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10 hours ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:


Archer - He feels… weird this game. I don’t know what’s going on, but his posts feel less analytical that in previous vil!Archer games.

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StrikerEZ - Voting for yourself feels like a ploy to get more votes. And insisting people shouldn’t vote on you is just more likely to get you votes.

Mild Elim:

Archer - He feels… weird this game. I don’t know what’s going on, but his posts feel less analytical that in previous vil!Archer games.

Tani - Again, mentioning voting for yourself feels like a ploy to me.

Steeldancer - Yeah. They also mention their promotional post in their next post, which I think is interesting. And then their third post is another promotion! Eesh.


Anyone not mentioned in this post.

Mild Vil:

Illwei - This one’s mostly gut. The little she’s posted feels very much like regular village Illwei-ness.

Matrim’s Dice - His tone seems less abrasive than in the past four games I’ve played with him.


Alvron - Suggesting voting for inactives feels very village to me. If, by chance, there were a bunch of inactive elims, elim!Alvron probably wouldn’t say anything, just based on the fact that it would be pretty easy to determine that he couldn’t be trusted after that.

Bruh, I'm just here for the sociology. Once I'm through my notes on Marxist critiques of capitalism I'll try to get voted up and leave it up to you guys to figure out the final showdown :P.

9 hours ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

It’s just, with so little else to go on, we should be looking at the people who are trying to get themselves Elected, and think about not voting for them. Instead, we should vote for people who have been saying less about their own Election, who are naturally more likely to be village. I know it’s a stretch, but it’s D1, and we need to shrink the pool of potential Elections somehow.

If Steel was doing it directly, I'd actually be less suspicious. Doing it through RP seems like a way to be a step removed from being elimyly power hungry. I think the elims are probably trying a few different methods of getting the double votes, and will lean into whichever works best. But villagers have reason to want the votes too. I don't find it overly suspicious.

I like the look of Steel voting for Fifth after Fifth voted for them. E!Fifth = v!Steel

8 hours ago, Tani said:


Pros of switching: We keep the person we trust most for longer. Even better is if they're also good at analysis / the game and can help us figure out who we can trust later on.

Cons of switching: If we're not certain we trust the one we're electing to the Inner Circle.

The WL is important for the next election, yes, but the WL's double vote CAN be beaten, and the Inner Circle member's alignment is important for winning.

So I have to disagree. I think we should put our most trusted person in the Inner Circle.

That said, I'd rather I weren't ICed this round. I like trying to solve Avalon games.

Hence why I want you to have the double votes. You're in a better mindset than I for this, and are more likely to catch common elim tells. I want Fifth and Tani around the longest to guide us through things. I'll keep the vote on Tani because they're in a comfortable lead. 

7 hours ago, Tani said:

I think I love this game and you should run it again but as a LG and with any needed/wanted changes.

run it again... with you as an elim? :P. (Does Tani like being evil, do we have records on this. Check their stats wiki)

5 hours ago, Elandera said:

Hammering will be as effective in this game as in other games. Which is to say, not at all effective until lylo. Ties early on aren't inherently a bad thing. I don't know if I agree with the statements that it's more likely to get us a villager elected (unless we have one vote on everyone, then statistically, yes, it's more likely), but it also doesn't give elims a chance to hammer without consequence.

I gotta admit, if put in an intentional tie for elevation, given the means, I will drop my own vote to ensure I get through. So long as it guarantees my ascension, I don't see why I wouldn't. The only person I can fully trust is me. I expect anyone in a similar person would do the same, evil or good. 

1 hour ago, Alvron said:

It's an Alvicon.  @Burnt Spaghetti created a bunch of them for me a couple of years ago.  We also have Alvicats.

