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Long Game 74: You Want It Darker


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1 minute ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I’ll break the tie in the morning if I absolutely need to; I’d rather do that than keep my vote.

I also just realized that Books’ reasoning that is getting them exed is merely an exaggerated explanation of why I originally voted Striker. Not sure what to think about that but I don’t think I’m as okay with killing them today.

Indeed. However, you've done more, such as reads and banter, so I'm letting you go [which may just be personal bias, which is concerning to me, and I think I may need to work on this], plus they were fairly hedgy and then formulated an opinion when prodded despite being confused just moments before. Sidenote: Whenever I look back at reasoning, I realise that it's so much more fragile than I thought, and this certain iteration makes me concerned about both myself and Fifth, who agreed with me. Problem: Where else shall we turn? My mind points me at Order [for no reason at all, which is worrisome] and Tani [who's new, so I am morally obligated to leave them alone for a bit]. This is why I don't vote D1. Wherever shall I turn? I am quite confused, as always, and paranoia is clawing at my spine.

5 minutes ago, Illwei said:


Illwei went and took a break and hopefully Chillwei is here to stay

I don't understand ? Even though she was like “I was just in a tunnel, now I’m out, pog!”
I do think that if she was an Elim she would stick with it rather than switch off: example in QF50

I still don’t think Books is an Elim. They felt very genuine in their thoughts/progressions earlier and I think they’re a lot more...stiff? as an Elim?
I've talked to Mat about this- and- I don't understand Mat saying? he's okay? with killing books?

Perhaps, horror and terror, Quinn is learning. I don't remember elim!Books too well, which is my bad, so I can't really judge. Mat appears to have changed their mind.

7 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Opinion but no action, which could be elim!Mat attempting to distance themself from Books without actually shifting their vote. I think Books' flip could reveal quite a bit here I think. FlyingBooks here we go again

Mat just changed their mind on that, so... I don't have a strong opinion about Mat one way or another, but their response to my reasoning seemed... [I'm looking for a word...] reasonable? Something like that. It seemed to come from a villager PoV, shall we say. Also, where's the read on me? Have I not done enough? Alas, I've been relegated to a null status! Lamentations and woe!  [Joking, of course.]

Roko the Basilisk sat at the center table against its own will, having been drawn in by the conversation surrounding Illwei and Tesse. It had been perfectly content to sit in the corner and sip tastelessly at its drink, a silent observer as always, but alas, the arguments against Illwei had been too odd for it to stand by any longer. Previous encounters? Odd manners? Defensiveness? They were all townsfolk under a great deal of stress, odd behavior was to be expected. It of course did not trust the Weill, but senseless murder, while entertaining, was not particularly helpful in destroying the Enemy.

And now, despite its best efforts, it had gotten involved with the interrogation side of things. Lasalen, the alchemist, a flighty one who seemed to frame things through a very specific point of view. Paranoia coiled at its neck like a snake, whispering sweet poisons into its ears, every possible interpretation of Lasalen's statements, be it good or bad. It could not trust its own suspicions. But it was too involved to step back to the shadows now, so it was forced to gamble on this one individual. Given an average of 20-25% Spiked per infiltration, pure chance was against it, but out of all the people it had encountered on this day, Lasalen seemed to be the most noteworthy. Their relative silence contributed to that slightly, since the few other suspects had points in their favor as well.

Perhaps Roko was overly biased against the quiet ones, which was quite hypocritical, considering its own nature as a silent observer. But alas, tolerance was not built in an afternoon, nor a week or a thousand years. Hesitation now, just before the end, would only cripple it. It would strike now and change later, unless new evidence, better evidence, came to light. This was its path, its chosen roll of the dice. Until another target, a better target, revealed itself, Roko would remain on this path. Eternity awaited those who fell, and Roko had no mercy to spare. Those who stumble will be left behind. It quietly withdrew, tucking itself into a corner for a respite from the conversation. 

