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Long Game 79/Anonymous Game 10: The Rhythm of Freedom


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I was not recipient of a PM N2


My gut reaction to the Penguin Lynch is that it required little to no manip from the Elims. Penguin was on a lot of our radars from the beginning so elims may have jumped on the ship but probably didn't need to set it up. 

Not certain how much info we'll really be able to pull from the lynch because of that, but I'd imagine that looking at the reasons listed for voting will be the most useful. 

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Just now, Mint Heron said:

[OOC: Did I miss something? I do not remember either of those players claiming mateform, nonetheless with each other.

Slightly d'oh moment for me as I hadn't intended to spell it out for the whole class. I really need to go back to using notes instead of thinking aloud in the thread. Sorry Scorp, Weasel.

Scorp said they had gathered additional evidence that Weasel was not Evil or at least not Mavset-im. Weasel agreed that they largely exist behind the scenes, alluding to non-thread communication.

How do you have definite proof that someone is not Mavset-im D2, with warform, scholarform, mateform, and one artform gem missing? There's no scans in this game, not on the Village side. Mavset-im's inability to talk in PMs only comes after Mavset-im body-snatches. Moreover, even were a scholar to give a gem, how would this happen D2? You are not told who gave you items, and any scholar must have used their gem N1. Anyone can claim warform - it's only proven upon an unsuccessful kill or lynch.

The logical inference is that Scorp and Weasel both were in mateform and when the PM sprang up between them, since Mavset-im cannot take a form, Scorp inferred that Weasel cannot have started out as Mavset-im.

There are four mateform gems missing, or I suppose, were, as of D2. So our four mateforms from that day have to be Scorp, Weasel, Penguin, and Falcon.

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I received a group PM labeled N2-N3 (ie it closed beginning of N3). I'm not sure if that means it was created N2 or D2.

@Cream Tuatara, if you could have voted, who would you have voted for?

And welcome to the new @Azure Mouse! I'm not sure how much you've been watching, but what do you think about Mouse's previous position on being open to Elim conversion?

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1 hour ago, Opal Lion said:

Here's an interesting question. Suppose that as per Dragonfly's reckoning, seven players did not secure gems. One of them would be Mavset-im and unable to have the gem in the first place. Without naming names, with a simple yes/no answer, how many of you were the recipients of a PM started on N2?

I was as well. Sent one, too :P. 

If Vulture is elim I'm going to be very sad.

But I do like their idea about creating PMs tonight to hopefully tomorrow be able to narrow down who could have submitted the kill, so anyone who has an action to spare should consider doing that. The PM doesn't have to go anywhere, even, I suppose it can simply be to show that an action was used.

Planning to look through the vcs and hopefully come up with a conclusion, but perhaps I should stop doing that. It hasn't been going well for me. General first impressions though is that it's not reaching to guess that 1/4 Mateforms is elim, but that's a dangerous guess and not a reason to exe. I also think Flamingo's voting pattern sticks out as the most suspicious to me.

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2 hours ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

But I do like their idea about creating PMs tonight to hopefully tomorrow be able to narrow down who could have submitted the kill, so anyone who has an action to spare should consider doing that. The PM doesn't have to go anywhere, even, I suppose it can simply be to show that an action was used.

That might work, except we have the problem of Nimble Form. An Elim could post a PM, and submit the kill, in the same night.

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17 minutes ago, Emerald Falcon said:

That might work, except we have the problem of Nimble Form. An Elim could post a PM, and submit the kill, in the same night.

We'd know, though. At the moment, we have no idea of form disposition. We don't know if Elims are choosing to go for Village forms or drawing from their own stash. We do know that there has not been a sign of Stormform roleblocks, or someone would've sounded out - unless they hit someone who wasn't carrying out an action. There hasn't been a sign of decayform either, unless again, they hit someone who didn't have gemstones. Don't think a plan needs to be perfect, just to give us more information about what strategy the Elims are pursuing and what/who to look out for. If we have high actions accountability from tonight and still a kill, it's likely an indication that nimbleform did go into Elim hands.