Alvron Avalon Alvicon. Very cool


Management can FIRE any individual, but they can't lay off the entire WORK force. We must SHOW them a united front TO usher in a new dawn of prosperity after a long NIGHT of misery. -Chalkboard

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Okay. I'm probably too tired to be making big decisions like this, but I'm curious why we're voting Fifth for the election when I haven't seen much trust thrown his way? I feel like more trust has been thrown TJ's way (Archer), and I agree with that trust as well. He's seemed more genuine to me than Fifth, though that might be because TJ's posts feel more like just thoughts he's saying while Fifth's feel super...not forced, but extra thought out, as if he spent a lot of time thinking about how to say things the right way. I think I'll also join the train on Tani (Mat), since she has the experience in games like this and can help us out a lot. (Though, again, won't be opposed if you guys decide to give me worker leader after this, while I'm asleep and dealing with rollover from my own game :P)

Here's the updated version of the VCs:


Worker Leader Vote:

Tani (5): Mat, Elan, Archer, Bip, Striker
Striker (2): Araris, Fifth
Mat (1): TJ
Alvron (1): Steel
Illwei (1): Lotus

Inner Circle Vote:

TJ (3): Mat, Archer, Striker
Fifth (2): Araris, Steel
Bip (1): Lotus
Steel (1): Fifth
Tani (1): TJ


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On 6/25/2021 at 3:07 PM, Araris Valerian said:

Okay, I'm going put my support behind Striker and Fifth. Not too much behind these votes, but I'm a little uncomfortable with the early push for Striker. Still, the reasoning behind the votes on him is decent, so that's why I have him for WL. And Fifth already put Striker as WL, so I like his thinking there. 

Szeth feels a little overeager to me. I'm not sure what to make of that.

Catching up late because my multiquote of last night was consumed by the text editor, which gains an unparalleled voraciousness in Kas' games for some reason, and then working a long shift this evening. Hopefully doing things from my laptop will reduce the chances of this happening again :P 

So, uh...thank you for the vote, though I'm a little confused by your thought process on Striker. You think the early votes for him were a possible elim push, but you also trust him and the people voting on him enough to support making him WL instead? I...don't see the process connecting those thoughts :P I do agree on Szeth though, and would be uncomfortable placing him anywhere near a position of power for the time being.

On 6/25/2021 at 4:02 PM, Archer said:

I see that white text. Do we have telegraphs in Mist born Era 1?

I really like TJ's opening post. It was solid analysis and helpful contributions. I feel like an elim wouldn't challenge it, so I appreciate that you did. You seem just as competent as I expect Tani to be, so I'd support you for village leader if it looked possible. I want you alive though to help out at least until the back half of the game.

I hadn't realized this format had already been run on the Shard, so that's nice. I have a thread I can reference. My google of Avalon strategy just turned up some Reddit threads that didn't match our format exactly. 

Not sure I like that Steeldancer vote. Seems unjustified. 

Given that we are in Elendel, with the months of Vinuarch and Doxil, this is Mistborn Era 2, so I hope they've got telegraphs if they've developed radios already :P 

Once again, a hesitant thanks; I suppose I strive for equivalent competence, though I'm unsure of what to make of your commentary on me as a whole. :P You're completely correct on the Steel vote; it had no initial justification whatsoever beyond the fact that I couldn't really help myself. He and I have a history similar to Wyrm and Kas, except with less betrayal and more bad gut reads leading to mass village slaughter. Luckily for the village this game, we couldn't mislynch any villagers even if we tried :P 

On 6/25/2021 at 4:10 PM, Steeldancer said:

Me and Fifth go wayyy back. I would never want an old friend to end up cleaning bathrooms now would I? Never, and of course I would put him into a postition of authority that he totally qualifies for, because that's how I work. 
(I see I'm going to have a great deal of fun)

:D (Once I get more time (and presuming I'm not voted out this cycle) I will develop Darrel's position a bit more and start responding to your RP speeches, I've been loving them)

On 6/25/2021 at 4:47 PM, Archer said:

My gut reaction to this suggestion though was that it came from an elim. Bold gambits often get people village read, and this reads like someone trying to take advantage of that. It's a plan that's detrimental to the elims but it probably won't be implemented so there's little risk. And that line about Dannex wishing he'd thought of it just made me go hm.