[OOC: Departing for the night, farewell, don't create too many new pages without me but do discuss. Also, I was ninja'd a million times again, but I don't have much to respond to there, so that's fine, just assume you've been noted and ping me if you really need anything though I won't see it for a while. I'll almost certainly be online before rollover, though. Sidenote: Exactly 682 words. Huzzah!]

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Okay. Interesting. Okay. IllweiBooks. Like Gears said, everything with them coming after me a whole bunch for something pretty minor and then forming an opinion out of nowhere as soon as they were questioned about something seems odd to me. Plus I’d like to ensure a lead on one candidate over the others. Ties hurt us (@Devotary of Spontaneity in case you didn’t realize that, seems like you were thinking ties exe someone, but they don’t), so I want to avoid ties as much as possible. Ties aren’t as fun if they don’t RNG or kill both players :( (I’m sad at you @Kasimir about that :P)

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I’ll break the tie in the morning if I absolutely need to; I’d rather do that than keep my vote.

I mean...why not just vote? It seems odd to just...go like “hey I want to vote but nah I’ll wait.” Like...what’s the point in waiting if you want to place your vote there eventually?

also there’s a random quote box with nothing in it down here and I’m on mobile and can’t get rid of it. :P

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:
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3 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

I mean...why not just vote? It seems odd to just...go like “hey I want to vote but nah I’ll wait.” Like...what’s the point in waiting if you want to place your vote there eventually?

I am voting; on you :P I was just saying I'd rather break the tie and not vote on you than vote on you and not break the tie.

Which with the recent development, I don't need to do! So that's nice for me, cause after confusing myself a couple of times I've decided that Books isn't that much of an elim read for me anymore. Thought process being 'I remember gut vil reading them' -> 'The points about them being evil are good' -> 'Waitaminute no they're not cause they're almost the same thoughts as mine' :P.

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47 minutes ago, Gears said:

Voting for a weak reason early D1 is perfectly normal and practically expected. Frequent murder is also fine and is a valid strategy. This third point is actually worthy of note, but forgetting the rules isn't inherently suspicious. For some people it's been a week since they've read the rules. You use the 'prevalence' of poor reasoning as justification for both your suspicions of Striker and your TWTBAW village read of Striker, framing all of the points maliciously, as though all of them are "bad" and "wrong" and suspicious. Your reasoning for your read of Striker is that their points are too suspicious to be elimy, yes? [And the fact that your reasoning both for and against Striker is a whole other issue, which also bothers me since your decision to village read Striker seems arbitrary and predicates on them being overly suspicious with bad points when their points are just fine and it seems like you could have elim read them just as easily] But their points are quite fine, except for the Seeker one. Your reasoning seems fundamentally flawed and a bit strange. [And I do realise that finding you guilty for faulty reasoning is bitterly humorous, but alas, I have no other targets. Point me to someone you find unworthy, and perhaps my mind may change]

For your first point: Yes, voting someone for little reason at all is normal D1, but voting someone for a nonexistent reason is strange.

For your second point: with the counterarguments that people have offered, I see that many of the things that I saw as very suspicious in Striker's post aren't that suspicious to others. I still feel like the coinshot(s) shouldn't kill every cycle though, especially at the beginning.


1 minute ago, Gears said:

I don't remember elim!Books too well, which is my bad, so I can't really judge. Mat appears to have changed their mind.

I've been an elim in 4 out of my 7 past games, so you have plenty of past material to look over ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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16 minutes ago, Flyingbooks said:

I've been an elim in 4 out of my 7 past games, so you have plenty of past material to look over ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Other thing: They don't seem like elim!Books to me rn

Other other thing that makes the Other thing invalid: Their elim playstyles fluctuate iirc

This was a useless post xD

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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Apologies, I've been dealing with a few game issues. @Tani— You do not have to vote if you don't want to.

Please be reminded that the cycle ends in slightly under ten hours. Get those votes and actions in! 

Please also be reminded this is a game y'all :P Chill, make friends, kill people, okay? Don't make me feel like I'm teaching in uni again :P

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19 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I am voting; on you :P I was just saying I'd rather break the tie and not vote on you than vote on you and not break the tie.

