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Long Game 78: The Legend of Zelda: The False Heroes


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53 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

An Elim Knight would indeed be problematic. Mipha's the only Healer (and is probably a unique role), but a E!Knight could probably redirect any kill taken against Illwei... although randomly redirecting kills is usually not the Elim's best move, and Illwei'd be exed pretty soon after.

The saddest thing in the world would be if an elim!Knight targets illwei and the kill just redirects towards Link himself…If an elim!Knight does in fact exist I’m hoping the RNG chooses to redirect it towards the Knight, ideally. Or any other elim teammate. 

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That night, a man sat on the hillside, strumming at his ukulele.

It was a night of firsts. He had not been in this position in a very long time. Miscalculation, combined with what was like to be the whimsies and vagaries of fickle chance. It always came down to that, if you thought about it. There had been one such other, a loud man with a mouse stumbling around in a house. And then one who wore the mask of a vulture. And then the sleazy peddler, the one who had conned the hunter of silver. 

Laughter. People seemed to dislike that. Or he hadn't had much of a run of luck with the funny ones. Maybe the gods simply loved the jokers more. It was why they summoned them to the grave first.

It was a night of silence, humming beneath strands of song. It was the silence that swallowed the last breath of a dying man, the silence that filled the trees when the songbird fell. The man thought he could continue to puzzle at the hints that the Yiga had left. But he was not in the mood to. He had seen to his affairs, and it was a task best left to the living. He had other matters with which to preoccupy himself. It was always darkest in the hours before dawn.

It would be a beautiful sunrise, thought the man. He might like to see it. It would be a good way for things to end, if anything.

It would be a sign and a great contentment.

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It really was a shame about that innocent hunter who died on a false accusation. Those least established in the community always seemed the first to go -- Horatio determined to keep a closer eye on the people in his employ. As house staff, they were easy to accuse and easy to frame. They said little and observed much, but what little they said could be easily twisted against them by a clever Yiga spy. If he could keep a close enough eye on them then he could feel confident about either condemning or defending them. As it was, his work had kept him very busy, so he hadn't had an abundance of time to get a good read on every resident of the castle. 

But Horatio has always had an eye for detail. The louder residents could be handled by others -- anyone could talk a big game, after all, and games of embellishment and exaggeration weren't Horatio's cup of tea. No, instead he focused on the detail work: he knew that it was the quiet ones that truly posed the biggest threat, after all, and so that's who Horatio paid attention to. 

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It’s taken me a while to be able to process what’s happened so far this turn, and I’m going to refrain from commenting on anything since at this point, everything I would bring up has already been mentioned by one person or another, and my thoughts are scattered and conflicted anyway. My train of thought is a lot of “what if”s that I could repeat and think about for a long time, and at this point the most productive thing would be to simply wait for the next round to see the effects of the actions taken tonight. Truthfully, I’m not 100% sure I fully caught all the information mentioned in the past few hours even after reading through the conversation multiple times X) so again, I’m going to wait and see how things turn out next round before I start trying to make solid reads from this.

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12 hours ago, Archer said:

Steeldancer, to answer your question from a while ago, it was weird that you voted Illwei, easily accepted when someone told you your reasoning was wrong, but didn't remove the vote

Thanks for the analysis archer, that's really helpful because I was going to look through Illwei's posts today, and now I don't need to. I thought I explained why I kept my vote on her though, she was being confusing, even if that wasn't indicative of evil behavior, and I was objecting to that through my vote. Once I saw her putting some thought into things (and conversely making me think) I took my vote off of her, and then voted Kasimir, someone who I thought (at the time, according to my gut) to actually be evil. I'll accept that it was a bit odd if you're looking at just the votes, but I gave all my context for my choices in thread. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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It was a quiet night as Beedle prepared for the coming battle. Kohga had been revealed in the castle, and it was only a matter of time before he came for Beedle. Beedle placed the last pot with an item outside the last door. He would make sure people got their items this night, at least. Kazs was with him still, as foolish as that was considering what was about to happen.

There was a loud crash from nearby, and Kazs jumped. Beedle simply stood up straighter, finally taking off his massive, beetle shaped backpack. He stretched, flexing his muscles. Surely someone who could carry such an enormous backpack must be totally ripped, right?

Kohga came around the corner, magic swirling around him as he summoned floating balls of metal with spikes covering them. Kazs began strumming on his ukulele, as Beedle had requested. There would be an epic ballad composed for this fight, if Beedle had anything to say about it.

