: Flame On!

Edited by The Young Pyromancer
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1 minute ago, Mailliw73 said:

What would be a heck of a bus? The train that started on Striker at the beginning?

My continued push and insistence that Striker is evil :P 

1 minute ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

I don't get the Ventyl suspicion. There was a very good argument for them being village and I feel some people might have been trying to mislead us away from that. If the coinshot was village, that actually checks out pretty well.

Some people like... Striker? :ph34r: 

Ok ok I kinda did too but not as much and I definitely wouldn't have killed Ventyl.

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Re: Striker bus

Assuming I am involved with this bus, it is very possible. I have done a crazier bus than that before. The only reason this one's a little implausible is because it was kind of early on, so it probably wasn't coordinated.

Actually, matrim, you should remember that bus. Hm.

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4 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

@Elandera, I went over your posts, and not one of them have actually said anything about the game. This is starting to veer from 'playstyle change' to 'deliberately making yourself harder to read'. Please tone it down.

I mean, maybe we can let people play with different playstyles that they're having fun with! I'm personally loving her posts. Plus, she is making some pretty good points, if you're reading closely. I do think she could also do some occasional less-RP focused posts, but I'd rather her have fun than feel like she has to participate.

Also, I was definitely not the only player talking about the stuff with Ventyl possibly being elim. Maybe I was the most vocal, but I wasn't the only one. And I definitely came to the conclusion that he was most likely village. You can go read what I said, if you want. :P

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12 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

My order of suspicions is probably Striker - Bard/Exp - Maill - Tani

Is that strongest/weakest suspicions, or other way round, or something else?


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6 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

I mean, maybe we can let people play with different playstyles that they're having fun with! I'm personally loving her posts. Plus, she is making some pretty good points, if you're reading closely. I do think she could also do some occasional less-RP focused posts, but I'd rather her have fun than feel like she has to participate.

Also, I was definitely not the only player talking about the stuff with Ventyl possibly being elim. Maybe I was the most vocal, but I wasn't the only one. And I definitely came to the conclusion that he was most likely village. You can go read what I said, if you want. :P

She also responds well to PMs :) 

Mat, thanks for clarifying your bus I see now. :P

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18 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

@Elandera, I went over your posts, and not one of them have actually said anything about the game. This is starting to veer from 'playstyle change' to 'deliberately making yourself harder to read'. Please tone it down.

She definitely made at least one out of rp post that said stuff about the game like... earlier today in response to you :P


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[OOC: I will be trying to add more non-RP posts, but I've been working and writing all weekend and simply didn't have time to read the hundreds of posts that made up cycle one. So I made comments/gave opinions in my RP regarding smaller aspects of the game. Expect that to continue, as I'm having a terrible amount of fun with this character, but I will be doing a bit more OOC posting in the next few days. Just not anything in-depth yet because I am still at work.]

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Yes! Finally! The other wrangler had left his ducks. Now Daux could test his theory!

As the other wrangler stood staring at the wreckage of the Alchemist's ducks Daux had left for him, Daux stole into Joe's duck pen, leaving with several pilfered ducks and the gate left open behind him.

They WERE more afraid than the Alchemist's ducks! Daux just couldn't tell if that was from the other wrangler's fear... or his actions.

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It was midmorning before Tesse had managed to restore some semblance of order to her shop and her apartment. The intruder, or intruders, had been incredibly thorough in their search, and she suspected it was only by chance that they hadn't found what they were looking for. She knew they hadn't, because nothing was missing. Or nothing valuable anyway--there might have been books or clothes or miscellaneous kitchenware on the shelves or in her closet yesterday that weren't there now, but she doubted it. Who would go to all this trouble for items that collectively weren't worth more than a few dozen boxings, and leave the metals worth ten times as much?

She had a good idea of what they hadn't been looking for. Not the metals--those weren't even kept under lock and key, the finished shavings in the vials. They sat proudly on display shelves, and every single one was in its place. They were the only items in the entire building that hadn't been moved, in fact.

Not fine ceramics, either--Tesse had a set, passed down from the generations when her family was more than just comfortable, when the Mourn name really meant something. She'd thought at first that the set was gone, because it wasn't in its display case in the kitchen, but then she found it stacked carefully on the old red and gold rug in her study--which was itself worth twice as much as the china. 

They hadn't even been looking for atium; the safe that held her last two beads, along with her gold and her pewter, had been left ajar, and yet all of its contents were still present. No, there were only two things they could have wanted, whoever they were. The Eleventh Metal, or...

No. They couldn't know about that. They couldn't. The few people here who knew would have been at the meeting, she told herself. They wouldn't have had time to... her hands trembling again, she unlatched that particular hidden safe and surveyed its contents. They were all there. Of course they were; she'd already checked three times that morning. She shut the door, replaced the wall-panel that went in front of it, and sank into her desk chair. Her hands were still shaking. I have to get rid of them, she thought. But how?

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2 hours ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

Actually, matrim, you should remember that bus. Hm.