Best read right now besides Fifth is Absolutely TJ

this is why I'm an advocate of keeping trust reads simple and holding villagers accountable for playing like they're evil, because it dodges a lot of the IKYKs which you've just introduced

On 6/25/2021 at 6:19 PM, Tani said:

Most Avalon games are less about getting the missions (or in this case the seats on the Inner Circle) and more about Can the Tineye hide. So I'd guess fewer Elims.

This game is going to be even harder because there are no PMs and the Elims still get an Elim doc. In Avalon the Elims know who they all are (except Oberon) and the only way to plot is through leaving the room you're playing in to meet with someone who left with you (PMs.)

Have not played Avalon before but I'll go ahead and +1 this anyway. It's actually hard for us to screw up the lynch long-term, comparatively, as we need to get a simple majority of villagers elected and most players are village, so the real challenge will be creating valid distractions for the Tineye so that the Elims don't have him pinned come late-game. (Which ironically makes the voting and elections more important, as that's where ordinary villagers will have to have good enough reads and suspicions that the Elims will think they couldn't have possibly gotten all that right unless they had been, say, handed a list of elims ;))

On 6/25/2021 at 7:08 PM, Elandera said:

"We are not skaa! The Survivor and the Ascendant Warrior did not free us from tyranny just for us to be treated like this!" I stamp my foot down on the small box which helps elevate me above the crowd - though barely because I am usually a foot shorter than the rest. "Starrick cannot crush the spirit of survival any more than the Lord Ruler could when the Survivor fought."

I pay no attention to the crowd. If I do, I will falter. I know there are some there working for Starrick. I know I'm putting my life at risk, but every day working in Irontown is a risk. A risk I'll be maimed by machinery, scalded by slag, or beaten by brutes. 

Today is the day that ends.

"By the Survivor, we will fight! We will win! And if you plan to smother our movement, know we will not be the last. There will always be someone to take up this flag and fight for freedom!" I throw my fist into the air and release a primal cry. If the crowd joins me I do not hear, for I only hear my own scream and the pounding of my heart.


Hello everyone! It's good to be back in a game. I'm hoping to be more active and involved, but I'm also working nights, so I'm more likely to be talkative on something closer to TJ's regular schedule. 

I'm getting a pretty good vibe from Tani.

I don't trust anyone yet enough to vote for them to be elected, though. I'm a bit suspicious of Szeth for that severe and quick trust in Striker, who is usually suspected by everyone D1, so I'm less likely to vote for either of them.

(sidenote: liking the RP) Agreed on Tani.

Can't remember if someone pointed this out earlier, but I don't like your equivocatory stance on voting here. Unless you're the Tineye, you'll never be able to trust anyone enough to elect them, so you kind of have to vote from what you have. And the earlier you do that, the more the thread can look at you, the more information we get, the more analysis progresses, etc., the better. (Mainly, etc.) So while I do agree with you on Szeth, you've also now joined him on my list of people who I'm probably not voting in anytime soon. :P 

11 hours ago, |TJ| said:

I feel like this is genuine and informative to give out. More the elims, less the number of villagers Tineye can hide among, so village read to Tani. StrikerEZ

I'm not village reading Fifth until I've played like a bunch of village games with him :P.

Szeth slightly elim read.

Smh, do your research, it's not like I don't have village games where you can witness my catastrophically bad play and thus make judgment calls based on those :P 

3 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Due to IRL circumstances I probably won't be hopping on for a while. As such I'm going to pull one out of my butt and vote, uh, for people I like. fifth scholar alvron . I have no reason for these votes whatsoever, but I also don't have time to come up with anything better. Sorry about that. 

Aw thanks :P (wait I'm now tied for the lead B))

1 minute ago, StrikerEZ said:

Okay. I'm probably too tired to be making big decisions like this, but I'm curious why we're voting Fifth for the election when I haven't seen much trust thrown his way? I feel like more trust has been thrown TJ's way (Archer), and I agree with that trust as well. He's seemed more genuine to me than Fifth, though that might be because TJ's posts feel more like just thoughts he's saying while Fifth's feel super...not forced, but extra thought out, as if he spent a lot of time thinking about how to say things the right way. I think I'll also join the train on Tani (Mat), since she has the experience in games like this and can help us out a lot. (Though, again, won't be opposed if you guys decide to give me worker leader after this, while I'm asleep and dealing with rollover from my own game :P)

