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Long Game 79/Anonymous Game 10: The Rhythm of Freedom


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Quick GM comment to follow that up. While I'm not one to impose any form of playstyles on anyone, I will ask, politely, that we keep the anonymous game anonymous. I much prefer to be hands off as possible when GMing and not impose too much on the players, but part of the reason I designed this game as it is, is to escape from traditional playstyles and have it more based on pure in game skill, not meta. It's fine to have guesses as to who people are, but please refrain from identity claiming or anything. 

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2 hours ago, Opal Lion said:

 I unreservedly apologise to @Amber Vulture for having done exactly that. 

*finger guns* Back at you. 

No seriously, I fully apologize to Opal Lion and intend to drop the conversation which upset them. I need to take a step back and reevaluate my thinking, so this is the last comment I will make this round. Sorry to everybody else too; no one logs on to watch two people squabbling. 

Okay now you can resume your regularly scheduled murdering. 

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l will be unavailable starting in about an hour and a half and going until in about eight hours from now. I will also be unavailable for most of tomorrow; I'll be able to get on 1-2 hours before rollover but will miss rollover and the following 12-13 hours. I should be back tomorrow night and for the N2 rollover, and I'll still be here for the next hour at least but I figured I'd give the heads up while I was thinking about it.  

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1 minute ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Uh well here's the Vote Count then

Dingo (1): Flamingo
Mouse (1): Albatross
Albatross (2): Rhino, Lion
Penguin (1): Vulture 
Vulture (1): Heron

Perfectly symmetrical.

And also mildly worrisome :P We need discussion and condensing that isn't from 5-6 people.

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4 minutes ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

And also mildly worrisome :P We need discussion and condensing that isn't from 5-6 people.

Yeah...Okay I have a genius idea: Mouse Penguin

Now it's tied. No exe. Elims want someone dead yeah? Now they'll be forced to start DISCUSSION and cast VOTES. Logically the next person to vote has to be an elim then aha. jk. 

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Right okay so we have a tie. The elims would actually be fine with a tie since it gives them another chance for a kill without giving any concrete information being revealed. Tempted to vote for Albatross just for this.

Dingo hasn't come back with their read through but I am feeling better about them than I did yesterday for pushing on Rhino for false reasons when a doc could have pointed that out.

I don't think Vulture would have pushed so hard on Lion if they didn't actually think Lion was evil. Making it personal as an elim strategy is less likely.

Confused by Penguin not looking for any other alternative since from their POV, death and, if village, a tie, are bad outcomes. An elim Penguin would be happy to vote for a village Albatross near rollover in self-preservation, which has yet to happen.

Albatross, which I fill in fact do. Now that it's no longer a tie, we'll see what happens, noting that ties are fine right up to rollover upon which we need a plurality.

"Workform is a welcome change from Dullform", Kethri thought as they marched with their fellow singers towards freedom. Not the flashiest or most specialized form, but versatile and well suited to adapting to problems. Most importantly, wearing Workform allowed for a clarity of thought far superior to anything that could be achieved in Dullform, without requiring a spren of Odium. Greater intelligence allowed Kethri to remember exactly who Odium was and why he and his servants had to be resisted. Every god on Roshar had betrayed the singers, and now they had to make their own life free from the petty squabbles of these beings whose great powers failed to impart upon them any common sense or decent manners.

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Chashen looked around at her fellow rebels. “We can’t simply lie here and do nothing. We must root out those amongst us who are secretly of Odium. I say we see what [Albatross] has to say for themselves, since no one is willing to follow my lead on [Vulture]. Being indecisive simply gives the spies a chance to confuse us and keep us from interrogating anyone. We must act decisively.”

[OOC: To make my point a little clearer, Albatross is not at all my first choice for an exe. But considering that I will probably not be on for rollover (unless I stay up later than I should), and that it is very close to a tie right now and no one seems to be voting, I would rather secure a guaranteed exe than leave my vote where it is and risk a tie. I wouldn’t at all be opposed to switching back to Vulture, or Scorpion, or Tuatara, or Dingo if other players form a train on them before the turn is over and if I can be on for it. But for now, I am securing Albatross’s death.]

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Right so nothing happens for 12 hours and Ivory and Heron both vote for the same player (with little-to-no reason) within an hour from each other, despite having been online prior to this. Noted.

2 hours ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

The elims would actually be fine with a tie since it gives them another chance for a kill without giving any concrete information being revealed.

Ties are not fine for elims. Why? Because 3 people, likely villagers, have double lives now. They can't afford to miss an exe. 

2 hours ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

Dingo hasn't come back with their read through but I am feeling better about them than I did yesterday for pushing on Rhino for false reasons when a doc could have pointed that out.

Personally, I don't run through each of my posts with my teammates when I'm evil. Also, it would be far more constructive (distancing wise) for e!Dingo's teammates to point this out in-thread rather than in private.

2 hours ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

An elim Penguin would be happy to vote for a village Albatross near rollover in self-preservation, which has yet to happen.