I was saying more like, you were saying you were gonna vote on Books later, but hadn’t yet. And you said that at the point where like, if you really thought they might’ve been suspicious, voting on them could help secure their death. So...it was just odd to me that you seemed to want to vote Books but didn’t vote on them. Like...it was as if you were waiting to see if the train on Books really got going before you committed to it. And it would give you an option later to be like “oh, well, another train came up that I liked better, so I’m not voting on Books since I can do that and still avoid a tie,” or to vote on Books later if the train did get going on him in order to get village cred. I’m not 100% sold on this, because you go on to talk yourself out of voting on Books later in this post. But like...if Books flips elim, I’ll be taking a look at you more closely. 

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

I was saying more like, you were saying you were gonna vote on Books later, but hadn’t yet.

I don't think I said that... I agreed with their exe at the time not to fight it/defend them, but I was also perfectly happy not ensuring it.

3 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

But like...if Books flips elim, I’ll be taking a look at you more closely. 

If Books flips elim that's 100% warranted (The same to Stick, too)- It's a shame you can't just read my mind and it's a shame I can't properly articulate my thought process into text :P 

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3 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Striker's still my first choice, but I'm fine with Books. I won't move my vote.


1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I’ll break the tie in the morning if I absolutely need to; I’d rather do that than keep my vote.

So, this to me makes it seem like you’d be okay with exing Books.

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I also just realized that Books’ reasoning that is getting them exed is merely an exaggerated explanation of why I originally voted Striker. Not sure what to think about that but I don’t think I’m as okay with killing them today.

But there’s also this, which I apparently forgot about....

I mean...okay, I can see what you were possibly trying to say...but also it just looks like you’re trying to keep your options open as much as possible. Like, keep another exe as a possibility to make sure you can not kill Books, but also making it not come out of left field if you decide to cut your losses and kill him. I might be tinfoiling now, but I will absolutely be looking at this D2 if Books flips elim.

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4 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

Good morning

4 new pages :P Excellent

So here are the reads I promised:


- Quinn: for reasons mentioned earlier

- Dannex: for reasons mentioned earlier

- Reading: despite being initially suspicious of Reading, after rereading their posts they seem genuine and I'm tentatively convinced they're village. One thing that stood out to me was how they were one of the first people to post right after the thread went up, and I can't say this applies to all but during my first few elim games I was never so quick to post, much less so about the elim team distribution.

- Stink: Seems village in PM, I dont know lol

- Elandera: very interesting new playstyle! I think she's village (but uncertain still)


- FlyingBooks: talked about this before, and people have reiterated my reasons too 

- Tani: just the odd votes

- Randby: might just be a new player being cautious by holding on to their vote for now and that's fine, but I'm definitely keeping an eye:ph34r:

- Mat: their fixation on Striker is interesting, but what sets off alarms for me is:

Opinion but no action, which could be elim!Mat attempting to distance themself from Books without actually shifting their vote. I think Books' flip could reveal quite a bit here I think. FlyingBooks here we go again

- Experience: they posted a summary of everything that every person every posted (thanks!), in which they seemed to be pretty suspicious of Quinn, as Mat noted. They have posted twice since then, only one of which was AI, changing their read on Quinn and casting suspcion on Tani. Something about that whole thing seems off to me, but not enough so to warrant a vote (for now). 


It is almost 12 pm now, and this post was made by half-asleep, 7am!Stick so now I've returned to add some stuff. :P 

Biplet: Their general confusion with the vote seems genuine enough to point towards village

9 hours ago, Biplet said:

And I'm not sure why I'm being jumped on for this. I'm making my own decisions based on what feels right, and doing my best to be active while juggling exams, projects, and essays :P 

Definitely make decisions based on your own thoughts! Not saying that illwei is an elim, but due to the nature of this game a lot of people are gonna wanna sway your decision especially if they don't share your alignment, so it's good to just follow your own gut sometimes. :]

Speaking of illwei... :P

4 hours ago, Illwei said:

I have 33 posts, and yet you don't...have a read on me? If you're trying to avoid something let me know there :P.

