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Surely if we murder a third new player, this time it'll be the right call. :P. I think I'm going to vote Mat over Lahilt next round solely because I'm starting to feel bad about this trend. I'm pretty sure that's the elim pairing anyway, based on Mat's defense of them last round. 

If there was three elims, I suspect Illwei would have shortened the Night to 12 hours instead of rounding up to 36. With three, everything going forward would be a formality because for them, parity is a functional win. So I'm going to assume this is a winnable game and that there's a 5v;2e ratio, soon to be 4v;2e. That's exlo. 

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Haha even if there is two elims we still lose this game

Because you’re gonna kill me next

Edit: For what it’s worth, Archer, ash isn’t a new player, just new to the site, and Lahilt is a returning player who started before you did :P.

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30 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Haha even if there is two elims we still lose this game

Because you’re gonna kill me next

Edit: For what it’s worth, Archer, ash isn’t a new player, just new to the site, and Lahilt is a returning player who started before you did :P.

Archer-Lahilt not e-e because I didn't know that. :P. 

I'll clarify to there's been a bias towards suspecting people with unfamiliar playstyles. At least on my part 

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19 minutes ago, Archer said:

Archer-Lahilt not e-e because I didn't know that. :P. 

I'll clarify to there's been a bias towards suspecting people with unfamiliar playstyles. At least on my part 

I can believe that 

I’m probably guilty of this too. I try not to be but idk

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- Day 4 -

TJ was released. they were a Loyal Honorspren


Day 4 has started, and will end in 48 hours, on Tuesday, November 2nd at 4 PM PST

  • Days are 48 hours long and Nights are 24. 
  • There is an activity filter of 2 Turns (One cycle.)
  • There are NO PMs.
  • The Elims may not communicate in their doc.
  • There are 6 players alive and 4 votes are needed for a removal.



1. @Araris Valerian - Tresspasser's will

2. @Archer - Spren 10

3. ashwastaken - Oak - Loyal Honor Spren

4. @Azmine_king

5. @Danex

6. @Lahilt - Lahilt

7. Mage - Therla - Loyal Honor Spren

8. @Matrim's Dice - Phrylsena

9. Tani - Loyal Honor Spren

10. TJ - Fiorlan - Loyal Honor Spren

11. The Unknown Order - Loyal Honor Spren

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…The game’s not over


Also that’s the most ‘Let’s frame Mat’ kill ever lol

And it keeps me from voting there. So thanks for that.

I’ll reread with the knowledge we have and come up with something. Since my previous team guesses have batted .000 it should be good :P.

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5 minutes ago, Archer said:

Seems like we should start with a vote on Dannex, what say y'all. 

I say that’s better than Araris’ vote :P. Why exactly? I know that Danex was my top vil read but the way this game has been going that might be the best reason for me to vote there.

I kind of want to just go Araris but that seems too easy.

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27 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I say that’s better than Araris’ vote :P. Why exactly? I know that Danex was my top vil read but the way this game has been going that might be the best reason for me to vote there.

I kind of want to just go Araris but that seems too easy.

It's a close call between them and Az, and I think my vote will stick on one of them in the end, but Danex seemed pretty flakey last cycle, sheeping the main wagons. 

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41 minutes ago, Archer said:

It's a close call between them and Az, and I think my vote will stick on one of them in the end, but Danex seemed pretty flakey last cycle, sheeping the main wagons. 

Now I’m trying to decide if e!you is trying to pocket me :P. Az may be your teammate here. Pure actual tinfoil.

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am severely disappointed 

I thought we had a chance

Edit: @Archer can you not repeat what we all did C2 with Mage though, and at least try to solve something? :P Instead of snap voting a villager. Thanks.

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@Matrim's Dice, I'm planning on doing a reread tomorrow, so my vote on you might not be final. What would your top 2 guesses of elim pairs be, and why?

@Archer, at this point, who are you thinking is Mat's teammate?

@Azmine_king, @Danex, @Lahilt, it would be nice to get some input from y'all as well.

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6 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

@Matrim's Dice, I'm planning on doing a reread tomorrow, so my vote on you might not be final. What would your top 2 guesses of elim pairs be, and why?

I need a fresh reread, because the people that are left are my C2 village reads. Heck, they're my C3 village reads. You, I guess, weren't ever there so that's one. You've basically bandwagoned all game, and the quick jump on me isn't a good look from my PoV.

I'm sticking with my village read of Archer. I don't think e!him would fake the Danex vote :P.