Here's the updated version of the VCs:


Now I'm not tied for the lead :( 

To address your points briefly, yes, my posts tend to read this way, though I'd disagree it's AI so much as a function of being an English major who sees every piece of writing as something with a purpose that needs to be tailored and revised. I will freely admit that I am often dishonest or subtly manipulative as a villager; feel free to look at any of the games I linked to TJ, but especially MR29, MR31, LG54 and LG56. So this tendency to manipulation extends to my writing, where I have careful diction when I'm doing serious multiquoting like this and not just firing off joke responses or one-liners. You're free to disagree with it, but with three and a half years of this playstyle under my belt from both alignments, it's probably not going back :P

VCs are helpful. I'll go Alvron Striker because if Tani gets extorted I'd rather see what Alv does with the double vote than Striker, and I'll leave my primary vote on Steel because the significant part of me that cares about playing for a win still has some meager hopes of being elected, and I don't really trust TJ too much at all even though he's far from the worst choice. There are just a lot of people I'd elevate first (myself chief among them :D)

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3 hours ago, Archer said:

I gotta admit, if put in an intentional tie for elevation, given the means, I will drop my own vote to ensure I get through. So long as it guarantees my ascension, I don't see why I wouldn't. The only person I can fully trust is me. I expect anyone in a similar person would do the same, evil or good.

I agree, which is why I said that a hammer (which traditionally involves more than just one player on the team) wouldn't be plausible until lylo. In any circumstance, we're likely to get the top candidates removing votes to make sure they get through regardless of alignment. Village will do it out of fear that they're up against an elim who will do it. In that case, you'll probably still end up with a tie (depending on where those votes are, because it's not guaranteed to be on the other person), and we're back at square one with consequences for a hammer.

This brings up another point. We should probably keep a close eye on the target for our top IC candidates' votes. If they're on the other top candidate, there's a good possibility of a potential last-minute vote shift to get elected.

1 hour ago, Fifth Scholar said:

(sidenote: liking the RP) Agreed on Tani.

Can't remember if someone pointed this out earlier, but I don't like your equivocatory stance on voting here. Unless you're the Tineye, you'll never be able to trust anyone enough to elect them, so you kind of have to vote from what you have. And the earlier you do that, the more the thread can look at you, the more information we get, the more analysis progresses, etc., the better. (Mainly, etc.) So while I do agree with you on Szeth, you've also now joined him on my list of people who I'm probably not voting in anytime soon. :P


True, but as in D1s of games I've actually played lately, I haven't voted until later. I know that's not the best way to do things for analysis later, but I want a chance to actually get some kind of read on people before throwing out votes.

So on to my thoughts. Which is problem because I'm so used to trying to pin down those I really don't trust (since I don't trust anyone, ever), that I don't know if I can figure out anyone I would actually trust. :P

Still don't trust Szeth. His interactions with Striker have me edgy about Striker, too. Starting to not like Archer. 

I like Tani and what she says, but I do want to caution against trusting her just because she knows the style of game. That does not inherently mean she's village. It's like trusting Alvron because he's played a lot of SE. I'm still down with making her WL, though.

4 hours ago, Tani said:


Sidenote: What a post to make for your 1,000th post. :P

I guess I'm okay with TJ. I haven't seen anything from him that makes me outright suspicious, and I don't think we should aim for ties. That just makes things muddy.

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7 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Under the caveat that I have been up since around 1 or 2AM:

I wake up to see this in my DMs...

#KasWatch #JustKasThings #WhyAmIHashtaggingIHateTwitterAndHashtags


I'd wonder if this was bullying, but at this stage I'm sure Kas expects me to post here, so the real bullying would not be posting here and disappointing him, like going upstairs and forgetting the final step isn't there.