A villager would care more about self-preservation since we're on our own. Elims can rely on teammates to vote in their favour.

2 hours ago, Mint Heron said:

I say we see what [Albatross] has to say for themselves

Yeah I dont exactly know what more I'm supposed to be saying given that I've probably been the one saying the most stuff this turn. You havent really given me much to defend myself against.

2 hours ago, Mint Heron said:

 I am securing Albatross’s death


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59 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Right so nothing happens for 12 hours and Ivory and Heron both vote for the same player (with little-to-no reason) within an hour from each other, despite having been online prior to this. Noted.

[OOC: First of all, I’m simply voting for you because I want to make sure we have an exe this turn. Dragonfly’s post just made me realize there was a very real possibility that there might not be one, if things went wrong.

And yes, I was online earlier the 12 hours or so before. But I wasn’t available in any capacity to make any posts until I made one. I was just skimming the thread in short breaks before returning to what I was doing.

59 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Yeah I dont exactly know what more I'm supposed to be saying given that I've probably been the one saying the most stuff this turn. You havent really given me much to defend myself against.

3 hours ago, Mint Heron said:

 I am securing Albatross’s death


I don’t know how to make this any more clear, but I don’t suspect you* and I had other motivations for voting for you, which I’ve already stated. I’m not pleased with the fact that you went after my choice of wording for how I phrased the fact that I was securing your exe (for now). That is a remnant of me attempting to obfuscate my true identity by phrasing things differently.

For what it’s worth, the best thing you could do to secure your survival is vote with me for one of my suspects, and convince others to do so. Like I’ve said before, my suspects are Scorpion, Tuatara, Dingo, and Vulture. Dingo currently has a vote, and would be more than willing to switch to them as their flightiness and weird voting patterns is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

*the fact I don’t currently suspect you doesn’t mean much, because 1) my suspicions can and have been wrong in previous games and likely are this game, and 2) aggressive defensiveness in response to an exe forming oneself always sets my gut off, though I know this is something that can happen in frustrated village players. Just less often in my experience.]

Edited by Mint Heron
Added the bracket at the end of the post
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48 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Ties are not fine for elims.

Unless the elim is among those in the tie. Though I tend to agree with you. Ties are not beneficial for anyone if no one dies.

And yet, I'm going to risk getting closer to a tie. I'm going to change my vote to Penguin (Dingo).

3 hours ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

An elim Penguin would be happy to vote for a village Albatross near rollover in self-preservation, which has yet to happen.

This is true, but as of Penguin's last post, there were several hours (and still are a few hours) before rollover. Plenty of time for things to change or teammates to step in and vote Albatross.

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27 minutes ago, Mint Heron said:

First of all, I’m simply voting for you because I want to make sure we have an exe this turn. Dragonfly’s post just made me realize there was a very real possibility that there might not be one, if things went wrong.

Yeah I mean...that's kinda what my Penguin vote post was all about. Given that no one bothered to go after workform/meditationform, we can be certain there's no vote manip possible this cycle.

29 minutes ago, Mint Heron said:

I’m not pleased with the fact that you went after my choice of wording for how I phrased the fact that I was securing your exe (for now).

You're assuming I went after your choice of wording ;). 

30 minutes ago, Mint Heron said:

For what it’s worth, the best thing you could do to secure your survival is vote with me for one of my suspects, and convince others to do so. Like I’ve said before, my suspects are Scorpion, Tuatara, Dingo, and Vulture.

Is this a threat :P (Joking dw). I don't particularly want to vote for any of those players though. Vulture seems village to me and I'm leaning slight village on Dingo. Scorp hasn't been online since like the beginning of this cycle and I don't want to vote on them when they probably won't be here to be able to do anything about it, plus there's also the fact that while I agree their response to the Weasel train was questionable, I don't think that warrants a vote as of yet. Tuatara is the best-looking option out of those four - I do think their posts are suspicious. Take, for example, the only post they've made this turn. It was mostly just RP but they started it off with:


I'm not particularly sure who to vote for, I'm going to reread the d1 thread after posting this.

No reads given, very neutral. And they've yet to follow up on it.

Yet I think I'll keep my vote on Penguin. :P 

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Sorry I haven’t posted, I’ve been reading the thread without logging in, but didn’t have much to say. I think Ivory Dragonfly is suspicious for thinking the Elims want a tie, when clearly they want all deaths they can get.

Also, I just want to say I have gathered additional evidence that Weasel isn’t likely evil, or at least isn’t Mavset-im right now, and I wanted to share that info. I don’t have solid reads on many other players right now after all the back and forth today.

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Personally, I trust Dragonfly, so their vote doesn't bother me. I have an irrational elim gut read on Heron but I'm willing to look past it at least until Albatross flips. The Ross train seems to have a healthy amount of resistance, implying the elims aren't just letting it run free, but that also could just be off of the reasoning being limited. So far there hasn't really been any points in opposition of Albatross' exe, just points in favor of other exes, which is interesting.

I still think Scorpion is probably village but disagree with their reasoning, and I do find it interesting that they cited only Dragonfly's comment on ties instead of their vote like others have done.

