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Long Game 78: The Legend of Zelda: The False Heroes


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23 hours ago, attic_gremlin said:

what's your conclusion on the roleclaiming? and if the PM was e/v, what's your read one who is e and who is v? 

I'm honestly super conflicted about it. It seems like Tani started the roleclaiming first (unless I missed something) and at one point voted for themselves. As did Drake. (that was N3.)

There's a few times I've noticed that Drake and Araris targeted people, who were Szeth and Ashbringer.

I'm leaning Tani as more elim than village. For Szeth I'm more conflicted about it, so 50/50 honestly. :/ 

Edited by WhiffleWaffles
forgot to add the vote color and didn't want to double post
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7 hours ago, Tani said:

Edit3: @StrikerEZ @Biplet Do you count crossed out votes?

I’m not counting it because it’s obvious you don’t want it there, but you should green your vote out for it to actually count.


@Ashbringer @Azmine_king@Szeth_Pancakes @Steeldancer@kaylakrue @Devotary of Spontaneity @Jondesu @Alvron @WhiffleWaffles @attic_gremlin @YeetAroundABush @purplewhiteandgold @Tani @quillinthestars Here is your ~8 hour reminder to get any actions and votes in before the turn closes!

I’ll do an actual vote count when I’m awake again, but it’s at 5 votes for Tani right now, 6 if you include Tani herself.

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12 minutes ago, purplewhiteandgold said:

I’m still trying to figure out reads on everyone, however, tani seems to have a lot of evidence against them.


22 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Tani doesn't seem like a great option but it looks like it's going to happen and she isn't Link apparently.

At this point we're on thin ice. A lot of Hyrulean's have been lost and Link is somewhere out there with likely no cover or protection unless Beedle / Kas gave them something. 

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The removal happened fast.

Savia wasn't sure why they called it that. Maybe to hide from the nasty truth: that Hyrule's king was executing suspected Yiga before true proof emerged. No one dared challenge it, but she knew what they were all thinking. She thought it too. How long until I am removed?

She hadn't reported Reva. In fact, she barely knew the woman. A few messages of suspicious activity, slinking through the halls, talking strangely and to herself occasionally. It was enough. The castle occupants were whipped into a frenzy, especially after that Postman's long rant about Reva being the true hero or something like that, just before his death.

Reva was oddly calm as they dragged her away. She didn't struggle, didn't fight, didn't even flinch. Her eyes stared straight ahead, unblinking, the hint of a smile ghosting her lips. Savia shuddered. Goddess, that woman was creepy. No wonder she was being removed on suspicion of Yiga allegiance. No sane Hylian would act like that when facing her own death.

Perhaps she didn't know what the removal truly meant.

Savia met Reva's gaze. Intense, unyielding, dangerous.

No. She knew.

Just as the guards dragged Reva into the hallway beyond, the woman melted.

A thousand dark somethings poured from her body. The guards yelped, dropping what was now hundreds of creatures rather than a shoulder. The castle occupants watched, screaming, as the creatures streamed out of the castle and into the world beyond.


Tani has been removed! They were a Hyrulean.

Tani (7): Ashbringer, Azmine_king, Devotary of Spontaneity, Jondesu, WhiffleWaffles, attic_gremlin, purplewhiteandgold

This turn will end on July 7th at 9:30 AM CDT.

@Alvron This is an inactivity filter warning. If you do not post this turn, you will be replaced or removed.