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7 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Smh, do your research, it's not like I don't have village games where you can witness my catastrophically bad play and thus make judgment calls based on those :P 

Smh, you can't possibly expect me to go through all of those :P. You're probably the best deepwolf I've played with, given in both games we've played together, you managed to gain the confidence of the majority of the villagers, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't trust you till I personally get to see your village game and compare them :P

Irrespective of Fifth's alignment, I'm reading Elandera and Striker as village, because they put me ahead of him in votes. If Fifth is an elim, and either of those are elims they'd have tried to get him elected. If Fifth is village and either of those are elims, and they had to choose between me and Fifth for IC, I'd imagine they'd go for Fifth because they'd like to be rid of the more dangerous player of the two of us. And as such, I'm reading both Elandera and Striker as village.

StrikerEZ Matrim

Edited by |TJ|
Typed [color=gold] instead of [color=orange] like an idiot >>
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7 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Smh, do your research, it's not like I don't have village games where you can witness my catastrophically bad play and thus make judgment calls based on those :P 

Thank you for this xD I’ve been avoiding reading you tbh because you’ve been doing the exact same miltiquote post style as your last games and I don’t know if that’s normal. I assume it is but I do want to check :P.

@Kasimir what’s the VC?

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Hi all, 

Reminder you have just shy of two hours to get those votes and orders in. 

4 hours ago, Wyrmhero said:

I wake up to see this in my DMs...

#KasWatch #JustKasThings #WhyAmIHashtaggingIHateTwitterAndHashtags


I'd wonder if this was bullying, but at this stage I'm sure Kas expects me to post here, so the real bullying would not be posting here and disappointing him, like going upstairs and forgetting the final step isn't there.

So your real weakness is stairs. Well, now I know, foul creature of lies and betrayal >>

@Matrim's Dice  I would like to give you one but I don't have spreadsheet access and you caught me mid-shower (don't you bloody dare @ me Wyrm it was a work message first) so I will get back to you on this but encourage self-service from the last vote count I posted. 

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Okay, about to go do stuff for LG78, but just wanted to say that I'm currently trusting TJ, Elandera, Archer, and (somewhat more tentatively) Tani. I can understand Fifth's point about how he writes things, but I still am not a huge fan of where his votes have ended up. And I don't know how I feel about Szeth, mostly because of how hard they went after me about the "don't mention voting on yourself" thing.

Here's the VC again: (you're welcome @Kasimir :P)


Worker Leader Vote:

Tani (5): Mat, Elan, Archer, Bip, Striker
Alvron (3): Steel, Fifth, Szeth
Striker (2): Araris, TJ
Mat (1): TJ
Illwei (1): Lotus

Inner Circle Vote:

TJ (4): Mat, Archer, Striker, Elandera
Fifth (2): Araris, Steel
Bip (1): Lotus
Steel (1): Fifth
Tani (1): TJ
Mat (1): Szeth
Alvron (1): Bip

EDIT: The VC has been fixed

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54 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Okay, about to go do stuff for LG78, but just wanted to say that I'm currently trusting TJ, Elandera, Archer, and (somewhat more tentatively) Tani. I can understand Fifth's point about how he writes things, but I still am not a huge fan of where his votes have ended up. And I don't know how I feel about Szeth, mostly because of how hard they went after me about the "don't mention voting on yourself" thing.

Here's the VC again: (you're welcome @Kasimir :P)

EDIT: The VC has been fixed

Endorsed with thanks.

Work has been resolved and I am also squeaky clean and happy.

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7 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

And the cycle is closed! No more posting or actions or vote changes or sass from Wyrm will be accepted beyond this point!

As if that ever stopped me.

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Cycle Two: 9th Doxil, 237




TJ was elected to the Inner Council! He was aligned with the Workers!

Tani has been elected Worker Leader!

The cycle has begun, and will end at 2300hrs (GMT+8) on Tuesday, 29th June!


Inner Circle Votes:

TJ (4): Mat, Striker, Elan, Archer
Fifth (2): Araris, Steel
Alvron (1): Biplet
Biplet (1): Lotus
Mat (1): Szeth
Steel (1): Fifth
Tani (1): TJ

Worker Leader Votes:

Tani (5): Mat, Striker, Elan, Archer, Biplet
Alvron (3): Szeth, Steel, Fifth
Striker (2): Araris, TJ
Illwei (1): Lotus

Note that the votes for each candidate are given in spreadsheet order.