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7 minutes ago, Cream Tuatara said:

Likely Heron, but I was pretty torn between them and Mouse. My suspicions are actually alleviating on them due to out-of-thread reasons.

they're acting sus in the elim doc, huh :P. 

I've already mentioned the PM I got N1. 

I got a Scholarform Gem D1. Where's my scholar buddy at, send me a PM and add someone trustworthy in it as a witness and maybe we can chat and confirm our identities to each other? 

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Additional note: if you're Scholarform and have already burned your PM for the round, feel free to contact me through people, or in a PM later. But it'd be a lot cooler if you made a PM because then you can't submit the elim kill >:). 

Also, I've come to realize that my lack of roleplaying will make my eventual death writeup hard to write. So to give Steel some ideas, here's a thing:

Winn loved to hum as the birds did. The others hated his high pitched noises. And frankly, so did the birds. He wasn't very good at whistling yet. But he kept trying. 

Yeah, that's all the RP I've got in me right now. 

Also he's in the cave with everyone else. Whistling innocently and avoiding conversation because dialogue is hard

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Elrin was dead. They hadn't found a single Sympathizer, and Elrin was dead. The world had stopped making sense to Henresh. How could they be so uncaring, acting as if nothing had happened? He couldn't stop crying, tears flowing down his face. Why had they killed her? Indecision? In the face of this madness, indecision was to be expected. How dare they. He wouldn't forgive them. They had killed his sole light amidst this darkness. He wiped the tears from his eyes. He couldn't do anything in this form. He needed to be stronger. He needed to get revenge.

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4 hours ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

Jumping on Swan D1, pushing Penguin for limited reasons longer than anyone else has, and some other switches before those final votes that I thought were weird. I don't know :P.

I am confused. I voted Swan D1 because of their vote being contrary to their read list. It was the most suspicious things I saw that day, and felt like elim distancing. I've only switched once (from Dingo to Penguin D2). I remember Dingo being somewhat suspicious, but also inactive. At that point, it was between Albatross and Penguin, and of the two I found more reason for a Penguin exe as I felt fairly good about Albatross. As for why I maintained Penguin, Vulture said it themselves. Someone who avoids an exe for a few cycles is pretty suspect. Clearly I have terrible reads.

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5 minutes ago, Onyx Flamingo said:

Clearly I have terrible reads.

Join the club. The best part about people going for other people for a while is it convinces you you're right about your sus and then. It flops and you have to start over. 

Who wants to see my Reads List (Evil!Rhino Variant)? This is the extent of my notes right now. I have no supplementary evidence off hand. But it feels right so yee-haw I'm gonna say  'em! 

Current elim team guess is Rhino, Heron, Falcon, Scorpion, +1 (maybe)

Dragonfly is village because attacked
Lion is village because he seems cool
Tuatara is village because votey things
Flamingo - Rhino not e-e because Rhino pressed them to explain their Penguin vote
Scorpion is evil because need a D1 evil vote on Swan.
Heron is evil because sussed me for sussing Rhino.
Dingo seems cool because Rhino voted him D1 and also they just yeeted for a while.
Falcon voted on me and I think the elim doc floated me as a mix target because Heron was in there too so yeah
Hyena - Probably fine?? Talked to Rhino conversationally?
Mouse - *confused noises leaning village*
Beagle - *eeeeeeeeeee vil?* (heh, that's both alignments at once)
Weasel - sure, could be evil. I remember zilch about them

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My current guess is Falcon, Flamingo, [Mouse, Beagle], Tuatara or something I literally have no clue 

Like I am not opposed to sheeping someone tomorrow

Vulture you're literally doing that thing again where you assume I'm elim so it compromises everything and it's making me elim read you more, but I also think you wouldn't do the same thing twice.

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I ran out of time. Again. Fun.

