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Long Game 78: The Legend of Zelda: The False Heroes


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Kazs glared at Beedle, unimpressed.

So much for helping the merchant find clients in exchange for a commission. "If I get killed by the Yiga because of you, I'm writing the lewdest, worst rhyme in the world about you, and playing it in minor key!"

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Pyria Young, hunter of the forest, had found her way to the castle at the worst possible time. She had come to sell some of her spoils since she heard that the castle market always paid well. Unfortunately, as soon as she got there, the castle and the surrounding city went into lockdown. Something about there being Yiga infiltrators.

Pyria didn’t know much about the Yiga herself. She lived out in the woods most of the time, so didn’t interact with other people much. She didn’t know the stories, didn’t hear the news from when Yiga attacks became common and not just legends. She hadn’t even heard that apparently the Calamity Ganon itself was supposed to arrive and try to destroy the entire world soon.

And yet, people were giving her odd looks. She was sneaking around the castle just like everyone else was, just like King Rhoam had told them all to do, but she was a new person. She was someone that no one knew anyway. The whispers about her started as soon as the first death happened.

"No one knew where that hunter girl was when it happened.”

“Look at her, she’s always walking around so suspiciously.”

“She didn’t even say anything for awhile, then she started getting defensive when anyone asked about where she came from.”

Pyria’s nerves were on edge. She didn’t like this one bit. It was like walking through the forest when all of a sudden all of the forest sounds, the birds chirping, the wind rustling leaves on the trees, the soft footsteps of little creatures, just stopped. 

They came for her at the end of the first day, finding her in her rooms, sharpening one of her knives she’d brought with her. Before she could explain anything, the guards grabbed her and took her away.

She yelled all the way to her grave.


The Young Pyromancer was removed! They were a Hyrulean Knight!

Pyro (4): Kas, illwei, Szeth_Pancakes, Stick
Kas (1): Steel
TUO (1): TJ
Steel (1): Drake
Araris (1): Matrim's Dice
Archer (1): purple
TJ (1): Araris
Ash (1): Archer

Beedle's Shop is now closed for the night. Items will be distributed at the beginning of Day 2.

PMs will be sent out shortly.

Player List:

  1. @Matrim's Dice - Jaralph, needing to brush up on his Hyrule Historia
  2. @Kasimir - Kazs, no relation to the Rito minstrel, beleaguered bard who probably is in the wrong line of work, and connoisseur of bad rhymes. The absolute worst.
  3. @The Unknown Order - Gavrill, seriously bewildered because he is having a firemoss hallucination.
  4. @Ashbringer - Faleast and AraRaash, who will certainly find a way to keep each other busy while stuck in a strange dimension.
  5. @Azmine_king
  6. @Archer - Linkov, an elf with a sword who shouts "I'M LINKOV"
  7. @Dannex - DaaNex, a kandra
  8. @Szeth_Pancakes - Earl, a knight(?)
  9. @Steeldancer - Linebeck, swindler, salesman, local hero
  10. @Araris Valerian - Navi, Hey! Listen!
  11. @hyliara - Beedle, perhaps??
  12. @|TJ| - Shakhtar, character that develops a personality the longer it exists
  13. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Kele, ex-Yiga, a bit confused but has the spirit
  14. @_Stick_ - Steve Jobz, creator of Apple but like... in the Zelda Universe
  15. @Illwei - Illwei, Illwei
  16. @Jondesu - Cimu
  17. @Alvron - Jamut Whitemane, no idea what's going on
  18. @DrakeMarshall - Zoel, an intelligent green hat who is definitely not Ezlo, what are you talking about?
  19. The Young Pyromancer - Hyrulean Knight
  20. @Random Bystander - KorVaal the Kandra, currently impersonating a Hylian woman named Eshe
  21. @WhiffleWaffles - Sagessa, she's pretty cool
  22. @attic_gremlin - Horatio Archibald Stibbons, Hyrule Castle's elusive, mustachioed butler
  23. @YeetAroundABush - Nott Yigah, from the esteemed and most noble house of Yigah
  24. @purplewhiteandgold - Vee, a maid at the castle and a bit new to all this
  25. @Tani - Reva
  26. @quillinthestars - Conepine, he's... he's just a pinecone cat

This turn will end at 9:30 AM CDT on Friday, June 25th. This will be the new rollover time from here on out (except for D2 going into N2, which will be earlier due to extenuating circumstances).

Just a note also: this writeup was written by Striker, and I wrote the last one! We just switched posting XD.

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Told you :P. But at that point it was too late to do anything else.

I'd have to reread D1 to get an actual impression on the Pyro voters but I don't want to :( It's so long... but looking at the names, Kas is village because claim, I read Szeth as village despite their elimmy vote, Stick's vote is NAI iirc, and Illwei is... Illwei. So I got nothing.

