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About pi_rho_man

  • Birthday June 23

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    Mud of Light
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  1. Buy. If only because I want to have canonical sushi. Ghost bloods are actually cosmere's mailmen. This is why they know so much about the shards, and possess random things from each planet. Their goal is to have unintterupted mail,which is why they're against Odium.
  2. Besides Hoid, who would have the knowledge to just take the darn spike out? Maybe he'll make some vague hint to Shallan after being impaled in the head during some battle. "Beware all people that have strange metal spikes sticking out of their head." "Even you?" "Yes. Even me."
  3. We'll have to wait til Mistborn space era where Sazed makes a Vin mind clone attached to a computer... (Please don't do this Brandon)
  4. Alright. Now, I'll have to write a horrible theory about how the ghostbloods are actually the letter delivers. They're a group of world hoppers, as the post people would have to be. Their hideout in Roshar is one of their offices. That's why so many various world hoppers collect there as well. So far, a great majority of their communications with Shallan has been done with letters. Coincidence? Absolutely not! Now, you might ask why they wanted to get rid of the piece of Odium via Shallan. It's simple. Having a violent investiture flying around isn't safe for postage deliveries. So, they asked her to remove it. How do they know so much about cosmere? Well, second theory, you can bet that they secretly read the letters. Then, with people like Hoid sending letters with plethoras of cosmere knowledge, they end up fairly smart. That, and being in the cognitive realm for a long time lets you become familiar with the trade, so to speak. If this gets confirmed, I will eat a hat.
  5. In the last few books, we've seen letters in the epigraphs. How are they delivered? Take the third letter from Sazed in Oathbringer: From the letter, it seems that Hoid initially delivered the letter to a servant. Since, if it were in person, they could have discussed in person. That seems simple enough. Otherwise, I can't really see how the letter got there. Otherwise, how did Sazed find Hoid considering no one really knows where he is? Maybe he would know he's on Roshar since that's where his fight with Odium is. But, that's vague. It'd seem extremely hard to find *one* person on an entire planet. I mention this letter because it seems the most definitive in terms of who the writer was. We currently only know of one person that holds two shards, let alone opposing ones. Part of me is imagining a giant safe deposit box in the cognitive realm where all letters are placed. But, obviously, that's highly unrealistic. When you have shardic powers, little things like safe deposit boxes would provide no means of secure letters. What are your thoughts? How are letters delivered to recipients across different worlds? (Yes I realize the world hopping part is obvious. But, the exact details otherwise are not to me.)
  6. I constantly imagine a universe in which Gintoki (from Gintama) replaces Kaladin. I could see him going into his wanting to "protect" things rants quite often. Then again, giving Gintoki any form of shard weaponry would be terrifying (but hilarious because he'd still always use his STICK). So... Sadaharu can come and bite heads as usual. Kagura would probably want a personal soul caster for unlimited food. Also, I want to see her get lift esque powers-- metabolizing food into some form of raw power. Hijikata would panic because this universe does not appear to have mayonnaise. A longer list could be constructed, but I'm too lazy for that.. It would be quite amusing, I think!
  7. I wouldn't blame the programmer for an evil robot, I'd blame the person making the specifications for the robot, personally. Although, I'm saying that mostly as a programmer. Blame project management.
  8. The Shard of Pedanticism: Power is gained only through extraordinary application of pedantry. Those fully invested shame their opponents by flashing incriminating details.
  9. Today I asked for three units of lemons in my water. The lemon uprising has commenced. Tut mir Leid!

  10. I think that for the most part FMA is outclassed by Cosmere. Though, watching aon dor vs FMA would be amusing. Especially when it turns more into a drawing war than actual combat. Although, if an allomancer were to join forces, then that could prove fun. Equivalent exchange could supply a decent amount of metals for "free." Mustang would be fun to watch. I'm curious if someone using enough stormlight could out freeze a flame alchemist. Otherwise, I think that a more interesting matchup would be the Hunter x Hunter universe. The would make for some interesting combat in my opinion.
  11. But wouldn't you die of either freezing to death or oxygen deprivation? Perhaps you could also abuse some other powers of storing heat and breath.
  12. Silly question. Should Sazed be able to conjure clowns while holding true to both of his shard's intents? Preservation wants to preserve things. Preservation does not intend to destroy things. Clowns do not inherently destroy things, but they do often cause a degree of chaos to the watchers. This degree of chaos should please ruin.. If so, I propose that Sazed makes a clown army to take on Odium!
  13. Granted. The connection is done through Comcast and it's basically <<1mb/second. Also, the connection has to be reset every five minutes due to some IP or DNS shenanigans. I wish that all birds liked me and didn't fly away if I walk within 50 feet of them.
  14. Well, now I cannot get the imagery out of my mind that Odium is actually a creeper. For, creepers are a representation of the intent Hatred in Minecraft.
  15. The ebook format was made for fans that had not enough strength to handle awesome in a physical format. I read either in a rocking chair while working simultaneously. My friends question how I can read and rock simultaneously. As in, how can I focus on a book with motion? I don't know how, but I find that a reasonably easy task to accomplish. I like to think that when reading Sanderson, I am building both my legs and arms.
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