Edited to reflect: My thanks to @|TJ|, @Archer, @Biplet, @Devotary of Spontaneity, @Fifth Scholar and @Wyrmhero for submissions. Except Wyrm. Not you >>

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Rule Clarifications:


1. Do we vote every cycle for Worker Leader?


2. Does the Worker Leader get a doubled vote on both the Inner Circle vote and Worker Leader vote?

No. Their vote only counts for twice where the Inner Circle is concerned.

Player List:


1. @Matrim's Dice as Philico
2. @Tani as Sobek
3. @Araris Valerian as some grouchy old guy
4. @Szeth_Pancakes
5. @Dannex as the kandra DaaNex
6. @Lotus
7. @Steeldancer as Steel
8. @The Unknown Order as Watcher, feeling the sweetness of freedom for another century
9. @Fifth Scholar as Darrel, old man who's seen one too many scrapes and retirement beckons
10. @Ashbringer as  Derrick, a happy-go-lucky steel guider who's finally found a chance for his voice to lead to some change
11. @StrikerEZ as Variel, a man with a nervous habit of wiping as much dirt off his clothes as possible
12. @Alvron as Klaas Vaak, an elderly gentleman with a bag of fine sand
13. |TJ| as Sonny, an overenthusiastic brash and showy young worker seeking revolution by revenge - Worker
14. @Elandera
15. @Liranil
16. @Archer as Chalkboard, a general laborer with a voice like nails on a chalkboard
17. @Illwei
18. @Biplet as Nolle, local overly friendly worker who gets a little too talkative after a few drinks at the Bent Boxing


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Cmon guys it’s been awhile I would have thought someone would have posted 

Anyway, now that we have a flip I want to read last cycle again. I’ll have thoughts probably 

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Yay, we're winning. A reminder to the elims, so long as we keep picking Workers without needing the Tineye to nudge us in the right direction, it'll be nigh impossible to guess who they are at the end. Y'all better add some pressure. :P. 

That said, I can imagine the elims would be willing to drop a round in order to get a few of them village-read, so I'm not going to trust anyone solely because they voted for TJ.

Interesting the same people decided both elections, minus Biplet on the TJ vote. I'm a little surprised how much support Tani got, so that's noted. Might be elims trying to butter her up, might be she is their preferred representative. We vote again every round for WL, right? Just to switch it up, I'll throw support behind Fifth this time. 

I might be inclined towards info 'kills' layer in the game, but for now I think I'll focus on the people without as much to read. Hey, Lotus, how do you feel about being elected? lotus


A wise Terris once told me of an advanced community that lives beyond that mountains that has adopted an egalitarian lifestyle. They are led by true democracy, not a ruling class, and work to meet each other's needs, not fill the demands of a profit motive. They have developed such wonderful technology as a result. Airships. Magic storing medallions. Something called a 'hot dog'. Imagine the potential if we used the tools developed under our current economic structure for the good of society, not just a wealthy few. Imagine the power we could wield! - Chalkboard

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Hmm. After my reread of C1 there wasn't a whole lot of discussion about TJ except from the people who voted him. Everyone else ignored him completely, no one elim read him. That's sort of a dead end, but it makes me think there were elims nudging the exe another direction, without directly opposing the current one, but since I also don't think more than two would have done that for secrecy reasons it gets us basically nowhere. It depends on Fifth's flip honestly, if it was v/v or if it was v/e the elims would have done things very differently. So if we're doing an info kill I think that's the best, but info kills in general aren't the best :P.

I propose Elandera and Striker as our election targets today, both were on the TJ train and seem pretty village to me. Prioritizing Elan because of the difference of opinion Striker and I share, which hinders my read of him slightly but I'm trying to move past that :P.

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2 hours ago, Archer said:

I might be inclined towards info 'kills' layer in the game, but for now I think I'll focus on the people without as much to read. Hey, Lotus, how do you feel about being elected? lotus

Jim, I think I would be Mildly annoyed to get elected although I suppose it would mean less work on my part.

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