Remind me? :) 

2 hours ago, Tani said:

Is that strongest/weakest suspicions, or other way round, or something else?

Strong to weak, Striker being strongest and you being the weakest.

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Roseanna stretched, clothing and surroundings splattered with varying colours. There was light peaking through her window. oh, it's morning already? Huh. Guess I was painting all night.  She rinsed off her tools and peaked out of her door. Ah good. That grumpy woman was no where to be seen. She started outside, getting some fresh air. 

She was outside for mere minutes before the nights events reached her. And only a few more minutes following before she was back in her room, door locked.

"Well then. At least painting makes for a great distraction!"

She picked up her brush, and began to paint.


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7 hours ago, Gears said:

Two bodies [presumably] lay upon the bloody streets. One was riddled with coin holes, and the other was simply missing, though bloodstains showed evidence of a struggle. Roko picked up a coin from the gutter and tucked it away as a memento, a testament to the odd child who adored the ash, a remnant of a quirk of divinity. It was coated with blood and viscera, but that was no matter. More for the remembering. It raised a finger to its lips and let the coppery tang that it could not taste diffuse over its tongue. In the first days, the olden days, it had been a thing of vengeance, but now, it was a simple collector. Everything in this world was so fleeting, so temporary, so it kept what it could. In another life, another world, another iteration of the life it had been give, perhaps it would have let things go. But not after... not after [͢͡D͘͜͢͠Ờ̧͟N̶͘͘͠͞'̛͢͜͠T̨͡͠͞ ́͘T̷͞H̢̨͜͞͡I̛͜N̶̕K̨͢͏ ̴͘A̡͡҉̷B̨̛͜O͏̢̡͢Ų̷̕͢͝T͏̸͢ ̶̛͘̕͢Í͜T́͜͞ ̛́D̨̕͠͝Ó̴̸̀͠Ǹ̷̷̀͠'̴͟͞T̶͟ ̨̧Ţ̸̕͠H̴́͝I̡͠N͜͜͠K̡͟͞͏ ̶̴̢͠A̸̷͠B̸̴́͢O̢U̵̕҉Ţ͠͡ ҉̧̡I͟҉̴T͞͞ ̶́͘͡͠R̨̢̕͟É̡̀̕D͜͡A̶̕͢C͢͡T̷̷͘ĘD̀͟͟͠ ҉̢͝R̵̢̕̕͡Ȩ̵̶́͡D̵̨̧A̵̡̛C̸̕͘͟͞T̷̴͜E͟͞͡͞D̀͘͜ ̢͡͡R̶͟͟E̡͟D̷̢҉A̢͟͝͡C̷͢͠͝T̛͝E̷͠҉͜D̛҉͢ ̡́͟E̡͟R̸̵͜͞Ą̵̡̀S̷͠E̴̶̡̕̕ ̛̛͘҉̸F͏҉̴O̕͘͘R̶̕͞G̛͘E̡͜͝͠T̨̨͜͠ ̵̧D͢͞O҉̀͡N̸̵'̸̧́͝T́͢͞҉ ̷͟Ţ̛H̸̛͟͞Ì̷̡͘͢Ņ̸́̕͟K͠ ͏̵̶̨͟A̶҉̶͞B͏̸Ǫ̸̕͝҉Ų̕͠T͜ ̷̕҉͡I̢͏̷̧T̷̡̧͠]̴̢҉̸

The walls were adorned with the writing of the mad. Roko appreciated it. Blood stains, charcoal, lines that nearly blended with the walls. A work of art. It brushed its hand against the wall and... yes, the near-invisible text was definitely powdered bone. The message reminded it of someone it had seen on many worlds, someone who was among them right now. But then again, it did not know the townsfolk well enough to know if any of them also heard the siren's song of jagged art. Speaking to the one it knew would be a poor gamble. Then again, why not converse? They were old 'friends', after all.

It moved towards 'Derrick' rigidly, posture settling into one of command, of intolerance, of certainty. "Salutations, Derrick," it said. "Or should I say Faleast and AraRaash?"

"Oh there you are!" Derrick said, rolling his head around to look at the Basilisk. Not literally rolling his head, unfortunately; Derrick couldn't remember if that was why... come to thought of it, Derrick couldn't remember who wasn't talking to him. But someone wasn't because of possibly rolling his head. And, that someone wasn't Roko! That made it a good day.

"So you think there's two of me now?" Derrick replied. "The Twinmind, 'suppose is accurate enough. But no, there's only one Derrick and that's Derrick. But I've seen quite a lot of yous around, now that you mention it." What had happened the last time Derrick had met Roko? It had been a while. He'd just earned his little chalky friend, before getting dragged in the dark to try and find it again. Or was it the pirate ship? No, not the ship. Still, Derrick was pretty sure he hadn't killed Roko then. Which meant, of course, little to either of them, but impressions were everything. Especially around now, as Derrick had to cast a very specific impression.