Tuatara's responses do not seem genuine to me, so that's where I plan to start tomorrow. Other than that, nothing's much stuck out at me, although I've developed an annoying habit of equating activity with Villageness. Of the very actives (Lion, Rhino, Vulture, Heron), I think I trust Lion and Rhino, less so on Vulture, and I would trust Heron if there weren't so much consternation about them. I need to read the thread about that. I do want to see what the new Mouse has to say.


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Thoughts/reads at this current juncture:


Village Lite


Ivory Dragonfly [ @Ivory Dragonfly]

-My reasons for thinking her Village have not shifted. Still genuinely reads to be trying to solve the game, helpful, and makes good observations. Agreed with the other players that WGG possibility is unlikely in this scenario, and Dragonfly would be an odd candidate for it.

Village Lite with Soy Sauce


Amber Vulture@Amber Vulture ]

-My reasons have not shifted. I feel that pushing this hard and persistently on me between N1 to D2 would be a weird move for an Elim; there's just no call to get this committed. He'd know I didn't have warform, and a simple NK could take me out anytime. He has no reason to be this invested in trying to get a train to go down on me. Otherwise, also channelling helpful active Villager. Not sure how to feel about scholarform claim but I would assume it's provable and it's certainly consistent with the listings I have.

Melon Dingo@Melon Dingo ]

-This is way weaker than Amber Vulture, and I'll be honest, I could easily slot Dingo into the stronger end of Village, Maybe? with a bit of work. The bottom line for me is that Dingo reads genuinely disengaged from the game in a way I don't see them being if they were Elim.

Village, Maybe?


Cream Tuatara [ @Cream Tuatara ]

-Possible NULL/Meh candidate for me. Depends on where/how you slice it. Disengaged but clearly looking at the thread; supposed to be on mobile, offering thoughts when prodded. Not getting super great vibes off them but not exactly radiating Evil either. Would like to hear more and see votes. Ross being the swing vote from Tuatara to Swan sort of makes me lean a bit Village on Tuatara.



Oxblood Beagle [ @Oxblood Beagle]

-I get some good vibes off our interaction but these are generally rules-based. Clearly trying to muddy the role waters, which is also good. Votes are generally done blatantly and last-minute in a way such that it's hard to get reads off him. Has promised to be more active so I am going to squint suspiciously but wait in anticipation for his reads.

Azure Mouse [ @Azure Mouse]

-Boils down to: OG Mouse was peripheral enough apart from their mercenary wincon issue that I can't really consider them Village. The only vote we have to go off is them going on Tuatara D1 and leaving the vote there. In a slightly more active player, I'd worry about the fact their vote found an easy target and stayed put. Given Mouse had to require a pinch-hitter, I'm leaving it at "vague cloud of suspicion, pleaser say more."

Indigo Weasel [ @Indigo Weasel]

-As they said, they exist more behind the scenes. I feel like there's not enough info to go off, and I appreciate their short reads list, but generally, good to hear more from them, hard to know what to think otherwise.

Meh, Maybe Evil


Charcoal Hyena [ @Charcoal Hyena ]

-Gut-read Penguin as Village but has not been getting involved in the votes. Could be lurker Elim due to this being non-committal, but I think I just really want to know why you wouldn't really want to get down to it if you think a Villager (or even two Villagers!) are under threat.

Mint Heron [ @Mint Heron]

-Am divided because I tone-read them as someone who's had a rough couple days, but I recognise that's not Village-exclusive, and so properly-speaking, this should probably just not lead me to conclude Village in and of itself. D2 voting patterns are more Elim, IMO. Looking back at the D2 v/v lynch, Heron moving off and onto Tuatara reads a bit like an Elim being spooked off a bad train. Potentially noteworthy that D3 veered off of Heron and on to Penguin and Vulture. I don't know if it's a significant enough train swing that it'd punt Heron down a suspicion category for me, but I thought these swings should be noted anyway since we ended up with a Penguin-Vulture thunderdome.