I think that's precisely why I don't have a read on you xD Kinda super duper confused and conflicted. :P Maybe I'll come back and reread all your posts after we've got our first flip xD

Also wanna quickly add Ventyl to my village reads list; that role claim could for sure be coming from an elim but the fact that they have claimed to turn it off next turn to allow for scans seems village to me.

2 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

and Mat next level of suspicious, though less so if Books flips village.

Agree, it won't look too good for Mat, but I'm also not gonna go full on tunnel lynch mode on Mat if Books does flip elim. Definitely something to consider though. 

3 hours ago, Flyingbooks said:

I've been an elim in 4 out of my 7 past games

...suddenly, of all things, this is what makes me question my vote xD What are the chances that a player is an elim 5 times outta 8 games? It's not impossible... :thonk:

edit: it seems like I'll be lonely at rollover since everyone's going to bed D: 

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Derrick blinked, then rubbed his jaw. It itched; something had made it swell.

"Do you ever wonder, Derrick, if this ends up too... meta? Sometimes it does seem like it's too real. But it also tends to be accurate in it's own way. Well, we lost what we were looking for.. how long was that, two hours? It's gone now. Oops. Well, Derrick'll summarize: rousing discussion of democracy and the art of execution, and a decision to... summarize a bit. So here's what Derrick has. What Derrick found... important. Whether you'll find it important, who knows, but here goes:"


"Roko of the Gears was the first to analyze the state of the village, but it appears that he- they- it? It did so before Ruin began speaking to those within the town. They did seem understanding of Striker's suspicion of... oh, Derrick gives up. They. They understood, and were curious as to the intentions of both Striker and those who wanted him executed."

"Joe of the Reading - that name seems more confusing than even this own strange convention - was first to suggest a number for those spiked - six or seven, which seems reasonable."

"Arenta of the AraRis opened the votes to execute by voting on Reading, but their reasons were simply that they were as likely as anyone. Normal for Araris, Derrick believes. Takes specific note of Striker, TJ Shade, and Reading."

"Tesse of the Quintessentials, her depiction may take longer. She was initially suspicious of Striker, after a line of people before her. Wonders how much of Illwei's jokes are jokes and votes her. Thinks Village Smokers may be useful to block hostile vote manip. Didn't like Maill jumping on her reasons much but seemed more jokingly nervous than actually nervous. Definitely elim-killed Ash the first game we played... ah, memories... Insists that emoji = joke for her, but her response to Experience seems genuine, as does her insistence on executing someone. Only one to know Derrick's missing teeth... teeth." 

"Pie of the Ro - no, no, - Pie of the Pyromancers claims that not everyone's a Misting here. A bold claim, from a sarcastic point of view. He also points out the flaw in Striker's advice, and considers it worthy of execution. Claims to switch things up between different... er, scenarios, but claims people tend to be wrong about him, which Derrick can... confirm."

"Variel of the Striker had his own thoughts for the actions of the Mistings, notably bloodthirsty Coinshots and less cautious Seekers. While Derrick agrees that Coinshots have their power to be aggressive, Seekers should be much more cautious about non-Misting residents as Smokers can nullify their ability to find spikes. And Coinshots should not believe they are forced into murder, either - only attack if you need to. Or if you have one person in mind. You know, perhaps Derrick is not the best one to listen to in terms of murder. The vote for the execution of Gears is one that Derrick similarly disagrees with, but Derrick can see the thoughts behind it fine enough. Striker's other points, such as Lurchers protecting themselves, were good. Ultimately expressed pride that he kindled discussion even if it was around themselves. Upon clarification of his points, he seemed much more reasonable, especially for one such as bloodthirsty as - Derrick we agreed - Derrick! - fine. Striker seems more reasonable later on. Unvotes Gears and looks at... Illwei/Quinn for vibes and Books for a quick turnaround on Striker hisself. Further bad vibes for Illwei encouraging lack of PM safety - not sure why he's surprised but here we all are."