"I suppose there are two of me. But we're both Derrick, you see? Poor Derrick. If you're wondering who ate the ducks, it wasn't me. I can't digest the bones. I didn't eat Barth, either, but I think that's more obvious to the eye sockets."

Derrick grinned, looking past Roko towards the center of town, where that very interesting piece of metal had met a slightly less interesting individual. "Nope, Derrick has all the bones he needs here. No bones about it. No ducks, either." He waved at the falling ash. "This is about, though. Everywhere, everyear. It's strange, really."

"Where was Derrick. Ah. Derrick sees your salutations and raises one step - but no steps around, Derrick is afraid... Derrick shall raise you a 'yes' and a 'no'. Derrick cannot be too much help today. But tell me, Roko: if you have an ear, an ear every year, what is the sound you'd least like to hear?"

One of Derrick's eyes trailed back to Roko. The other kept looking ahead.

That metal...

Where was the key? The lock found, the key lost, the door... the gambit had paid off, in a way, but not the way that Derrick wished.

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I'm slightly short on time, so this will be briefer than I want it to be, but I'm gonna drop a vote on Ashbringer. They don't sound to me like they're actually trying to solve the game - large parts of the discussion they've contributed is around the mechanics of the game, rather than analysis, and the analysis they have done feels like they're playing it safe, like they don't want to say anything that will attract attention or that they can't reverse on a dime later as necessary.

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6 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

Knowing who killed who is really interesting though, because it gives us a profile for our killers. We know that the elims wanted to go for low info kills, which I think means they are probably more active than inactive, as a team. Which...granted, doesn't help us too much as a lot of people in this game are pretty active. We also know that the elims wanted to keep Ventyl alive because they deemed him not a threat to them, at least as of last turn. I feel like it isn't much of a leap to say that they probably kept him alive to draw suspicion towards him for surviving and away from themselves.

In a game with protection roles, the other consideration for elim kills is not wanting to hit someone who might be protected by a Lurcher. Not wanting to run into protection may have also played a role in the elims leaving Ventyl alone, while a low profile player like Ruby is less likely to be protected by someone else.

3 hours ago, Mailliw73 said:

Anyways, looking back on the voting from last turn, I had said that I found Ventyl, Stick, and Striker to be the most suspicious. i just went back to look at the actual voting times and other votes on at the time of the vote, since data doesn't lie, but emotional appeals might. Ventyl is clearly village, since he's dead, RIP. Stick brought it to 3-3-4 between Illwei, Reading, and Books. I don't really see that as alignment indicative yet. Striker though takes the pressure off Illwei and switches to Books and then Illwei switches off herself to Reading later on. I think I'm beginning to see an Illwei-Striker evil pairing here. I think Reading is likely to be good as well and just an unfortunate second lynch option. I would also add Bard maybe lower down the list of potential elims since his vote really took it past a tie. 

On the Reading votes, I think aside from Illwei, it's likely to be all villagers. Araris was going for a less active player, Fifth seems way too into this game to be evil to me and joined Araris's ideas. I'd put maybe Matrim or Pyro on the elim team as well, voting for Striker for distancing.

Quinn and Biplet retracting took the pressure off Illwei more than Striker did I think. It was 4-3-2 Books-Illwei-Reading when Striker switched and one of the votes on Illwei was herself which couldn't really be expected to stick long term. The 3-3-3 when Stick voted was when there were a couple people who didn't want to break the tie/vote on Books. If everyone here was village an elim wouldn't have a strong incentive to meddle.

I do remember Araris putting down stab votes D1 and Fifth going for the lengthy multiquotes regardless of alignment, so there's no strong reason either elim or village for this.


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^^^ That's irrelvant to this VVV

I was responding to some things but i clicked next page and when i pasted it pasted a screenshot I had just taken stupidly. anyways. didn't have much there.

Is Maill voting on someone? He has me as his top suspicion, then proceed to construct an Elim team around Striker being Evil? It feels like an Elim who is dancing around actually voting for me now that no one else is. Maill/Striker potentially e/e.
he also seems to completely drop his Stick suspicion with no explanation? I don't see how you can go from a top read to not worth an ending message or a vote.

Pyro talking about an Elim coinshot and then Immediately walking it back felt ?? to me? it would be different if I could see more thoughts but he had a "Elim Coinshot. think about it." and then went to "I don't understand the susp-" Okay as I'm writing this I think I see the connection now okay I got there eventually- wait no just looked at the post again and he then says "village coinshot checks out" and now I'm just confused >>
I also don't know what the bus thing is that people are talking about even though I've already lost this post once trying to find where that was first mentioned >> but just because a bus would be early doesn't mean that it can't be a bus? I also have no idea what I'm referencing here lmao someone help me :P.

I keep getting distracted trying to write this

I don't even remember the rest of my thoughts I've been spending like the past half hour PMing

maybe I'll continue this maybe I won't who knows


Edited by Illwei
[color] name [/color] *doesn't* actually color things *red* >>
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