Can I have that Steel PM, Mr. Postman? :P I will bribe you

RP to come later, probably.

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Also, should probably mention: still trying to get stuff sorted out with hyliara's pinch hitter. There is a player from LU who didn't get to sign up before signups ended and will be available starting tomorrow, and they will probably be taking over for hyliara starting D2.

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7 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I'd have to reread D1 to get an actual impression on the Pyro voters but I don't want to :( It's so long... but looking at the names, Kas is village because claim, I read Szeth as village despite their elimmy vote, Stick's vote is NAI iirc, and Illwei is... Illwei. So I got nothing.

I'd argue it's telling anyway. Lead train was Pyro, second train was me - I'm Village. V/v means no reason for Elims to get involved or to do much vote-shifting, in my view. One train's as good as another, unless we suppose they decided my durian trolling was me commenting I was a role that is better off alive and tried to buff that train, but that just points to you and Steel, so whoops :P

No Rhoam involvement, either, and I'm guessing no one decided to burn any vote items, assuming they started off with some.

Anyway, offer stands. If anyone needs me to tell you what item you requested for, and you are comfortable with the thread knowing, go for it. I'll cap this at a maximum of five players, as it's extremely unlikely I'd get five players in a row right and the more players I mention, the less cover there is.

Edited by Kasimir
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Well that's unfortunate. I put a lot of effort into softing a Beedle planning to take a durian for themselves so that after getting bodyguard protection N1 I'd seem to be unNKable. I'm now a prime target, and I think given my position as a widely trusted individual, it'd be helpful if I continue to survive. So maybe flip a coin, village bodyguard? Heads save Beedle, tails save me? Maybe the IKYK will save us both. 

If Kas is lying, Beedle, I suggest rejecting every item request tonight. Sound fair, Kas? I assume you're going to grant at least a few, so if nobody gets anything, we'll know you're faking it. Combined with maybe saying what one person requested, that should be sufficient proof. 

I asked the GMs if there's multiple Beedle and got a PAFO, by the way. I doubt there is, but it was an interesting answer considering the rules heavily imply there's only one. 

As for the voters, Kas seemed a little over confident, but definitely seemed interested in surviving. Pyro's lack of self pres and returnee status scared me off of that train, and probably should have deterred Kas too? But it makes sense based on the role. Sorry anyway, Pyro

Loitering around rollover is a bad look for Stick, but the actual vote felt villagey. The vote manip comment was weird for someone who hadn't themselves voted yet

I forget Illwei's reasoning, could be their vote was a little sticky given IIRC they complained about it late round but didn't change it? 

Genuinely don't remember Szeth ever posting. Wait, they changed their picture. I'll have to look for the actual vote post though. 

Overall, could have been worse I guess

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6 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Anyway, offer stands. If anyone needs me to tell you what item you requested for, and you are comfortable with the thread knowing, go for it. I'll cap this at a maximum of five players, as it's extremely unlikely I'd get five players in a row right and the more players I mention, the less cover there is

I think I'm convinced - just offering to reveal item requests is evidence enough for me.

3 minutes ago, Archer said:

I asked the GMs if there's multiple Beedle and got a PAFO, by the way.

I doubt there's more than one because like, what happens when the two Beedles give out conflicting decisions regarding item requests? I dont know, it just seems weird.

4 minutes ago, Archer said:

Loitering around rollover is a bad look for Stick, but the actual vote felt villagey. The vote manip comment was weird for someone who hadn't themselves voted yet

Yeah, rollover is 7 pm for me, so you can expect me to loiter around every rollover this game :P And yeah I think vote manips are always very telling and theyre interesting to take apart and form theories from.

@Ashbringer @|TJ| you two were viewing the thread near the end of turn - did you not have anything to say about Kas' claim or feel the need to vote in a way that wouldve protected Kas from possible vote manips?

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3 minutes ago, Archer said:

If Kas is lying, Beedle, I suggest rejecting every item request tonight. Sound fair, Kas? I assume you're going to grant at least a few, so if nobody gets anything, we'll know you're faking it. Combined with maybe saying what one person requested, that should be sufficient proof. 

I'm definitely planning on granting a few. I'm just going to say off the bat that there are some item types I won't intend to be granting requests for at this stage of the game, but otherwise my policy is to go for it rather than sit on items like Smaug, meaning I will not - at this stage - reject the requests of players I'm suspicious of if they're not going for that category/type of item. (Yes Elims, I'm explicitly saying at this stage that if you don't ask for a proscribed item, I'm not really going to say no right now.) Part of the reason is I don't want a repeat of some AG controversy, so I'm going to try to stick - at least in this early part of the game - to a set of principles rather than go solely by my suspicions.