Player List:

  1. Matrim's Dice Hyrulean Mipha
  2. Kasimir Hyrulean Beedle
  3. The Unknown Order - Hyrulean
  4. @Ashbringer - Faleast and AraRaash, who will certainly find a way to keep each other busy while stuck in a strange dimension.
  5. @Azmine_king
  6. Archer Hyrulean Sheikah
  7. Dannex - Hyrulean Sheikah
  8. @Szeth_Pancakes - Earl, a knight(?)
  9. @Steeldancer - Linebeck, swindler, salesman, local hero
  10. Araris Valerian Yiga King Rhoam
  11. @kaylakrue
  12. |TJ| - Princess Zelda
  13. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Kele, ex-Yiga, a bit confused but has the spirit
  14. _Stick_ - Hyrulean
  15. Illwei Master Kohga
  16. @Jondesu - Cimu
  17. @Alvron - Jamut Whitemane, no idea what's going on
  18. DrakeMarshall Yiga Postman
  19. The Young Pyromancer - Hyrulean Knight
  20. Random Bystander Hyrulean
  21. @WhiffleWaffles - Sagessa, she's pretty cool
  22. @attic_gremlin - Horatio Archibald Stibbons, Hyrule Castle's elusive, mustachioed butler
  23. @YeetAroundABush - Nott Yigah, from the esteemed and most noble house of Yigah
  24. @purplewhiteandgold - Vee, a maid at the castle and a bit new to all this
  25. Tani - Hyrulean
  26. @quillinthestars - Conepine, he's... he's just a pinecone cat

PMs will be sent out shortly if they haven't already.

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Whoops, didn’t even realize, but I’m here now. I don’t have much to say, things have felt tense and like we’ve hit quite a dead end. No one wants to show their cards, especially if they have none. I definitely have some people that I think might be leaning towards elim, but I also don’t trust anyone enough to be pointing fingers

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6 hours ago, Biplet said:

Tani has been removed! They were a Hyrulean.

This sucks...and it just makes me wonder if Tani and Szeth were v/v or v/e now. 

"Link: With the power of the Triforce of Courage at his disposal, Link can use the Master Sword to kill one player per night turn. If Link kills a Hyrulean he will not be able to use his kill for one cycle." 

The good news is that Link has his action left, as far as we're aware. Godspeed to whomever holds the Master Sword.

I don't know if there's any useful information available unless someone had contact with Archer and Dannex before they were removed.

2 hours ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

Hi everyone! Just letting you know - I will be going camping from today until either Friday or Saturday, and will not be able to post.

I hope you have a fun trip, Szeth! Thanks for letting us know. If there's anything you can comment before you go that could be useful to us, let us know! Especially since you were in a PM with Tani. Otherwise, see you after you return. Have a fun, safe trip!

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6 hours ago, Biplet said:

@Alvron This is an inactivity filter warning. If you do not post this turn, you will be replaced or removed.

Did I not post at all D5?  I am here and kinda paying attention but I guess I got a little too caught up with the MR.

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On 7/6/2021 at 6:17 PM, Steeldancer said:

Anonymous postman, bless your heart. 

That sounds like good news and it makes me so happy honestly.

On 7/6/2021 at 6:17 PM, Steeldancer said:

Anonymous postman, bless your heart. 

With this in mind, has anyone else been in a PM recently? I advise whoever Link is to not role claim whatsoever. Two v!Sheikah are gone and I highly doubt there is another one, at least not a village Sheikah. 

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Kyson was trying his best to keep his armor from clacking. He needed it for when they found Vee, but by Hylia's name, it was not easy to sneak around the castle with it on.

There were several other knights sneaking through the halls with him, though they weren't doing any better at the sneaking part than he was. Link himself was at the head of their little group. Or, well, he didn't look like Link, but the Master Sword in his hand meant that he had to be Link. The disguise, even at this point, was an extra precaution. Ever since what had happened to Zelda, Link had been very careful to keep himself hidden. If Link was injured, or worse, killed, the Calamity would be completely unopposed.

Link had carefully hand-picked this group of knights. Kyson remembered when Link had come to him and tested him to see if he was truly himself. He could only assume Link had been as rigorous in that testing with the others as well.

Link held up his hand to stop the group, and Kyson stopped and they formed up ranks. A little slower than Kyson would've liked, but, well, they had to be quiet still. 

There were whispering voices coming from around the corner. Yiga, Kyson thought to himself. 