Onyx Flamingo [ @Onyx Flamingo]

Probably the player in this category nearest to null for me: either has low vote diversity (not usually a good sign), or one hell of a tunnel on Penguin. I think my view here boils down to: "Be nice to hear more." I'd like to hear why they swapped from Dingo to Penguin D2, openly acknowledging they were risking a tie while endorsing the view that a no lynch isn't good.

Emerald Falcon [ @Emerald Falcon]

-Another 'would like to hear more from them' vote from me. Indecision is normal but the low mobility of their votes given the attention they're paying to the game doesn't really ring right to me.

All The Bad Vibes


Plum Rhino [ @Plum Rhinoceros ]

-I'm going to admit this is a death of a thousand cuts for me thing. It bothered me I had a persistent negative gut read on Rhino so I went back to look through everything. Long story short, for a player a number of people claim to be active and helpful, he's rather indecisive and partly peripheral in lynch trajectories. Fit profile of D1 Elim player, and D2 low vote diversity/non-committalness doesn't feel it gels well with that indecisiveness. Some amount of self-consciousness/lampshading of indecision, which reads a bit strange contextually - particularly in disavowal of vote analysis. His subsequent hop off Penguin and onto Falcon is strange, considering that he's stated he trusts Vulture, the Falcon vote does nothing, and the whole weird / weird-Evil distinction comes to mind again. Doing so directly endangered Vulture, an avowed Village read of his and read more like someone trying to distance from a bad train while keeping Village cred. I guess the lack of Falcon commitment bothers me as well: if you've gone down as saying Penguin/Falcon can't be E/E and you're voting Falcon for choosing to keep a live PM, then...doesn't this imply you think the two leading trains are V/V? Why aren't you more bothered by that? Initial D3 vote on Flamingo - I'm interested in why, especially since Rhino has subsequently returned to Flamingo again.

Amethyst Scorpion [ @Amethyst Scorpion ]

-Could be busy, and I accept they mentioned that, but I still find their vote on Dragonfly a convenient place to avoid having to commit to the Penguin and Ross bad trains, especially given the threat of a tie and volatility, given Heron stacked a vote on after that. Would be interested in their read of Weasel as well. If you agreed with Ross's reasoning on ties, it's interesting you don't feel more interested in Ross's survival, or condemning those who broke it, rather than just Dragonfly.

Further thoughts:

1. Here's a list of disengaged players - players who haven't been voting or participating much in the lynches:


Mouse (inactive), Hyena, Tuatara, Weasel, Ostrich, Falcon, Beagle (D1)

Falcon is a bit peripheral but could easily be removed from this especially due to sudden D3 involvement. Flamingo's low vote diversity could theoretically get them in here but they did go on Penguin D2-D3 so I feel that's not really peripheral anymore.

D1 lynch was between Swan and Tuatara, with a distinct point at which it was Swan/Tuatara/Dingo. Given Ross was himself the swing vote from Tuatara to Swan, I'm willing to buy there's one Elim in there but I personally think it was v/v/v which means we expect at most two Elims on any given train, and the Elims themselves to be spread out across the trains or - as expected, hiding on the peripheries.

D2 lynch was between Ross and Penguin. Definite v/v. See above comment.

D3 lynch involved Heron but soon swung to Vulture v. Penguin. It could be v/e but given my current Vulture credences, I am inclined to read it v/v. To me, this points to the fact that there must be at least one, if not two Elims hiding in our peripherals.

2. Funny thing, this. I know of five out of the seven players who didn't successfully get a gemstone D1. While I don't think it makes a specific player more likely to be Village than Elim, I do think the odds that all seven are Villagers aren't great. There's also likely at least one Elim there. The real question is whether the silent two are Elims waiting for me to pull a LG5 spanreed reasoning or not. I would use this as a guide as to where to look but not as a definitive marker of alignment or guilt, let's put it this way.


Atticus stared out into the howling maw of the highstorm.

Elrin had wept as she died. Henresh wept too, but Atticus thought there was anger there.

