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About lwd24era

  • Birthday 10/20/1995

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  • Member Title
    Sandmaster, Shardbearer, Trapper
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  • Interests
    Reading, writing, role-playing, consuming art, enjoying a good laugh and a good meal.

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  1. Yes thank you very much Lady Feather(: I wish Brandon had a Shallan sketch of the bridgemen. That would make things soooo much easier.
  2. OMG yes that would be so helpful you have no idea!
  3. Very true. I find it admirable that Brandon literally has a god be born at the end and still didn't use it as an excuse to save the main cast.
  4. Ah yes! Boots are pivotal! Thank you Brightness.
  5. Bridge four after they joined the Cobalt Guard and got their tattoos. Here's the list of costume items my friend and I have come up with so far: •Blue Bridge Four uniform •Bridge Four shoulder patch •Kholin family patch •Quality spear (safety tip) •Side dagger •Bag of spheres •Henna forhead tattoos
  6. Hello fellow Sanderfans! This year my friend and I attended the Minnesota Renaissance Festival and LOVED IT. One thing we regret though is we did not have the time to dress up. So next year we hope to go as two members of Bridge Four. Sadly, we are both somewhat inept at cosplay and we're hoping we could call upon a few of our fellow fans to aid us in making sure we make our costumes as accurate as possible to canon. Are there any of you out there willing to aid us in our cause?
  7. Hello fellow consumers of Sanderson investiture. It's been awhile and I believe me, I know I'm late, but I've FINALLY finished(after re-reading WoK) Words. And my gosh, what an amazing book! I can honestly say I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I am enjoying the Stormlight Archive. Back when I initially read WoK(shortly after it's release) I didn't like it that much. It was a good book, but I greatly preferred Mistborn. Now, on my second read through, I loved it easily 10x more, and Words at least twice as much as that. I am heavily anticipating the rest of the Archive, but confess myself concerned. The events of the 1st Scadrial trilogy left me a mess. And the SA is 10x the scope of it...*sigh* Anyway, my reason for posting is this: I have undoubtedly missed important stuff, easter eggs, cameos, etc in my read through. I come to ask you all to share with me stuff you loved most about the series thus far, something you think I should be aware of, or any and all haikus. Thanks in advance!
  8. If she's killed in a host body(using her weakness), her own body dies as well. As for the interference, I agree. (:
  9. Thanks Kobold!(: No she cannot possess animals. As for the whole "can't effect Epics" thing: I did partially put that in their as a safe guard for other people's characters, but I also don't want her to be too over powered. I mean using another Epic like a puppet? That's kinda broken(: Edit: Apologies for the double post, I didn't post my response to Voidus fast enough it seems.
  10. Cool! I could see the two of them get along(:
  11. Her weakness actually traps her in whatever body she's in, making it possible to kill her while in that body. As for the problem of taking over other player's characters, I'll try to avoid it as much as possible, and if I do happen to want to I'd make sure to discuss it with the player before anything happened.
  12. Hey all, I just finished a new character. All thoughts, concerns and questions welcome. Meet Soul: Epic Name: Soul Primary Power: Possession. Soul’s main power is the ability to take control of a person’s body and make it her own. While Possessing another’s form her own body falls into a sort of death-like stasis. In this state her body does not age, require food, water or air. She moves from host to host, staying in a body for as long as she needs or desires. Epics, oddly, have proven immune to her power. Though she has tried many times to Possess one. Humans on the other hand, are very susceptible. With only the strong-willed being able to resist her, and even then only for a short time. Upon the death of the body she is currently inhabiting, her Essence immediately moves to the closest human host. This involuntary “jump” can be very disorienting, rendering her harmless for a short while. The range at which she is able to make a Jump, whether voluntary or not, is speculated to be around a mile. It is unclear what happens to a host’s mind while she is inhabiting them, as none so far have survived the experience. Secondary Power: None. Weakness(es): Pm'd to the GM. Appearance: Changes frequently, the appearance of her own body a closely guarded secret. Name: Alecia Feldren Age: 23 Gender: Female Home City: Minneapolis
  13. I will be making a different character actually. But thank you for the great questions!
  14. Maybe create a Google Doc to store all the info and just link to it in the thread? Idk what's allowed or what's not. Just a suggestion.
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