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    RIP My old Profile (2014-2018)
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    East Coast USA
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    Apart from reading High Fantasy novels?

    Robots, rockets, and control systems

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  1. Happy Birthday! 

  2. There's a lot of discussion that revolves around the idea that "there is no evidence that Kaladin is anything other than straight" Now I don't feel like searching through WoR for this, but there are definitely moments in which Kaladin comments (to himself) on Adolin's physical attractiveness. Perhaps he is looking objectively, or perhaps he is having incredibly graphic thoughts which Brandon shields us from because graphic sex is not a thing that Brandon does, or perhaps he is mildly interested. It's unclear, and we should therefore not rule out this as possible evidence.
  3. Nah it's because he wanted to make Newcago very very Coinshot-friendly.
  4. If this is the thing that Brandon has said is hidden in the maps I swear to god I will be so angry with myself....
  5. User: Brandon Sanderson Rank: Ugly Lizard-Crab-Thing now that's hardly polite!
  6. Well. I am a prelan, I guess. Used to be a Sliver, I think. Hmm...
  7. I'd take Harmony, given the opportunity. Or Honor. Maybe Endowment.
  8. Well. Now it seems I've finished AoL too. That didn't last long. BUT IT WAS SO GOOD.

  9. People refer to themselves as things like "your old master" etc occasionally.
  10. GUESS WHO FINISHED WOR. THIS GUY. (immediately finds his copy of AoL.)

  11. NB: Spoiler tags aren't used in the post for spoilers, but for long chunks of text or meaningless digressions. I haven't seen any full versions of The Reply (unless we have another name for it?) typed up yet, so here's one for reference: Right. Now here we go. So we can be pretty sure, I think, that there was a Hoid before Hoid (who I will henceforth call "Wit" to distinguish him from the other Hoid): Here's what I think: The Letter was written to the Original Hoid ("OH"). Now there's very little evidence for this, I do think that the relationship between Wit and The Recipient of the Letter does seem like a master-apprentice relationship, somewhat. And thus it is my belief that the Letter was written from Wit to OH, or, if you prefer, the Letter was written from Hoid to Hoid. Yep. Attack me.
  12. I have been thinking of it as "The Reply" or "The Letter, Part 2" (despite the inaccuracy of that name)
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