He knew what vengeance tasted like. Dying, the king had said, is no matter, if one is avenged. A strange dream. A dark dream, that. Atticus grasped it, even now, like a brief candle-flame, flashes of a life that wasn't his. He was tempted to wonder if there was something wrong with the spren, but he knew that it wasn't that. He'd had the dark dreams since the Fused came, since they worked to feed the armies locked in war with the humans.

Revenge. Atticus did not know what it felt like.LThere was a human in those dreams, shrouded in white mist, and filled with an evil Atticus had thought only voidbringers capable of. He hadn't wanted revenge, that human. He'd wanted - something else, something Atticus couldn't quite make out, before the dreams slipped away like smoke again. The evenings had been cold and wet, recently, and he'd hoped for a warm pipe by the fire. Maybe that was it.

Vengeance. That was the only thing the humans seemed to know, after their king had died. But that was the Fused, wasn't it? Ancient spirits of their ancestors, howling with the need to fight a war that had never ended. The forever-war.

Forever-wars didn't end well.

Atticus knew that. He knelt in those dreams beside the staring body of a brother and wondered what he had done.

Creator forgive them all.

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Hello, all! I haven't been keeping up with the game so far, but I have gone back and skimmed. As it stands, I have a elim read on Rhino and Tuatara for what happened D1. I'm also getting an elimmy vibe from Rhino's posts, but that's really just a gut read.

19 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

And welcome to the new @Azure Mouse! I'm not sure how much you've been watching, but what do you think about Mouse's previous position on being open to Elim conversion?

Well, I don't think that Steel would have put it in if some part of him didn't want to see it used. :P And, to be honest, if the elims had left a Odious gemstone sitting in Mouse's inventory... I would have been tempted. :ph34r: But they didn't, so I think they might be foregoing that option this game. And even if they did, I think I would forgo attuning it. The village needs all the help it can get.

I did receive a singular PM, although it does not state the date when it was created.

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2 minutes ago, Opal Lion said:

a player a number of people claim to be active and helpful,

I am not one of the people who claim this, for the record :P 

3 minutes ago, Opal Lion said:

considering that he's stated he trusts Vulture, the Falcon vote does nothing, and the whole weird / weird-Evil distinction comes to mind again. Doing so directly endangered Vulture, an avowed Village read of his and read more like someone trying to distance from a bad train while keeping Village cred. I guess the lack of Falcon commitment bothers me as well: if you've gone down as saying Penguin/Falcon can't be E/E and you're voting Falcon for choosing to keep a live PM, then...doesn't this imply you think the two leading trains are V/V?

I forgot that Vulture was the other candidate (I thought it was Heron, who I also didn't like their exe, but... for some reason voted Falcon because they were my top suspicion. At that point I hadn't yet switched from 'vote my top sus' to 'vote the person of the two leading ones I sus more'.) But I didn't necessarily think the two leading trains were v/v- I just suspected other people more. I was fine on Penguin even though I had numerous other choices I would have rather gone with.

Wait, no I get what you're saying there, actually, yeah that's something I legitimately did not notice. Like I just failed to connect those dots. I... am upset I failed to connect those dots.

7 minutes ago, Opal Lion said:

Initial D3 vote on Flamingo - I'm interested in why, especially since Rhino has subsequently returned to Flamingo again.

A spiral of a gut village down to a gut elim- mainly their votes. And reasons for said votes. You asked/called them out on one such switch, it's the same deal for me.

The other thing here though (and this is kinda overarching) is that I haven't reread anything from past cycles. Haven't really had the time. So D1 stuff is just from memory from me, and on to now, and it's not good because I don't remember that much exactly.

But I do think your elim read of me is fair :P. I've been playing pretty bad.

7 minutes ago, Azure Mouse said:

Hello, all! I haven't been keeping up with the game so far, but I have gone back and skimmed. As it stands, I have a elim read on Rhino and Tuatara for what happened D1. I'm also getting an elimmy vibe from Rhino's posts, but that's really just a gut read.