"So," Beedle said, flexing his muscles, "you've finally come for me, Kohga? Was wondering how long it'd take you."

"I've come to kill you, yes I have. It is through the power of my ancestors that I will defeat you and cripple the economy of this castle in the process."

"Not if I have anything to say about it." Beedle charged at Kohga and Kohga began launching the spike balls at him. Beedle timed his dodges to the beats of the song that Kazs was still strumming away on his ukulele. One of the balls came very close to hitting Beedle in the face, but he tilted his head back and watched it sail over him, time seeming to slow down for just a moment.

Kohga screamed, then created much bigger spike balls, getting them ready to throw at Beedle. But it was too late, as Beedle was already within Kohga's range. Beedle jumped over the magic shield Kohga had created, and began punching at Kohga. Kohga managed to avoid a few of them, making sure to keep the spikes away from himself, but he could not avoid all of them. And so, he began to fight back, punching Beedle as well. Beedle was skilled, but even his added strength from carrying his beetle backpack around all the time was not quite enough to help against a trained assassin. He found himself, being pressed back, closer and closer to the magic shield that Kohga had left up.

Kohga grinned at Beedle. "What are you going to do? You're cornered! And..." His grin got wider, and he launched the rest of his spike balls past Beedle.

"I think you missed, Kohga. And now it's time for-" 

The music stopped, and then Beedle understood.

He quickly turned around, his heart racing, but he knew what he would see before he saw it. Kazs was dead, his ukulele broken to pieces as well. Beedle should've sent him away, should've told him to run, he should've-

There was a knife sticking through Beedle's chest.

"Never turn your back on your enemy." Kohga whispered into his ear as Beedle slumped to the ground, his life fading away.


Kohga ran through the halls of Hyrule castle, keeping to the shadows. He'd blown his cover and had killed two people, but it was fine. Everything was fine. Everything was going according to plan. He just had to find someone he could kill and disguise himself as, and he'd be okay. Everything would be okay.

He turned around a corner to see a shadowed figure in the middle of the hallway.

Perfect! Kohga thought. Now I just gotta sneak up on them....

The figure turned around, pulling out a sword and brandishing it at Kohga. That wasn't just any sword though, it was the Master Sword.

Oh no, Kohga thought.

He hardly even had a chance to get any words about before Link began fighting him in earnest. He was trying his hardest to avoid the swings of the skilled young knight. But in the end, Link was better than Kohga, and Kohga knew that. He began to panic, frantically summoning spike balls and throwing them around everywhere. Link was just skillfully dodging each and every one of them.

I know what to do! Kohga thought. I'll just disappear!

Kohga went to make himself disappear, putting up a shield between himself and Link, but Link simply slid under the shield and reached up and stabbed Kohga through the chest. 

The Yiga had lost their leader.


Kasimir has been killed! They were a Hyrulean Beedle!
Illwei has been killed! They were Master Kohga!

There will be a removal during this Day turn. There is no vote minimum (though no one is removed if no one votes), and tied votes result in a random tied player getting removed.

In addition, Beedle's shop is now unfortunately closed. 

Player List:

  1. @Matrim's Dice - Jaralph, needing to brush up on his Hyrule Historia
  2. Kasimir Hyrulean Beedle
  3. @The Unknown Order - Gavrill, seriously bewildered because he is having a firemoss hallucination.
  4. @Ashbringer - Faleast and AraRaash, who will certainly find a way to keep each other busy while stuck in a strange dimension.
  5. @Azmine_king
  6. @Archer - Linkov, an elf with a sword who shouts "I'M LINKOV"
  7. @Dannex - DaaNex, a kandra
  8. @Szeth_Pancakes - Earl, a knight(?)
  9. @Steeldancer - Linebeck, swindler, salesman, local hero
  10. @Araris Valerian - Navi, Hey! Listen!
  11. @kaylakrue
  12. @|TJ| - Shakhtar, character that develops a personality the longer it exists
  13. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Kele, ex-Yiga, a bit confused but has the spirit
  14. @_Stick_ - Steve Jobz, creator of Apple but like... in the Zelda Universe
  15. Illwei Master Kohga
  16. @Jondesu - Cimu
  17. @Alvron - Jamut Whitemane, no idea what's going on
  18. @DrakeMarshall - Zoel, an intelligent green hat who is definitely not Ezlo, what are you talking about?
  19. The Young Pyromancer - Hyrulean Knight
  20. @Random Bystander - KorVaal the Kandra, currently impersonating a Hylian woman named Eshe
  21. @WhiffleWaffles - Sagessa, she's pretty cool
  22. @attic_gremlin - Horatio Archibald Stibbons, Hyrule Castle's elusive, mustachioed butler
  23. @YeetAroundABush - Nott Yigah, from the esteemed and most noble house of Yigah
  24. @purplewhiteandgold - Vee, a maid at the castle and a bit new to all this
  25. @Tani - Reva
  26. @quillinthestars - Conepine, he's... he's just a pinecone cat