Az is kind of a straight null, and I stand by thinking Lahilt has been villagery. Danex... I know I vil read them but like I can't remember a reason why xD and that should (and does) worry me. And like I said it'd be approriate for this game for my top vil read to be elim just because :P

Top two team guesses? Araris/Danex and Araris/Lahilt, probably. Because I don't trust my Lahilt read. Araris/Az is there though, I just need to reread to figure something out...

But I'll start on Araris.

6 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

@Archer, at this point, who are you thinking is Mat's teammate?

Lahilt I believe is his theory. Which I resent; no chance I defend my teammate as hard as I did Lahilt when there was no one else defending them :P.

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5 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

You've basically bandwagoned all game

I'm pretty sure you're not representing me fairly here. While it is true that I've been following people's votes, I think it was clear in my posts that I reached my conclusions at least somewhat independently of them. The ruleset requires some level of bandwagoning. And besides, do you really think elim!me would play the way you are implying I have? I'd hope that after the times we've been evil together you'd have at least a little higher opinion of my play.

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1 minute ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'm pretty sure you're not representing me fairly here. While it is true that I've been following people's votes, I think it was clear in my posts that I reached my conclusions at least somewhat independently of them. The ruleset requires some level of bandwagoning. And besides, do you really think elim!me would play the way you are implying I have? I'd hope that after the times we've been evil together you'd have at least a little higher opinion of my play.

Alright, that's fair, I'll give you that :P. I guess a better way of putting that would be that you haven't had a problem with any of the exes that have gone through, and they've all been on villagers.

Araris, I think there is no set way for elim!you to play :P You've knowingly subverted expectations in the past, so yeah, I think it's possible. But don't think I don't have a high opinion of your play; the elims are very much winning this game, no?

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59 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

it would be nice to get some input from y'all as well.

I'm still hard tunneling mat/you e/e

if not that then I think mat/azmine is a close second

perhaps mat/lahilt

not entirely sure

everything that's happened so far has kinda noped its way out my memory
gotta go reread some stuff before I make any real conclusions

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I am back for this post, I will try to do more in depth tomorow.

Two of my biggerish Elim reads are dead making me question my third read which is Danex.  

I am pretty suspicous of Araris and Danex although I do not think both of them are Elim.

I also think that either Mat or Araris is Elim and as of now I would prefer voting on one of these.

I am assuming this is MYLO.  

Does anyone have any suspicion or reason to believe Archer is village? 

I will study more in depth and vote tomorow.   

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2 hours ago, Lahilt said:

I am assuming this is MYLO.  

Does anyone have any suspicion or reason to believe Archer is village?

Definitely mylo/lylo/whatever, yeah

I personally think Archer is village because of his fake earlier this cycle with the Danex suspicion, trying to get e!me to bite. e!Archer would have just voted me and been done with it as expected of him. Aside from that, I've liked his tone and solvyness which doesn't happen too often (more frequently as of late, though).

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10 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I personally think Archer is village because of his fake earlier this cycle with the Danex suspicion, trying to get e!me to bite. e!Archer would have just voted me and been done with it as expected of him. Aside from that, I've liked his tone and solvyness which doesn't happen too often (more frequently as of late, though).

Now I’m trying to decide if e!you is trying to pocket me :P.
I keep coming back to the Night when neither Az nor Danex were on. Somebody else had to submit the NK, and I trust Araris right now. At least he's cast a vote, compared to pretty much everyone else who I suspect are waiting for a villager to vote for a villager so they can pile on and maybe force a mix. The two people who were on were Mat and Lahilt, and Mat defending Lahilt supports that theoretical pairing. I don't give any value to Mat offering to vote Lahilt today because this is a bussing situation. I really doubt it's two of Dannex, Lahilt, and Az, based on the people they targeted with the kills. So I'd really prefer to go for Mat today.

That said, it'd be nice to see where the other votes are going. I don't want to fail to kill because people forget to vote. 

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8 minutes ago, Archer said:

I keep coming back to the Night when neither Az nor Danex were on. Somebody else had to submit the NK, and I trust Araris right now. At least he's cast a vote, compared to pretty much everyone else who I suspect are waiting for a villager to vote for a villager so they can pile on and maybe force a mix. The two people who were on were Mat and Lahilt, and Mat defending Lahilt supports that theoretical pairing. I don't give any value to Mat offering to vote Lahilt today because this is a bussing situation. I really doubt it's two of Dannex, Lahilt, and Az, based on the people they targeted with the kills. So I'd really prefer to go for Mat today.

I mean, were they confirmed not online or just didn't post? Cause those two things are not the same. 

I'm baffled why you say lylo is a bussing situation. It's very much... not a bussing situation :P. If the elims can just force a misexe why would they not just force a misexe? Hence, I believe, Araris' vote on me. I'm an easy miskill today.

And is my vote nonexistent or something? :P.

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