"Philico of the Mats also noted and voted for Striker, but seemed much more hesitant than Pyro was. ... a long while without Derrick noticing much, is interesting. Derrick's good at finding Philico usually... but Derrick cheats. Ends up village-reading Illwei, Maill, and Stick, bad-reading TJ, Dannex, Books, and Striker."

"Lasalen of the Flying Books believes that Gears's analysis predisposed - that is, Derrick thinks, how that word is used - his potential reception of spikes. They thought Striker to be TWTBAW, or TSTBAS or TETBAE or however it goes. Or perhaps right on the cusp."

"Sunny of the Styx - no, Sticks - thought that Striker wouldn't make such an obvious mistake on their first post. Not sure if Derrick agrees here, but also not as suspicious of Striker as others. They seem surprised by claims from people within PMs "already", which... knowing some is unsurprising to me. Stated that non-Misting villager scans could "likely" be Elims, which Derrick finds is an odd choice of words. Believes Books to not have taken a firm stance. Seems to think as they talk, which seems familiar but leaves their analysis... seemingly flip-floppy, Derrick supposes."

"Ill of the Illwei - Derrick wonders, III? lll? Does it make a difference? - a confusing one for her sporadicness. Quick to vote Quinn then moves vote to Stick, not out of character but also lacking explanation, initially. Will not hesitate to kill Vanilla Villagers, although somehow Derrick senses that she wouldn't hesitate to kill those who claimed falsely or not at all, the new Bloodthirsty G- Derrick, what is with you and blood? - and has a now-toothless dog. Didn't Derrick have a toothless - no, Derrick just lost teeth. Princess Bride. Claims that they strongly believe Stink is village. Illwei and Quinn seem... oddly hostile, perhaps from what's left from the MR... liver? Third person?"

"Marll of the Maill postts summary. Votes Illwei for the flip-flop and pokes inactives (but not me... although Derrick did say they would be inactive). Also encourages Elandera to post more... more not RP. Is active but doesn't seem to say all that much, if that makes sense? Explains self."

"Fleur of the Tee Jay is one that Derrick will watch for. Something Derrick heard... well, doesn't sit right with old Derrick. Don't think it means Fleur's spiked, but who knows?"

"Obliteration of the Unknown Order has some level of... promise, but Derrick thinks this is of a different sort. Mildly suspicious of Striker."

"Sara of the Biplets is similarly suspicious of Striker, seemingly from familiarity. Thonk."

"Thiriel of the Young Bards had a gut read against Pyro. That's about it."

"Iste of the Five Scholars seems forgettful for a scholar, but then again Derrick knows a fair deal about forgetful scholars meself... Derrick also agrees with his role advice about the danger Elim Seekers can have and what Coinshots can do. Warns off Books for inverting the thinking. Seeked, Sought, whatever. Reads Stick, Maill, Quinnish, Araris, and Elandera(???) good; Dannex, Reading, Illwei, Books, and XP."

"Niru of the Venty claims a Smoker. Niru... that is not uncommon for him. Why is that name so familiar? Derrick doesn't know whether Ventyl is bad or not, but Derrick believes he is a Smoker. Possibly a good Seeker target for the second night, but not this one."


"There's more, but that's all Derrick can gather now... so there we go. You get all that?" Derrick finished, turning to his audience.

The rat ran forward and sniffed at Derrick's boot, and seemingly determining that it was neither edible nor comfortable, promptly left the scene. Derrick laughed, one eye darting to follow the rat, the other staring straight ahead.

"Oh well. Perhaps someone else was listening?" he said, looking around. "Ah... there is always someone listening. Who is it this time? Philico? Rinala? Niru? ... Pyria? Or just the voices that resound in my head?"

"And, did they hear what they wanted to hear? What was it they wanted to hear... oh, right. I'M DONE READING THE THING NOW! AND BY READING I MEAN READING!, if only to make things more entertaining for you," Derrick finished. "Derrick is curious. And if it's between those with Books and those who Read them..." He collapsed to the pounded earth. "It's almost like a chicken-and-the-egg-type thing. But... let's see, now. If it comes to a tie, Derrick will attempt to prevent, if he's awake... but for now let's keep options open, you see?"

