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Long Game 74: You Want It Darker


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1 minute ago, TJ Shade said:

Bahh sorry xD I was just abbreviating stuff for my convenience while noting it down and just forgot to change them 

So the letters inside parentheses are the players on which the votes are like - I for Illwei, B for Books, S for Striker and R for Reading. 

BR is basically Before Rollover xD 

And the other stuff in parentheses is basically me speculating when the vote manniper might have gone to sleep for us to consider them possibly village. 

Wait I actually deciphered it correctly? :O.

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17 minutes ago, TJ Shade said:

Okay so I went back because I read the whole thread in one go (well two goes) I went back to see vote status at specific times to see when the Soothe submission about have been submitted.

3(I)-2(S)-2(B)-2(R) - 14 hrs BR

3(I)-3(B)-3(R)-2(S) - 13 hrs BR (here?)

4(B)-3I-3R-2S - 11hrs BR (sleep?)

4B-2I-2R-2S - 10:45 BR

5B-2R-2S-1I - 10 hrs BR (no point in Soothing here)

5B-4R-2S - 6:30 BR

Maill had a vote on Illwei by the end of the turn, according to Kas's vote count for this turn. Did you just miss that? 

Besides that, thank you for doing the analysis I said I was going to. (Also thank @Biplet for making him tell us what the hecc any of this means :P)

So, looking at this...I'm really not sure when those votes might've been soothed off. They legit could've been moved off much earlier in the cycle, and then people moved votes around again, and who knows why they were originally Soothed. I don't know what to make of this. There's so many votes that could've possibly been Soothed (though we do know that 2 of the people who voted for Reading had their votes Soothed off, just not which ones), it's hard to tell what the intention of the vote manip was with so much of it flying around and there being so many options for how things ended up this way. I do think the option that makes the most sense is there being 3 Soothers.

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I re read some last cycle stuff and do people still not understand my thing on wanting to kill claimed vanillagers or not I donno

30 minutes ago, TJ Shade said:

3(I)-2(S)-2(B)-2(R) - 14 hrs BR

3(I)-3(B)-3(R)-2(S) - 13 hrs BR (here?)

4(B)-3I-3R-2S - 11hrs BR (sleep?)

4B-2I-2R-2S - 10:45 BR

5B-2R-2S-1I - 10 hrs BR (no point in Soothing here)

5B-4R-2S - 6:30 BR

I didn't realize you had taken over the puzzle hunt

Edited by Illwei
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3 minutes ago, Illwei said:


I re read some last cycle stuff and do people still not understand my thing on wanting to kill claimed vanillagers or not I donno


I understand, I just disagree. Especially considering we just killed a vanilla villager; They’re obviously not super super rare :P.

Now, if a super sus person is scanned as a vanillager I might get behind that but otherwise it’s a no.

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Just now, Matrim's Dice said:

Now, if a super sus person is scanned as a vanillager I might get behind that but otherwise it’s a no.

you still don't understand but that's fine

1 minute ago, Ventyl said:

Also, I couldn’t have been vote manipulated


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Just now, Ventyl said:

By the way, if my scan comes back as Vanilla Villager than we know there is an elim!Smoker using their cloud on me!

Not to be the paranoid one here but you also could be said elim Smoker :P. Can’t trust a word until you come back as v smoker, just like everyone else...

2 minutes ago, Illwei said:

you still don't understand but that's fine

You mean like people claiming themselves? Dunno why people would do that but I still wouldn’t kill someone just for it

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Let's translate this thing.

3(I)-2(S)-2(B)-2(R) - 14 hrs BR = Illwei had three votes, Striker, Books, and Reading had two votes fourteen hours before rollover. I think the manips on Reading and Books could have happened here, but it's unlikely.

3(I)-3(B)-3(R)-2(S) - 13 hrs BR (here?) = three votes on Illwei, Books, and Reading, two on Striker thirteen hours before rollover. TJ thinks the manips could have happened here, I agree that this seems to be the cutoff for when the Reading manip could have happened. 

4(B)-3I-3R-2S - 11hrs BR (sleep?) = Books had four votes, Illwei and Reading both had three votes and Striker had two eleven hours before rollover. TJ seems to think they went to sleep here, but it's also possible the vote manip on Books occurred here to stop the exe. 

4B-2I-2R-2S - 10:45 BR = Books had four votes while Illwei, Reading, and Striker all had two votes ten hours and forty-five minutes before rollover. There was no point Soothing here either TJ.

5B-2R-2S-1I - 10 hrs BR (no point in Soothing here) = Books had five votes while Reading and Striker had two and Illwei had one ten hours before rollover. TJ seems to think there is no point Soothing here, but there wasn't last time either. 

5B-4R-2S - 6:30 BR = Books had five votes, Reading had four votes and Striker had two votes six and a half hours before rollover. The Books manip could have happened here.

My end thoughts are that there is no possible way the Reading manipers could be e/e, Books could go either way.