Similarly, I village read Flamingo and am confused by their vote drawing it closer to a tie.

I ask any village vote manipulation to not use their ability today. We could glean a lot of information by forcing the elims to be the ones to manip, or not manip.

This will be my last post for the turn, and I won't be back until about this time tomorrow. Like 24 hours.

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15 minutes ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

I ask any village vote manipulation to not use their ability todayWe could glean a lot of information by forcing the elims to be the ones to manip, or not manip.

There is no vote manip, nobody has vote manip

15 minutes ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

So far there hasn't really been any points in opposition of Albatross' exe



Aight here's a reads list take it as a parting gift

Tentative Elim:

Ivory, Penguin, Scorp, Tuatara, Heron, Mouse (In roughly that order)

Don't know:

Rhino, Onyx (In that order)

Sorta Village-lookin':

Dingo, Weasel (In roughly that order)


Lion, Hyena, Amber (In that order)

Edited by Magenta Albatross
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2 hours ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Yeah I mean...that's kinda what my Penguin vote post was all about. Given that no one bothered to go after workform/meditationform, we can be certain there's no vote manip possible this cycle.

[OOC: Last minute votes from people that “don’t know the vote count” are possible.

2 hours ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Is this a threat :P (Joking dw). I don't particularly want to vote for any of those players though. Vulture seems village to me and I'm leaning slight village on Dingo. Scorp hasn't been online since like the beginning of this cycle and I don't want to vote on them when they probably won't be here to be able to do anything about it, plus there's also the fact that while I agree their response to the Weasel train was questionable, I don't think that warrants a vote as of yet. Tuatara is the best-looking option out of those four - I do think their posts are suspicious. Take, for example, the only post they've made this turn. It was mostly just RP but they started it off with:


I'm not particularly sure who to vote for, I'm going to reread the d1 thread after posting this.

No reads given, very neutral. And they've yet to follow up on it.

Yet I think I'll keep my vote on Penguin. :P

I would be down to vote for Tuatara, if that’s the only one of my suspects you’d want to vote for. I’m just…really confused why you wouldn’t want to.

 I was going to reply to someone else about something but even reading back through the last few posts didn’t help job my memory.

Oh it was about elims not wanting ties. Yes, elims want everyone dead. But in the event of one of their own being voted on, they would be much more likely to try and ensure a tie than to just let the elim die.

I am very tired and don’t know if I’m going to be able to stick around, but since everyone is very upset with me over voting for Albatross instead of someone I really suspect (which would be a wasted vote unless there’s a sudden switch but I digress), I’m going to vote for Tuatara]

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4 hours ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Right so nothing happens for 12 hours and Ivory and Heron both vote for the same player (with little-to-no reason) within an hour from each other, despite having been online prior to this. Noted.

Ties are not fine for elims. Why? Because 3 people, likely villagers, have double lives now. They can't afford to miss an exe. 

Personally, I don't run through each of my posts with my teammates when I'm evil. Also, it would be far more constructive (distancing wise) for e!Dingo's teammates to point this out in-thread rather than in private.

A villager would care more about self-preservation since we're on our own. Elims can rely on teammates to vote in their favour.

Yeah I dont exactly know what more I'm supposed to be saying given that I've probably been the one saying the most stuff this turn. You havent really given me much to defend myself against.


Mostly for being less suspicious of the others, I'm afraid.

Plenty of games have villagers with extra lives and the possibility for no exe. It's never in the village's favor to purposefully go for a tie, and even less so in this game since there aren't any village kill roles, so for the elims a tie is a great opportunity to get a free kill and then go for the same two people next cycle since nothing was resolved the first time. Hitting a Warform with the exe or even the kill doesn't guarantee they're village.

Well in this case it was Rhino who pointed it out.

Yes. While an elim will be more likely to go for a villager who already has votes and a ready made excuse than look for other alternatives.

Albatross (3): Rhino, Lion, Dragonfly
Penguin (3): Vulture, Albatross, Flamingo
Dragonfly (1): Scorpion
Tuatara (1): Heron

We currently do have a tie. Anyone want to do something about it?

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I guess I never made a post. Not much I can do about that, due to business, but I have been watching, to some degree. Not a big fan of publicly speculating who's who, and am very not a fan of voting someone out based on who they're emulating. The point of an anonymous game is for people to be anonymous, whether as an older player wanting to not get info-killed or just a player trying to test out a new playstyle. Publicly speculating (or claiming) individuals' identities defeats that purpose and voting people because of them throws it into a highstorm.

I don't quite understand the Penguin vs Albatross train, but in an attempt to keep some options open... a tie leads to no execution, correct? I'd be good to have a tie otherwise, but no exe is not great. I doubt we have time to read through the entire thread again.

In an attempt to keep some options open... Oxblood. I'll see if I can make a snap judgement about that tie, but self-voting has keeping the form populations somewhat more ambiguous than they currently are.

And the tie is suddenly no longer an issue. I wonder.

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