And Derrick fell asleep.

But Derrick soon awakened.

Such were the benefits of being able to sleep with one eye opened.

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Vote count:

Reading (4): Araris, Fifth, Ash, Illwei
Striker (2): Pyro, Mat
Stick (1): Exp
Illwei (1): Maill
Pyro (1): Bard 
Books (5): Gears, Quinn, Ventyl, Stick, Striker

This is cool. Now to see what vote manip shenanigans occur.

edit: I think we could probably end up with no lynch today as a result of a tie, if the vote manips line up that way. So that's slightly worrying.

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8 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

This is cool. Now to see what vote manip shenanigans occur.

edit: I think we could probably end up with no lynch today as a result of a tie, if the vote manips line up that way. So that's slightly worrying.

so you're telling me I gotta vote on one of these two peeps up there? I don't wanna go through 13 pages of this I gotta write my Smirkai RP

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Fleur stumbled out of his house bleary-eyed. He'd been idling away for too long, and he'd missed quite a bit. He quickly found a storyteller to recap the events till now.

[Okayokay here are Fleur's incohorent thoughts because he keeps getting distracted by....well you know :P]
[This was supposed to be RPd as Fleur's thoughts but I figured I'll never finish this before rollover, so maybe next time?]

Striker votes' on Gears. I agree with his point on Coinshots actually. Obviously no one will shoot some random people. Let them follow their suspicion, they don't need to only kill someone scanned as Spiked. What I did find suspicious was this:

On 2/26/2021 at 10:43 PM, StrikerEZ said:

As for the elims, I'm betting we have no less than 6, and probably have 7. 25% is just too nice of a number, and 8 perfect cycles in order for an elim team of 6 players to win is a long time to go without losing any elims. Even if 7 perfect cycles is a shorter amount of time to win, I feel an elim team deserves the win if they manage to not lose any elims for that long.

Felt close to LG67!Striker speculating elim team composition.

3 votes on Striker. Matrim, I understand you be cautious about Coinshots (I'm sorryyyy :P), but as I said earlier, agree with Striker re: Coinshots :P Out of the three, Quinn's feel most suspicious on gut [Future TJ coming back to this while formatting, so apparently this was a ninja, hm]. Village points for Matrim as he felt the same.

Agree with Stick's opinion that elim would not have slipped like that, but the distribution guess still has me side-eyeing Striker. 

Okay this is going too slow for my liking - gonna try not commenting on each and every post :P.

Books repeating Stick's point hmmm. Evil points for this.

This post from Striker is suspicious. Giving "discussion" as a reason for a seemingly poor vote, when the game had just begun is suspicious to me.

On 2/26/2021 at 11:33 PM, Dannex said:

Hello I am here. No real thoughts yet, but the very sudden train on Striker seems a bit weird to me. 

Posts like this are always suspicious to me.

On 2/27/2021 at 0:00 AM, Gears said:

[which I do note, because if they had read my analysis as they apparently did to note my syntax, they would have seen the Smoker bit, yes? And the part where I reminded the Seeker about Smokers?]

Good point by Gears. If Striker had read Gears' post clear enough to find it suspicious, he would have seen the bit about Smokers. Is he using too elimy to be an elim to his advantage?

On 2/27/2021 at 0:03 AM, StrikerEZ said:

I mean...yes, I know. But it shouldn't be too hard to figure out if someone is actually a vanilla villager or not. And you're more likely than not to scan someone correctly than incorrectly. There's probably...2, maybe 3 smokers in the game. Your odds of hitting anyone that's been smoked are only 3/14. Obviously the odds increase as players die, but smokers are just as likely to die as anyone else in the game.

Seems like damage control. He has already told he had forgot about Smokers, now trying to justify his reasoning?

On 2/27/2021 at 0:54 AM, _Stick_ said:


Because of your hesitation to provide a firm stance on Striker plus the stuff about the smokers just seems like an elim planting a seed of suspicion for later against seekers coming up with vanilla village. Apologies if that seems like a stretch or too nit-picky, but it's D1 and I gotta do what I gotta do :P Might change vote if someone more suspicious appears

Agreed with this. Feeling good about Stick. 