You okay with my revealing what you asked for to the thread?

6 minutes ago, Archer said:

Pyro's lack of self pres and returnee status scared me off of that train, and probably should have deterred Kas too?

I expected a later self-pres vote regardless of Pyro's alignment since he expressed suspicion of me which was why I claimed. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation since my game plan was to stay in the grey suspicion zone to persuade Elims to lay off of me under the presumption I'd be a likely mislynch. If the 4-2 train had gone through, we also wouldn't be having this conversation, though I'd expect to have a very touch-and-go D2.

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6 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

@Ashbringer @|TJ| you two were viewing the thread near the end of turn - did you not have anything to say about Kas' claim or feel the need to vote in a way that wouldve protected Kas from possible vote manips?

I had the thread opened to catch up, but then had to deal with some work urgently so I did not actually read his claim. Work's done now and I've just finished catching up. I can blue this out if I'm allowed to.

@Kasimir, you're revealing how many players ended up requesting for the Frog?

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11 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

@Ashbringer @|TJ| you two were viewing the thread near the end of turn - did you not have anything to say about Kas' claim or feel the need to vote in a way that wouldve protected Kas from possible vote manips?

I didn't have much of anything to say, and I've found that just-woke-up-Ashbringer is really bad at thinking logically. And I could tell it was still nowhere near a tie, and that would need a... very suspicious amount of vote manip to change around. So I essentially decided to keep my mouth shut and see what happened at rollover.

I honestly don't know if the Elims want Beedle dead, so it doesn't mean too much to me at the moment. 

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1 minute ago, |TJ| said:

I had the thread opened to catch up, but then had to deal with some work urgently so I did not actually read his claim. Work's done now and I've just finished catching up. I can blue this out if I'm allowed to.

@Kasimir, you're revealing how many players ended up requesting for the Frog?

That wasn't his offer. Kas, I'll take you up on it. What did I ask for?

Edited by Tani
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1 minute ago, |TJ| said:

@Kasimir, you're revealing how many players ended up requesting for the Frog?

No. I've thought about it but I think I'm going to sit on that for the time being. I might change my mind later in the game (or die with that information, I guess), but I don't want to give Frog-related information at all at this point in time. (I blame Maili and LG7 for this.)

Oh, and @Ashbringer, appreciate your concern for my welfare given Archer's 'reject request to send a message' thing :P 

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31 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I'd argue it's telling anyway. Lead train was Pyro, second train was me - I'm Village. V/v means no reason for Elims to get involved or to do much vote-shifting, in my view. One train's as good as another, unless we suppose they decided my durian trolling was me commenting I was a role that is better off alive and tried to buff that train, but that just points to you and Steel, so whoops :P

No Rhoam involvement, either, and I'm guessing no one decided to burn any vote items, assuming they started off with some.

Anyway, offer stands. If anyone needs me to tell you what item you requested for, and you are comfortable with the thread knowing, go for it. I'll cap this at a maximum of five players, as it's extremely unlikely I'd get five players in a row right and the more players I mention, the less cover there is.

Either you're lying about beedle...  or my gut was wrong again. 

Either way I'm left more confused. Do we have any Beedle counterclaims? Granted I'm not about to believe that being Beedle necessarily makes you hard cleared either, not in my eyes. 

I also have a question about something someone said about me, that I'm defusing suspicions in a wolfy way. What... exactly is that supposed to mean? Are you saying I'm carefully constructing posts that will shake off suspicion like a duck shakes off water? Because, uh, I'm not much of a schemer tbh. Most of my posts are off the cuff, unplanned, and the few that are planned tend to be either RP or analysis. You can see that many of my posts are brainstorming which is why I sometimes repeat known info. And I'll point out, if I had a document to plan in, a lot of my rambling would end up in said elimnator document. And I mean yeah, I could be lying and my playstyle could have changed, but I'm starting to feel like I'm back in a groove versus 2 days ago, and I've always played off the cuff. 

For now, Kasimir, despite my hesitations, it does feel like your probably are Beedle. So I'll put you on my TBD list, a list of which I'm suspicious but I'll put on hold for now. And yes, I really want a PM with Matrims dice so please postman arrange for that. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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Oof. Here’s my reasoning for voting Pyro.

1. My parents monitor my screen time.

2. I had one last small chance to look at my phone before I went to bed.

3. I panicked when I saw the post about hylaria having a tragedy occur and was leaving the game

4. I didn’t want to leave my vote on them, so I looked at the top of the VC and saw Pyro there. Then, I voted for them without thinking about whether I had found them suspicious.