This turn will end at 8:30 am CDT, on Sunday, June 27th. Please note that this is an hour earlier than last time, as I have work starting early that day and need to leave at our normal rollover time. :P

PMs will be sent out shortly, if they haven't been already.

Edited by StrikerEZ
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Good and bad :( Farwell Beedle, your shop will be missed. But good thing Link got through :P. Either that means the elims don't have a Knight or didn't want to risk the redirect, but that's fine, we don't have to waste a turn right now.

I'll post my thoughts on Illwei's reads and possible connections later, but I'm probably good with TJ or Araris this cycle, with a preference for Araris? Idk I should reread.

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Well that sucks. I did miss Beedle being outed, btw, since I didn’t get on to confirm last turn. I’ll look for suspicions on who would have killed Kas. Glad someone decided to target Illwei, though, I didn’t have any suspicions of her yet but whoever did was good! I assume it was mostly luck at this point since no scans could have been done and communicated, right? Or am I mixing up the order of actions?

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3 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

Well that sucks. I did miss Beedle being outed, btw, since I didn’t get on to confirm last turn. I’ll look for suspicions on who would have killed Kas. Glad someone decided to target Illwei, though, I didn’t have any suspicions of her yet but whoever did was good! I assume it was mostly luck at this point since no scans could have been done and communicated, right? Or am I mixing up the order of actions?

I honestly can't tell if you're faking this xD I kinda get that impression but it's a stupid impression to make if you're not.

Kas outed himself at the end of D1. During N1, Dannex revealed himself as a Sheikah who targeted Illwei D1 and scanned her as Kohga, so Illwei used the Kohga Kill on Kas last night while Link killed Illwei.

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6 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I honestly can't tell if you're faking this xD I kinda get that impression but it's a stupid impression to make if you're not.

Kas outed himself at the end of D1. During N1, Dannex revealed himself as a Sheikah who targeted Illwei D1 and scanned her as Kohga, so Illwei used the Kohga Kill on Kas last night while Link killed Illwei.

Wow. I’m not stupid, but I am bad at reading the thread apparently. I thought I read all of D1, but I missed Kas. I knew I didn’t read all N1, but I didn’t think the scan was a day action so I wasn’t expecting anything like that. That’s cool. Thanks for the update.

Edit: oh, and Kas, thanks for the pot. I broke it immediately.

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1 minute ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

I am alive! It’s unfortunate that Kas had to die too, but I guess that was to be expected. I have a feeling this is going to be a close game :ph34r:

Szeth? Hmm.

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Okay so I went through the D1 again, and from Illwei's interactions, pretty sure Waffles is village, and I cannot see Matrim e/e with her. There's just too many genuinely seeming interactions with them. So I'm excluding Archer, Dannex, Waffles, Matrim, Steel (because of the vote) and Ash (reading him a village).

And her reaction to my TUO vote very much feels like a escape from 'an elim would not defend her teammate that way' when in fact I feel that's what she did. 

To Archer, your summary of the last cycle makes sense, and I'll be willing to go for Drake from it if no one wants to go for TUO. 

And to your  (and Mat's) suspicions against me:


I am no longer accepting this attack on TUO. He has been like this in every game since then, even though he keeps getting killed D1 for it. I'm shielding TUO today and calling you opportunistic for trying to jump on this yet again, though it keeps happening and isn't ever useful or right.


I'd argue that this way too strong of an attack against a teammate in D1. 

And to me gravitating towards a village read on Illwei, I catch up on posts you guys fill up on sleep of when I read stuff together at once, I get a progression of reads of players. You can see that I went from Illwei as elim to possible village in a single large post, so you know it wasn't distancing and then clearing or.. it wouldn't be a good one if I did it in a single post. 

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I'll post my thoughts on Illwei's reads and possible connections later, but I'm probably good with TJ or Araris this cycle, with a preference for Araris? Idk I should reread.