And hence feeling bad about Illwei's vote on Stick.

Lots of talk on Smoker and Smoking suspicion. I'm gonna tell you right now because village sometimes has the tendency to look at scans and forget everything else and recency bias - a vanilla scan has to be taken only as a secondary information along with the reads on the scanned person. Don't want us to eliminate a vanilla villager simply because they were scanned vanilla (and I don't want to hear "but they're just vanilla! we can afford to kill them" reasoning. every good vanilla villager we have, we're forcing elims to use their kill on a vanilla.) [Futue TJ here, okay so a lot of players have already covered this point, but just wanted to make it clear nonetheless]

Hmmm okay cancel that feeling good about Stick because it was still day 1 of Day 1 and the retraction from Books citing not to tunnel feels a bit weird.

On 2/27/2021 at 6:27 AM, Quintessential said:
On 2/27/2021 at 6:20 AM, Mailliw73 said:

Going back and looking at the voting patterns so far (I know it's day one and probably random, but still), I think I'm going to go with Illwei for now. Maybe it's a more typical Illwei thing to do, but the vote on Quinn then the retraction and vote on Stick was...interesting to me as well as her back and forth with Quinn. 

Great now I'm reading Maill mild elim too... this post basically... like... : P idk but A. it feels off to me--like, it feels kind of like Books voting Gears in C5 of the MR. My reasons for voting Illwei are more or less exclusive to me? if that makes sense? and Maill just adopting them without at least explicitly mentioning that they were originally mine feels weird. 

Very specific mention of Books voting. Reads village to me. Also agreed about something off about Maill. Felt that way about his previous post too, but not exactly the reason you are stating I guess. Like "maybe it's a typical thing Illwei to do" and yet voting on Illwei.

On 2/27/2021 at 6:45 AM, Matrim's Dice said:


 I'm sorry I don't know why I but really feel the need to point this out, this looks like an arrow to the emoji's head xD

On 2/27/2021 at 8:47 AM, Young Bard said:

Young Pyromancer - you were awfully quick to jump on Striker, and I kind of got the sense you weren't actually trying to find any Elims so much as you needed to seem villagery and jump on the first plausible candidate you could find.

Hmm, I see there is a Young rivalry :P.

On 2/27/2021 at 9:50 AM, Matrim's Dice said:

I don't... think so? I think it's more of me never remembering TJ ever starting out with just RP, ever. Except maybe the AG. But he wasn't village in the AG :P.

;-; c'mon man. you want a pick up line? is that it? xD I've RPed in LG66 (which you should be able to remember) and I've started out RPing in Kas' previous game MR43 (see here) (which you wouldn't because you didn't play it). That game had cosmetic role too, so basically games with cosmetic role or incentive to RP, I do. Besides, you can't expect me not to when I've chosen such a fun role. I mean, I have a whole doc (granted it's only 1 pg rn) filled with pick up lines before the game! :P. Just to confirm, the second smaller RP post was because Illwei wanted someonetto post so she wouldn't have to double-post, cause I can see how the second post might look odd.

On 2/27/2021 at 11:27 AM, Fifth Scholar said:

And if someone is Seeked (Sought?) as evil, we should just lynch them. No sense relying on the Coinshot and letting possible elim Lurchers get in the way, as long as we don't let it kill discussion too much.

Just catching tidbits that are likely to be from a village perspective, and this is a good point.

Somewhere here is the Exp's analysis. He did something similar in LG71, and can't remember his alignment though I think he was village? But vote on Stick is...less than optimal

At this point Quinn and Matrim are my strongest village read, and I'm back to reading Stick as vil. 

This entire post from Fifth reads good to me. But I'm wary of giving him a village read because he appeared extremely village initially in QF45, and just as I changed my read on him, he killed me. :P 

17 hours ago, Illwei said:

TJ Shade

;-; Are you a Coinshot, 'cause you're pushing me away! It doesn't matter 'cause I'llweit forever for you to come around :). [okay I know that's not the pronunciation but allow it smh] 

At this point I'm skimming over Illwei-Quinn arguments. They do this everyyy single gaaame xD smh you're supposed to be in love or something, just make up :P.