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Just now, Illwei said:

you still don't understand but that's fine

I mean...I really don't think we should just kill all vanillagers. Like...there are going to be actual vanillagers, as Books' death has shown us. Being a vanillager isn't enough reasoning to kill someone. If someone is a vanillager, according to a scan, and people find them suspicious for other reasons, then we can consider the possibility of them being Smoked and therefore actually being an elim. But even then, they could be a villager Smoker (though I find it somewhat unlikely we have more than just Ventyl when it comes to those) or be a villager that's been Smoked by someone (whether the Smoker in that case is an elim or not doesn't matter). I definitely don't think it's a good idea to kill vanillagers. I also definitely think we're going to have a lot more of those than you think we will. Not saying you have a role, but like...I wouldn't be surprised if half of the players are vanilla this game, knowing Kas. I'm betting we at least have 7-10 vanillas, if not more. This game definitely is not going to be role madness or anywhere near it.

Also, if I'm off about what you're trying to say, can you let me know?

Just now, Ventyl said:

Now, but if I scan and come back as Village Vanilla, then don’t I just make myself look stupid?

....you're really not helping yourself, bro. :P

I had put you solidly in my village pile, because I was thinking "well, he'd get outed pretty fast if he came back as a vanilla villager or an elim obviously, so this claim must be true!" but like...now you're being all IKYK-y, so...I don't know anymore.

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Just now, Ventyl said:

Now, but if I scan and come back as Village Vanilla, then don’t I just make myself look stupid?

...You just said that you could come back as a vanilla villager though, like two seconds ago :P My point is that as an elim Smoker, this is a risky gambit that technically could be played as why the heck would an elim do this, Ventyl’s gotta be vil for asking to be scanned, meanwhile leaving your cloud on and blaming the ‘elim smoker’.

Now, it’s a very very risky gambit and I don’t really buy it but it’s possible.

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

....you're really not helping yourself, bro. :P

I had put you solidly in my village pile, because I was thinking "well, he'd get outed pretty fast if he came back as a vanilla villager or an elim obviously, so this claim must be true!" but like...now you're being all IKYK-y, so...I don't know anymore.

Oh no.

Not this again...

Man, this is why I hate getting roles that are determined by the meta to be more valuable for elims :(

Shakes fist angrily at Kas 

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Just now, The Unknown Order said:

Let's translate this thing.

I was thinking that after you take the full names of the people from the letters, you use the numbers next to them to index them and pull out those letters, and then those create some sorta anagram because no anagram escapes this Illwei, no sir.

Just now, Ventyl said:

Man, this is why I hate getting roles that are determined by the meta to be more valuable for elims :(

how dare The Meta.

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Just now, Ventyl said:

Oh no.

Not this again...

Man, this is why I hate getting roles that are determined by the meta to be more valuable for elims :(

Shakes fist angrily at Kas 

I'm not saying I think you're sus because of your role. I don't care if you're a smoker or not. I care about if you're an elim or not. :P

What's making me sus is that you've claimed your role. Okay, that's all good. You said you'd turn off the coppercloud so someone could scan you. Okay, also cool. But now you're bringing up the fact that an elim smoker could smoke you to make you appear as a vanillager, like the elims would be trying to frame you in that case. But like...if you're village, it saves the elims a lot more resources if they just...kill you. Like, they want to smoke their own players more than they want to try and smoke you. Like, sure there would be a benefit in theory to smoking you and trying to throw shade your way, but there is more benefit in smoking their own players and making sure at least two of their players show up as vanillagers instead of an elim. So...I think this is all an elaborate ploy to give you a reason to come back as a vanillager if someone scans you. And of course, if/when it happens, you'll claim the elim smoker smoked you so...idk man. :P

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1 minute ago, StrikerEZ said:

I'm not saying I think you're sus because of your role. I don't care if you're a smoker or not. I care about if you're an elim or not. :P

What's making me sus is that you've claimed your role. Okay, that's all good. You said you'd turn off the coppercloud so someone could scan you. Okay, also cool. But now you're bringing up the fact that an elim smoker could smoke you to make you appear as a vanillager, like the elims would be trying to frame you in that case. But like...if you're village, it saves the elims a lot more resources if they just...kill you. Like, they want to smoke their own players more than they want to try and smoke you. Like, sure there would be a benefit in theory to smoking you and trying to throw shade your way, but there is more benefit in smoking their own players and making sure at least two of their players show up as vanillagers instead of an elim. So...I think this is all an elaborate ploy to give you a reason to come back as a vanillager if someone scans you. And of course, if/when it happens, you'll claim the elim smoker smoked you so...idk man. :P

Then I ask to be scanned again!


Or I’ll just be murdered and then y’all will know for sure I’m village :(

Edited by Ventyl
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Just now, Ventyl said:

Then I ask to be scanned again!

Oh, but then the elim smoker just smokes you again, wouldn't they? I mean, like...it's a really big IKYK at this point. Because like...if you're really a villager, the elims can't afford to waste their resources trying to smoke you to frame you over and over again. So, if you're really a villager, you'll probably be dead in a cycle or two. Because one of the elims biggest worries is a basically confirmed villager running around doing things.

Another thing we (meaning everyone besides Ventyl) have to worry about is what if the person that claims to have scanned you is actually just an elim? That throws another wrench into everything as well.

Anyway, this is all a lot of more IKYK-y stuff...and when it comes down to it, I think you're more likely village than not. 

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

 So, if you're really a villager, you'll probably be dead in a cycle or two. Because one of the elims biggest worries is a basically confirmed villager running around doing things.

That's a good point, a Lurcher should be on them until further notice.

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