Why are you suspicious of Araris? I'm actually suspicious of him. That's because he mentioned wanting to vote on me when I had 2 votes, but he actually voted on me after Illwei moved off me. Which makes sense for an elim because they'd not be concentrating votes on me, and it doesn't make sense for village!Araris because a. it's unlike him to vote on someone not likely to be removed and b. it's also unlike him to not vote on someone by giving the reason that 'he has 2 votes on him', as he always aims to vote to kill. Huh, as I'm thinking about this, Araris seems more suspicious than Drake. I'll just.. let other people cent in on this while I go check for Drake - Araris interactions.

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Just now, Matrim's Dice said:

It originated iirc from his Az vote. What were the votes when Araris went there?

On me? I'm not sure if you were on, but Illwei had definitely moved off. So It was either you moved off and then he voted on me, or he voted on me and then you moved off. 

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Well, MR started at a good time. That's the third time in a row we've gotten a GM of the other game killed C1...

During that whole thing, Illwei mentioned that someone in the Elim doc said that she should kill Kas-Beedle. At that time, there were a few people who hadn't been on, and I tried to note those at the time, but here it is again: 

21 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Azmine, Archer, Araris, Devotary, Jondesu, Alvron, Drake, RandBy, whiffle, attic, Yeet, quill all haven't been on since Dannex's post at the top of page 3. A little close on Archer and Devotary though.

So at least one Elim isn't in this group :P

Archer and Devotary had theoretically been on to see Dannex say he scanned Illwei. The rest hadn't been on at all between Dannex saying anything and Illwei saying someone said something in the dead doc.

That means there should be at least one Elim in the opposite group: Matrim, TUO, Ashbringer, Archer, Dannex, Szeth, Steel, TJ, Devotary, Stick, purplewhiteandgold, Tani.

I'll go ahead and scratch Dannex off the list. Theoretically this could be a plot... but that doesn't seem like Dannex, as the only payoff is getting Beedle out quick without it seeming like the Elim team is really invested in getting rid of Beedle.

So: Matrim, TUO, Ashbringer, Archer, Szeth, Steel, TJ, Devotary, Stick, purplewhiteandgold, Tani.

A decent set to hunt for an Elim in, if you so choose.


I wouldn't take this as set in stone, though: it's possible some of the more tricksy Elims could just communicate via the doc and specifically stay off the Shard, or it's possible those like Archer and Devotary could immediately get off the Shard seeing Dannex scanned Illwei before actually seeing the result. Or theoretically E!Revali seeing Dannex visit Illwei. Or Illwei actually lying, as Elims (but not usually Illwei) are aught to do. But it's a start.

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1 hour ago, |TJ| said:

Why are you suspicious of Araris? I'm actually suspicious of him. That's because he mentioned wanting to vote on me when I had 2 votes, but he actually voted on me after Illwei moved off me. Which makes sense for an elim because they'd not be concentrating votes on me, and it doesn't make sense for village!Araris because a. it's unlike him to vote on someone not likely to be removed and b. it's also unlike him to not vote on someone by giving the reason that 'he has 2 votes on him', as he always aims to vote to kill. Huh, as I'm thinking about this, Araris seems more suspicious than Drake. I'll just.. let other people cent in on this while I go check for Drake - Araris interactions.

My thought process last cycle was to bump someone from 1 vote up to 2, in order to create kill pressure. But I was working off of Matrim's vote count, since the thread was really long, and apparently that was somewhat flawed. I was trying to concentrate votes on you, I just failed.

As for Drake, I think I mentioned him as a candidate for my second vote at some point, and I think that's all I said about him.

Until I go back and look at Illwei's posts, my vote is on Ashbringer. Those lists look like smoke and fluff to me. They don't actually help, in my opinion, but they are an attempt to look  helpful.

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Ok good 

this is good

ive never been conf village before, this is fun

Mipha, if you’re a villager, I hope you’ll do me a favor and protect me next night? The fact that Illwei didn’t survive makes me think the Elims don’t have a knight or a Mipha, but perhaps they just knew Illwei was gonna die either way, and decided not to save her so that they could attempt a misexe today. The Knight role really feels like a role the Elims would have, so I dunno. 

Finally, any remaining postmen, do me a favor and contact me.

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2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Illwei mentioned that someone in the Elim doc said that she should kill Kas-Beedle.

I don’t think we should pay any heed to the words of a confirmed elim :P They’re probably meant to just throw us off. Analysing illwei’s posts before they were outed though? That could get us somewhere. I’ll iso them or smt tomorrow morning, but for now I’ll note that I want to take a closer look at Drake, TUO, Steel

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