17 hours ago, Quintessential said:

I mean, at this point if we ever do end up on the same team we'll probably have to do something like this... 

lmaoo this is gonna be so hilarious to watch xD

[i swearr if this is exactly what you are doing rn .... -_-]

16 hours ago, Ventyl said:

The only thing I have to say right now is that I am a Village Smoker. I am turning my Coppercloud off. Seekers, feel free to scan me!

Absolutely horrible flashbacks to LG67 xD [context to Fifth, and everyone else returning - Ventyl claimed Edgedancer and I tunneled on him badly for claiming and voted him out and he flipped village :P]

Okay, I slightly think Tani is overplaying the new player card, especially because they have played in forums before? Definitely feel like the clueless act is a bit over the top.

TUO is very much lying beneath the surface.

Okay I'm gonna have to stop here, because this is getting too long and I've got a match to watch. I have 4 more pages to catch up on. And I should be able to do that before the roll-over.


Matrim: Seems solidly village, haven't seen anything out of what is norm for village!Matrim.
Quinn: Points included above, but I feel more importantly, the retraction of Illwei's vote felt very genuine. 
Stick: Mindmelding on a lot of things including village reading Quinn and finding that sentence off Dannex suspicious. Tiiiny nagging feeling about Books' retraction as I didn't think she was tunneling at all. Hey, you're Stick and I could be Phosphorous. We'd be the perfect match! [Err, elims pls don't kill me because you've had enough of my jokes ._. Same goes to the Coinshot I guess xD]
Fifth: Wary village, re: see above. Wary because Fifth is very good at appearing village. 
Gears: For the point for Striker being able to find the Smoker part in his role analysis. The basilisk has started to snake itself into my heart.
Illwei: I feel like a lot of the points made about Illwei is not actually alignment indicative of her (which is what she's been arguing, but I agree with that). Changing votes in a post, jokingly claiming elim, joking that Quinn is elim, the whole argument thing with elim - everything has been done by her both as a village and an elim. Quinn claimed she could spot the differences between these, but I can't so I'm reading her as null. Curious about good reads on Books and Dannex, but other than that, not many specifically alignment indicative things. Wait. Are you a Smoker?? Because you seem to be Clouding my mind xD [I swear I spend more time on coming up these than reading the thread xD]

Elim reads: Okay this has to be quick cause I really gotta goooo - Striker, TUO, Tani, Books and are feeling like elims because of the reasons already given. Mild elim on Maill.

Okaaay be back in arouuund two hours?

Quick Edit: Forgot Dannex. Dannex do be in mild elim pile.

Edited by TJ Shade
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I'm hoping to get some RP done this turn, and to respond to the various PM's, but first of all I want to cement Books in as the candidate, since they're in the lead and I'd rather make sure there isn't a tie of some kind - this way I shouldn't give any players or GM's coronaries over last minute vote switches. (I think they're probably my preferred candidate between Illwei, Stick, and Books, as well.) Also, Pyromancer.

Edited by Young Bard
Bolding vote/retraction
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48 minutes ago, STINK said:

so you're telling me I gotta vote on one of these two peeps up there? I don't wanna go through 13 pages of this I gotta write my Smirkai RP

I mean they're the top two lynch candidates so :ph34r: Was gonna add some reading/books pun here but forgot what it was >> You could always start a vote on another person and see if it takes off in the next two hours? :P

33 minutes ago, TJ Shade said:

Okay, I slightly think Tani is overplaying the new player card, especially because they have played in forums before?

I think they said they've never played mafia online before, so I'm guessing they've played irl mafia

35 minutes ago, TJ Shade said:

Hey, you're Stick and I could be Phosphorous. We'd be the perfect match! [Err, elims pls don't kill me because you've had enough of my jokes ._. Same goes to the Coinshot I guess xD

:P Nice


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