In other words, I screwed up. But that doesn’t mean everyone screwed up! Three other people legitimately voted for Pyro. Of those three, I doubt Stick is the elim, since they tacked their vote on at the last minute, and I have a pretty good Village read on Kas. I know Illwei is chaotic, but this game it just seems to be going a little too far. 

Earl should stop making decisions when he was tired. Especially when it came to executions. That poor girl did not deserve to die. Even if she had been a Yiga spy, she was just a girl. Why did they have to execute her? Of course, Earl himself had voted for her, but he’d gotten swept up in the crowd, and now he was wondering why he didn’t vote for the one he actually though was suspicious.

Anyway, the strange feeling that he was being watched hadn’t gone away. Earl did a sweep of his room, and found six more of those bugs hiding in cracks in the wooden walls and floor of his barracks. He squished them by jamming his sword into the cracks, but the feeling was still there. He looked up and spotted another bug on the ceiling, which he killed with the fire poker. 

He felt like he had killed them all, but he wasn’t quite sure. Throughout the night, he would awake to feel a prickle on the back of his neck…

Edit: Just saw your response, Tani. Sorry about that :P

I’ll try to sneak that in tmrw.

Edited by Szeth_Pancakes
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@KasimirI just reread the thread, because I wasn't on for rollover. So do I understand correctly that you role claimed because you felt threatened by the fact that you were second in the lead? Because (if you're not lying, and you said you could prove it) it just feels very rash for day one. 

Edited by Steeldancer
I didnt finish my post due to irl stuff
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5 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

@KasimirI just reread the thread, because I wasn't on for rollover. So do I understand correctly that you role claimed because you felt threatened by the fact that you were second in the lead? Because (if you're not lying, and you said you could prove it)

Yeah. Essentially I expected one or more of the following:

-Pyro to self-pres. Pyro said he found me suspicious and since Pyro knows his own alignment, Village Pyro and Elim Pyro both have reasons to self-pres by voting me, which would tie us, giving me a 50% chance of death.

-Someone else to join the vote train on me to save Pyro. This could be Elim Pyro or just suspicion of me since I was deliberately playing more chaotic and suspicious than I usually would, for a variety of reasons.

-Rhoam or someone else vote manipulating, for a variety of reasons, including "just because I can" and similarly, to save Pyro or suspicion of me.

I also did not expect to be able to be on or effect a vote-shift if I waited for say, last fifteen minutes of the Turn to roleclaim, so I just shrugged and went for it. I'm usually blase about SE death but I feel that given my role, I should probably make a token effort to stay alive.

Edited to add: I was okay with the situation when the votes were 4:2 but when they became 3:2, I had a harder decision to make.

Edited by Kasimir
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Hehehe all Kas wanted was a quiet game and now he has the role with the most responsibility, and if that's not enough, he has to deal with the paranoia of any IKYK situations related to Frog-Zelda-Link xD

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13 minutes ago, Illwei said:

@Kasimir what did I ask for

Smh you forgot to send in a request again didn't you.

14 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

Hehehe all Kas wanted was a quiet game and now he has the role with the most responsibility, and if that's not enough, he has to deal with the paranoia of any IKYK situations related to Frog-Zelda-Link xD

I'm having a quiet chill game. I'm having a quiet chill game. Nothing is gonna change or affect that :( why....

Edited by Kasimir
I promise I know grammar
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16 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Yeah. Essentially I expected one or more of the following:

-Pyro to self-pres. Pyro said he found me suspicious and since Pyro knows his own alignment, Village Pyro and Elim Pyro both have reasons to self-pres by voting me, which would tie us, giving me a 50% chance of death.

-Someone else to join the vote train on me to save Pyro. This could be Elim Pyro or just suspicion of me since I was deliberately playing more chaotic and suspicious than I usually would, for a variety of reasons.

-Rhoam or someone else vote manipulating, for a variety of reasons, including "just because I can" and similarly, to save Pyro or suspicion of me.

I also did not expect to be able to be on or effect a vote-shift if I waited for say, last fifteen minutes of the Turn to roleclaim, so I just shrugged and went for it. I'm usually blase about SE death but I feel that given my role, I should probably make a token effort to stay alive.

Edited to add: I was okay with the situation when the votes were 4:2 but when they became 3:2, I had a harder decision to make.

That makes sense. I probably would make a similar decision given that situation. 

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52 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

@Tani - Hearty Durian.

Yep. I'm guessing that one's not going to be given, because you said there were some items you're not giving people this early in the game.

29 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I'm having a quiet chill game. I'm having a quiet chill game. Nothing is gonna change or affect that :( why....

Did you want to trade roles with me so you could have a quiet chill game and I could have the Power of the Beedle?

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