I'm getting the vibe that I'm the elims' new favorite chew toy to elim read. :P We should keep in mind that with a five person team, D5 is exlo- we only have one more misexe of breathing room. The ratio right now would be 9-5. A kill tonight is 8-5, a misexe D4 is 7-5, kill 6-5, and then D5 we can't mess up. Or at all after that.

I would let Lion and Vulture take the lead except for they're likely to miskill me :/

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LG79/AN10 Day 4: And Edith Refused to Die
The highstorm raged, battering on the small structure the escapees had found in the side of a hill. Water leaked from the ceiling, and a child cried softly in the corner. Thunder boomed, and as the darkness closed in on Edith, she started in his sleep. Right before she got stabbed through the chest with a sword. She bellowed in pain, and looked groggily around herself for her attacker. She thought she saw a figure move away into shadows. Storms, she didn't even have any spheres for light at the moment, as they were all outside being reinfused. People aroused to her shout of pain, and Thane came over with some bandages to come and help. Just like before, if it hadn't been for the armor of warform, Edith would have died. Even as it was, she could still die of blood loss if she didn't tend to the stab wound. 
Abaram was displeased. The little pieces of crem were resisting her efforts to end their sad little lives. After all, the only reason most of them were still alive was due to her whims, after all. She eyed Moirin. Did that woman even sleep? She seemed to always be careful to either be awake or have someone near her awake, never leaving an open chance to kill her. But someday she would slip up, and that was when she would strike.
Thane walked outside as the storm began to fade. He needed to clean off some cloth to put on Edith's wound. After he finished doing so, he went to walk back into the hut, only to find unusual patterns painted on the door. Thane frowned, unable to make heads or tails of what it meant. Probably a crazy Artform making what they saw as art. 
Plum Rhino was attacked, but survived! 
If @Amethyst Scorpionand @Melon Dingodo not post this turn, they will be killed off. 
Village Stash


Nimbleform Gem- 6
Workform Gem- 4
Mateform Gem- 3
Artform Gem- 4

Player List


1. Amber Vulture
2. Amethyst Scorpion
3. Azure Mouse
4. Charcoal Hyena
5. Chartreuse Penguin- Elrin Mateform Rebel
6. Coral Swan Dullform Rebel
7. Cream Tuatara
8. Emerald Falcon
9. Fuchsia Ostrich Dullform Rebel
10. Indigo Weasel
11. Ivory Dragonfly- Kethri
12. Magenta Albatross Dullform Rebel
13. Mauve Crocodile  Dullform Rebel
14. Melon Dingo
15. Mint Heron- Chashen
16. Onyx Flamingo
17. Opal Lion- Atticus
18. Oxblood Beagle- Jalnor
19. Plum Rhinoceros- Edith

The day will end in 47 hours at 12 EDT, 7/30/21.


Edited by Steeldancer
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Hello, I had a Warform Gem. I don't know why I was a target, but I can see a few possibilities.

  1. The elims consist of the people who seemed to think I was trusted, and so they killed accordingly. This I find mildly likely.
  2. The elims weren't online when everyone started hard sussing me at the end for some reason. This can go alongside the first, and it's about the same likelihood imo
  3. A bit of tinfoil- N2 I created a 1-1 PM with Dingo, who read it but didn't respond. So for my PM last night I made one with Dingo (to check if they were Mavset's convertee since they didn't reply before) and two of my suspicions, Falcon and Flamingo. Because... I don't know :P Reasons. But if Dingo is actually Mavset, and Falcon and Flamingo are actually their teammates, then I could have been attacked so that the secret didn't get out. I ascribe extremely low likelihood to this though, and since Dingo hasn't even been online since I sent the PM there is no basis for it.

I don't think I was killed to fake a WGG because there's no way for the elims to have known I was a Warform.

Edit: Ninja'd by Tuatara. No. That doesn't make sense, think about it, that's the first place your mind went, it would not have been a successful play for the elims.

I do think it's possible the elims will push this idea, though :P.

Edited by Plum Rhinoceros
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