At Link's command, they charged around the corner. Vee, the new maid who had arrived just before all of this happened, was the only whose face they could see. The others quickly puffed away their disguises before their faces could be seen, but it was too late for Vee. She grew enraged, puffing away her disguise and went to attack Link.

Kyson and his men started fighting the other Yiga. There weren't many of them left, and with the dozen or so men Link had gathered, each Yiga had to fight at least 3 knights if they wanted to get to Link. Kyson kept track of how well his men were doing. He grimaced when he saw Tavia fall to the ground with an arrow to her neck, but this was their duty. Protect Link, keep him alive, and stop the Calamity.

Even the sounds of battle couldn't cover up the surprised shout of the Yiga who had disguised herself as Vee when Link plunged his sword through her stomach. Kyson yelled, rallying his remaining men, the 9 of them that were left, to charge at the remaining Yiga. They began to puff away, running like the cowards they so often were.

Link stood over the body of Vee, the Master Sword dripping blood. He turned to Kyson, and they nodded to each other. There work for tonight was done, and the Calamity was just a little further away now.


purplewhiteandgold has been killed! They were a Yiga!

There will be a removal during this Day turn. There is no vote minimum (though no one is removed if no one votes), and tied votes result in a random tied player getting removed.

This turn will end at 9:30 am CDT on Friday, July 9th.

PMs will be sent out shortly, if they haven't been already.

Also, once again, don't take the writeups as 100% based on what happens with all the actions.

Player List:

  1. Matrim's Dice Hyrulean Mipha
  2. Kasimir Hyrulean Beedle
  3. The Unknown Order - Hyrulean
  4. @Ashbringer - Faleast and AraRaash, who will certainly find a way to keep each other busy while stuck in a strange dimension.
  5. @Azmine_king
  6. Archer Hyrulean Sheikah
  7. Dannex - Hyrulean Sheikah
  8. @Szeth_Pancakes - Earl, a knight(?)
  9. @Steeldancer - Linebeck, swindler, salesman, local hero
  10. Araris Valerian Yiga King Rhoam
  11. @kaylakrue
  12. |TJ| - Princess Zelda
  13. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Kele, ex-Yiga, a bit confused but has the spirit
  14. _Stick_ - Hyrulean
  15. Illwei Master Kohga
  16. @Jondesu - Cimu
  17. @Alvron - Jamut Whitemane, no idea what's going on
  18. DrakeMarshall Yiga Postman
  19. The Young Pyromancer - Hyrulean Knight
  20. Random Bystander Hyrulean
  21. @WhiffleWaffles - Sagessa, she's pretty cool
  22. @attic_gremlin - Horatio Archibald Stibbons, Hyrule Castle's elusive, mustachioed butler
  23. @YeetAroundABush - Nott Yigah, from the esteemed and most noble house of Yigah
  24. purplewhiteandgold Yiga
  25. Tani - Hyrulean
  26. @quillinthestars - Conepine, he's... he's just a pinecone cat
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That’s… interesting. 

Only Kayla hasn’t been on for over 24 hours. Azmine and Szeth haven’t been on for 21 and 22 hours respectively.


Edit: oh, duh. Perhaps Urbosa has something to share? I’d be careful if you don’t want to claim, but since we’re likely out of V!Knights you probably did RB an Elim. But at this point it could have been inactivity as well.

Edited by Ashbringer
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Well done Link! Stay hidden and stay safe!

Why Azmine exactly? I feel like I must have missed discussion about them.

Edit: are we guessing 1 or 2 more Yigas? I have to assume 2 more for safety’s sake, but only 1 would be nice!

Edited by Jondesu
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7 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Well Ashbringer said pretty much everything I was about to say, so for now we'll start with Azimine , since Szeth has a reason for not being on and Kayla is brand new. @Azmine_king do you have anything to say in defense?

I can't have a defense without a charge to defend myself against

Edited by Azmine_king
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